Showing posts with label Current Affairs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Current Affairs. Show all posts

Saturday 30 January 2021

Make America Great Again. Which One?

 What does a Great America look like?

From the beginning Trump's slogan was "Make America Great Again." Many suggested it was code for making America white again. Events over the last four years and the last four weeks make it pretty clear that the suggestion was accurate.

Biden's slogan is "Build Back Better". What does better mean? Presumably whatever he does will simply be better than what Trump promised, but did not deliver. Let's repeat that - did NOT deliver. We never did see the long awaited, "just around the corner" replacement for the Affordable Care Act or any cheques (checks for some) from the Bank of Mexico.

A recently revealed rant by Marjorie Taylor Greene told some to go back where they came from because they were ruining the great country that "we" built. One has to question her own contribution to that build but that is another story.

And to those who just love to scream, what is it that you have to "take back" that gives you the right to murder and destroy?

What America are people talking about?

- The one in which the oh-so-holy Jim and Tammy bilked their "congregation" out of tens of millions of dollars?
- Maybe the one where parents have to dread the day when they go to pick up their kids only to find that once again some dingbat exercising his gun rights slaughtered those kids? Yeah we know - it's not the gun's fault.
- Perhaps the one that is proud of the Jonestown mass suicide or the Branch Davidian suicide in Waco?
- The one where two famous brothers in the Kennedy family might have a question or two about the greatness of America and some of its citizens?
- In a city where those who have lost their jobs, are hungry and possibly freezing on the street who probably resent the family of four down the block hunkered down in their 15,000 square foot mansion with its three furnaces and two swimming pools on ten plush acres?
- The dogs and horses put down or left to die because they can't race or fight anymore? Good thing they can't speak up.
- Poor students who had the marks but were denied entry to famous schools because some rich celebrities bumped them for their own dumb kids using bribes?
- Lots, Lots more examples.

Or is it This America? The one where:

- Every citizen has equal rights and opportunities?
- A black boy grew up to become the President and a black girl The Vice President?
- Superior technology and will built great companies providing millions of jobs and some of the world's greatest products?
- There is still ample untapped wealth for all to enjoy their lives in relative prosperity?
- The country is willing to go to bat for other people in the world and often lend a helping hand?
- It is possible to come to the country LEGALLY to enjoy those same opportunities?
- You can practice your religion of choice or none at all?
- Truth is still preferred over lies?
- Political parties and politicians work FOR the people - ALL of them?

I know which one I hope re-emerges. Too bad the citizens themselves don't.


Thursday 28 January 2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene Calling for Executions. Really?

American Extremism Growing 

If this is not shocking, what is? A woman who is now part of Congress prior to her election called for the execution of American Democratic leaders including a bullet to the head of Nancy Pelosi! 

How is this person still in office? Is this really what American Conservatives want? The scary part is that since many of the people who voted for her must have been aware of this, some of this would give a YES answer.

Her call like so many who pledge allegiance to The Donald is once again that she wants to "save" or "take back" her country. If you ask "from what?" the reply is standard - Socialism. Most who shout that probably don't really know what it means. They could be crying "Communism" but one of their own - Joseph McCarthy - already tried that and failed.

How many others in the American government feel the same way? How many would turn a blind eye or even support such actions if they happened? Today if you are a part of a visible minority or culture and you:

- want a chance at living the American Dream
- want to run for office
- dare to beat your white colleagues at any of these
- are not a Republican
- do not believe every one of Trump's lies
- show any support whatsoever for Joe Biden
- know or even express an opinion that the election was legitimate

you should be executed. In America - Land of the free - and of the "brave."

It is a good thing for her that all Americans who understand freedom don't feel the same way about her. Yet.


Tuesday 5 January 2021

#Racism Still Alive in America

 The #Wealthiest One Percent Will Never Change

Today is a big day in the American State of Georgia. Its vote for two senators will determine whether Democrats will be able to dominate during the initial Biden administration. This along with the Covid-19 tragedy is dominating American media.

The focus has changed many times in the four years under Trump but most of it was on The Donald, created by The Donald. We all know that. None of it gets to the real issues in America, even Covid.

The real issues, and I narrow them down to two, have not changed in decades. 

1). I read that 0ne percent of the population hold 35% of the nation's wealth. They will do whatever they have to in order to keep it. Think billionaires and multi, multi millionaires. Add in the next 19% and the total is 51%. The exact figures don't matter. The order of magnitude is what is important.

Some of these inherited the wealth. Do they deserve it? What part did they play? That is for another topic. Very few of the rest could have earned their wealth without the nation's infrastructure to build their businesses (gas, electricity, clean water, sewers, roads and bridges, airports, marine ports, telecommunications) and advantaged tax systems. The problem here is that we all pay for those services through our taxes. They will claim the same thing except that their companies can then write it off. We can't, and by comparison we use a very small percentage.

They do not want to share it. The more obscene is their wealth, the greedier they become. Apologies to the few exceptions like Bill Gates.

2). Racism. The same group in 1) hate the gradual browning of America. They especially do not want to share the wealth with anyone non-white. It is well disguised but still there. There are lots of people who do not feel this way - even some rich white folks on both sides of the political divide. But I am addressing problems here, not the nice to haves. 

So who does still harbour such feelings? We all know a couple of groups. Trump and his base and all the gutless Republicans who back him no matter what. Many others for sure.

We are told that some 74,000,000 voted for Trump. Apparently all of those votes were 100% legitimate. Why are Republicans not questioning them? For sure there are a lot of unhappy voters, fed up with voting and politics as usual. Biden must make some changes. Trump however, was the wrong answer. That was cutting off a foot to cure an ingrown toenail. 

This is not unique to America. The concern should be that wherever those like Trump were unopposed, treacherous dictators rose to power willing to kill and torture anyone who then got in their way. America still has a chance to do something about it.

Over to you Joe and Kamela.



Wednesday 16 December 2020

Cyber Spying and Hacking Alive and Well in the U.S. Government

 007 Was More Fun But This Is Real

I was just reading about what is purportedly a major case of cyber hacking into Federal Government departments and systems. Supposedly this is one of the most serious ever and the attacker is once again alleged to be Russia.

Is either Trump or Biden addressing this? I have not heard much about it. It seems to me that it should be right up there with COVID 19; right and left winged extremism; restoring faith in elections; Iran; North Korea; environment; and China as major challenges for America.

According to one Associated Press article Trump fired some major players and eliminated positions which addressed this. If there isn't already there should be major push for more  dollars to be spent fighting this and a key person should report right to the top. If this is already part of the National Security Advisor's position then they are failing.

In one area Trump was right. Billions of dollars are spent so that American forces can protect other areas of the world. Others should definitely pay their share. The issue here is what is America doing with its savings?

Cyber Security is one area in which more should be spent. America should be the leader here. One can only hope that she has her own surreptitious code inside the governmental systems of her enemies and is indeed doing a better job than they are. Unfortunately we can never really hear about that. When we hear about terrorist plots being foiled before they occur, it gives us hope. Unfortunately when we also hear that others like Russia already have stolen mountains of confidential materials from inside supposedly secure federal and state systems, how can Americans feel safe and protected?

Over to you Joe. What are you and Kamela going to do about it? Talk doesn't cut it. If you can send someone to the moon, surely you can protect your own data. I bet China can. That was first and only then are they taking moon shots.


Friday 11 December 2020

3 Party System for America

 Is it Time for a #NewParty in U.S. Politics?

I say the answer is yes. A #threeparty system is long overdue.

All the arguments I outline below are the usual reasons most people reject the idea. It can get out of hand. Look at Italy for example where there are more elections than you can count. Perhaps there should be a limit of three in America. Another possibility is to place minimums on the popular vote attained. For example if party "A" fails to get X percent of that vote in two elections in succession it can no longer participate in a third election..

This is like black and white film and TV. There was only so much you could do with it. As soon as colour came along brand new avenues of innovation opened up for directors and producers.

The Tea Party was a bad example of a new party but demonstrated how it will shake up the other two.

Let's assume after Trump leaves office and most people know this is inevitable, he forms a new party. A couple of things will happen. We pretty much know what it will look like and stand for as depicted by Trump and his base. It might attract a few staunch Republicans and even some disenchanted Democrats (doubtful) but I doubt in any large numbers. People voted for Trump to shake up the status quo in Washington. He did. They just got more red neck extremism than they anticipated. His base does not consist of traditional Republicans.

Perhaps a Mitt Romney or a John Kasich could re-establish a more central conservative new Republican party. I suggest a name change. That would attract many former Republicans and maybe some central Democrats thereby weakening any new Trump party and the Democrats. If this happened the existing GOP would likely crumble. This might also give a needed excuse for those spineless big R Republicans who are afraid of Trump to leave him and try to join the new party. They would still have a lot of "splainin" to do. In my opinion they should be put out to pasture.

Any new party is bound to attract new and younger talent, candidates, ideas, and ideals. This is what America needs. It will split the existing vote. Old guard career Senators and Congressmen/women will have to work far harder for their positions. The electorate will also be younger and tired of the McConnells and Grahams on the Hill. Younger people - well educated or not, smell bullshit when it is in abundance as it is now.

Everyone will have to work a lot harder and live up to their promises if they ever want to get a majority. By the same token minority governments force opposing sides to reach across the aisle to get anything passed. This effect will not only come into play at the Presidential level but in both houses of Congress.

Personally I think this is far better for the voters in a democracy. Generally, if it is tougher for the politicians, it is better for the voters. They are after all footing the bill.

Too many career politicians forget for whom they are supposed to be working. It is never supposed to be for themselves.


Sunday 23 August 2020

The True Spirit of the Republican and Democratic Parties

What's in a Name?

If you look in the archives of both parties, you will find the etymology for the name of each - R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-A-N and D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T-I-C. They are both short forms. Each long form says a lot about the party in question.

(FYI: This IS fake news but don't tell you-know-who)

R - Rambunctious (Red-neck had not been coined yet)
E - Extroverted
P - Providential
U - Unadulterated
B - Bigots
L - Lacking
I - Impartiality
C - Contrition
A - And
N - Neutrality

D - Dogmatic
E - Energetic
M - Mishmash
O - Of
C - Caring
R - Rambling
A - Angelic
T - Theoretic
I - Idealistic
C - Cheerleaders

If you think this really is fake news and not just tongue in cheek humour, you need to get a life.

How about some of yours?


Friday 17 April 2020

Social Media the Road Rage of the Internet

Chill Out People!

I was just following a chat session about something currently making the news - Biden
naming a VP. Some things never change.

In about the 3rd chat, a couple of nameless parties started going at it. Out came the accusations and the hate - name calling that the same individuals would probably lack the guts to utter in person. That has always been the case - from early emails, to early social media sites, to Facebook, Twitter etc.

It is like so-called road rage.  People are really brave and at their worst as long as they can stay in their cars and make a getaway! If they are so tough then they should have a real user ID and let people know where they are. After all the subjects that trigger these things - usually politicians - are out there in public and take it all in stride - well OK, maybe not POTUS.

That was the beauty of hard print like newspapers. You had to pass a smell test before an editor published you. Nameless comment brings out the worst in people.

Chill out people. Say what you have to say but leave the smell and bitterness behind.


Thursday 19 March 2020

Tissue the New Issue

Toilet Paper - Soon Worth More Than Oil, Gold, or Printer Ink

There used to be a joke about virginity - "A big issue over a small tissue!" That still applies today but the tissue in question is toilet paper. It is now more rare than the former!

A present for Biden:

Caesar ruled the land.
With a sword and a very strong hand.
In senate charade he was felled by the blade
Of a friend and his traitorous band

When normally sleeping in bed,
Abe Lincoln one evening instead,
Took in a play - John Booth spoiled his day.
Shot Abe in the back of the head.

John F.K. lost his life,
Leading a world full of strife.
A fatal cascade in a Dallas parade
Left him dying in the arms of his wife.

Killing your leader is wrong
In America so grand and strong.
Biden's new caper - hoard all toilet paper.
No POTUS will last very long.

Today I found a 12-pack - better than beer!


Sunday 15 March 2020

Time to Implement Rationing During Corona Fever

It Was Necessary in Previous Wars. How About This One?

People are going nuts. Supermarket shelves are more empty than I have ever seen due to panic and selfish buying. So much for all of us pulling together.

My parents used to tell me about rationing during the war. Metals and certain food basics were simply not available. They all went to soldiers and the war machine. I don't know for sure but if there were black markets, those caught were no doubt punished and treated with disgust.

That is what I now feel when I see people at the cashier with an entire cart full of something like hand sanitizer, toilet paper, bread or even meat - every man and woman for themselves apparently. Children be damned. Meanwhile ten people behind them have nothing. It is not quite at the Boxing Day level with fighting yet but I expect it soon will be.

Perhaps now the governments should quickly legislate against this and direct the stores to support and enforce the rules. Place a limit on these vital items like 2 packages each or even one in some cases. Cashiers should be instructed not to cash out any more than that. Today, POS devices (electronic cash registers) could be programmed to enforce this. Some will try to come back for more or send family members but it would be an improvement over the current situation.

Sometimes when people act like children that is how you have to treat them. Logic, reason, and sharing are not working.

Sad but true.


Wednesday 11 March 2020

Best Corona Article by Colin Berkshire

Read This COVID-19 Article People. Then Get Some Sleep

This is by far the best article I have read on the #COVID-19 virus. Read ALL of it:

Thank you Colin Berkshire. If people would read this and follow it the Markets and general health of people would be a lot better off. Take note of the advice about masks. I have been saying this myself. A virus will pass right through a mask and some will collect in it.

If posting this helps just a few of my readers feel better then I have accomplished something. Thank you again W.R. for posting it on Facebook.


Monday 9 March 2020

More Snake Oil for Corona COVID-19 From Jim Bakker

This Guy Did Not Learn His Lesson

Have a look at this: Scroll to the end.

Many won't recognize this character but more probably will. He was sent to prison for fraud years ago after bilking millions from innocent believers and now look what he is up to. He even cried when they took him away years ago - not crying now.

The AG of New York has apparently sent a cease and desist order to Jim Bakker ordering him to stop promoting “Silver Solution” as a remedy for the coronavirus. Google Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker if you want to know more about him. She passed away.

Next he will be offering stays in (now defunct) Heritage USA to be cleansed and sanitised in luxury. You might even enjoy Tammy Faye's sprit singing to you. It would not surprise me.

Some people will demonstrate the worst of our human character when others are desperate. This is another example. 

As a suggestion if a corporation really wants to be a good citizen then any who manufacture masks and sanitizers should make efforts to get people to stop hoarding them. How about REDUCING the price and asking retailers to limit quantities to each customer? 

Unfortunately on the mask topic there is a mixed message here. Some authorities were saying that they don't really work when you walk around breathing through them. They are meant more for those already infected so that their breath, sneezes, and coughs don't go directly into the air. Also if you wear them too long they can possibly collect the virus as it is being filtered making the person wearing the mask sick.

The problem here is that in the next sentence they will ask that the masks be left for care givers who need them. I assume the caregivers are not sick and hence not spewing out the virus. On the other hand how can they protect care givers against intake by wearing them but not citizens on the street? 

This needs clarification.

Let me close by observing once again that most people are still sneezing and coughing into the air. They are also not washing hands properly, holding or rubbing them very briefly under the tap with no soap.

Jimmy boy is not the only one who has not learned a lesson yet.


Thursday 27 February 2020

Corona Virus COVID-19

Can You Name 5-6 COVID-19 Precautions?

I have seen simple precautions we should all be taking now, published in many places, to help limit the spread of this potential killer and to help prevent contracting it.

I could list them here but you should look them up and PRACTICE them. I shake my head when I see people violating the obvious ones every day. I try to follow them, but even as I write I just scratched my eye and the side of my face. This is a no-no.

Every Seinfeld fan probably remembers the episode with his girlfriend's father. He owns a restaurant and cooks in it. While Jerry washes his hands at the sink in the men's room he sees the father leave a cubicle after doing his "business" and head straight out the door, tainted hands and all. He then handles Jerry's food with his bare hands.

I can't believe the number of times I have witnessed this very act (without the food prep. I hope.) The majority of men after using a urinal only hold their fingers under water for a few seconds and then wipe them thereby polluting the towel dispenser or the door handle! I hope women are better.

People sneeze, cough, pick their noses and bite their nails constantly. What chance do we have when all of these habits will spread it and anything else?

Here are a few more ideas :

- Perhaps this is happening already but employers should take the initiative and emphasize to all staff that coming to work if they show any symptoms of illness IS NOT AN OPTION and they will not suffer loss of pay.
- We should all be calling out the sneezers, those not washing hands etc.
- How about posting anonymous videos of violators. Maybe fear of being caught will work.
- Wearing surgical or other rubber gloves will help protect you (but will still spread the virus when gloves touch surfaces IF this virus is spread by contacting surfaces.)
- Don't shake hands or even fist pump.

- For sure don't do the kissy cheek thing
- Come down really hard on violators of safe hygiene practices in restaurants, bars, and pubs

- Don't have any form of sex under any circumstances. OK just testing to see if you are still with me.

Another thought: When we get over this, it seems to me there is a fortune to be made using today's technology by developing devices for the future. Here are some to get started:

- Move to making all doors touchless open / close by default
- Keep developing speech driven PCs and other electronic devices to eliminate finger use
- Make all washrooms touchless for washing, drying, door opening/closing including cubicles, tissue dispensing. We are making progress here. Same goes for showers and lockers in gyms and sporting facilities.
- Provide and encourage use of touchless hand sanitizers on public vehicles and private shopping facilities
- Research and develop efficient sanitizing devices (like UV) for virtually any surfaces. Use them for all personal devices and for cleaning your home, office, car, hotels etc.
- Make government awards available for developing such items

Feel free to comment below with any other ideas. This is serious stuff.



Sunday 26 January 2020

Kobe Bryant and Gianna

A Tiny Bit of Positive, in a Horrible Tragedy

I don't follow sports but I knew the name and his celebrity as a basketball star. Now I even know the name of one of his daughter's.

Many are probably castigating me right now for the heading "Tiny Bit of Positive" for such a sad event. I understand but please read on.

The Bit of Positive to which I refer is simply that such an event involving a famous person makes us realize:

  1. Such a horrible thing can and does happen to ANYONE, even ourselves.
  2. Several families suffered here
  3. Such events can happen in the next 5 seconds, today, tomorrow - anytime.
  4. There is nothing we can do to prevent them.
  5. Celebrities and their loved ones grieve just like us.
  6. Live for today because tomorrow might never happen.
  7. Be damned appreciative that this has not yet happened to you or those you love (if that is the case) and make every minute with them count.
Having expressed that, my heart goes out to all of those who knew and loved all of these people because above all that is what we lost - people.

We will never know why this happened - not the technical causes - but why now, and why this, and why them. Religion and faith have no real answers.

It's called life and sometimes it really sucks.

The Brewster

Saturday 11 January 2020

Iran and the Plane

Who is Covering Up Now?

I could write, as have others, many pieces about Trump and the U.S. and their role in all of this. None of it is good. I loved the quotes on CNN- verifiable - of DJT while Obama was POTUS predicting that Obama would play "The Iran Card" and start a war so he - Barack - could be re-elected. "Ironic" does not do it justice.

But let's look at the other side now. Some Islamic leaders have justified beheading and other horrific acts in the past as fighting the enemy - meaning any non-believers. Other more moderate leaders have said Islam is all about peace. We all hope so and know many peace loving Muslims.

But what do the leaders of Iran who also are the political leaders of their government in this non-secular country say about this murder of so many innocents? How is that justified? I understand an objective of removing American forces from your country and the Middle East. I can even understand the hatred of the idea that foreign governments think they have the right to force their ways and beliefs upon you.

But what role did those 176 passengers play? Why did you deny it and try to cover it up by cleaning up the site? The big question to me is why the perpetrator(s) would attack what is obviously a commercial jet taking off from Iran? Were they extremists trying to cause the Iranian regime massive problems at the passengers' expense?

One more point. What does Ukrainian President Zelensky whom Trump was so eager to "help" prior to his impeachment, think of his American friend now? Thankfully he probably has too much tact to try to make this tragedy any worse for the families of those lost. I wonder what DJT would do in similar circumstances? 

Oh good - I have just seen that Iran has apologized. Now what are they going to do about it?

The Brewster

Monday 25 November 2019

Is USA Still a Democracy?

What is Democracy Today?

When people think about modern democratic counties one of the first on the list is America. My understanding of their system is that each branch of government (legislative, executive, judicial) is equal as outlined in Articles 1, 2, and 3 of their constitution respectively.

I am not a political science graduate or student but the situation in the good old U.S. of A. makes me pose some profound questions.

- What happens when one of the three like the executive (Trump) ignores this?
- If he refuses to comply with subpoenas or "forbids" his associates from doing so, what courses of action are there?
- I have heard that it can go to the Supreme Court for a decision but what if THAT is ignored? It seems to me that they are already at such a divide. Donald Trump sees himself as a dictator and acts accordingly.
- If a General tries to have him physically removed, since Trump is the Supreme Commander is that not a Coup d'Etat?
- Would such a General then be charged?
- If the VP takes over can he pardon such a General?
- Is there anyone who can be relied upon to tell the truth anymore come what may?
- Is it really true that lies mean nothing to anyone these days?
- Do high ranking Republicans really think their man has done nothing wrong or have they simply sold their souls for a job and a pension?
- Do they really want such a disgusting individual to represent their beloved country?

I suppose many other states have gone through similar turmoil but once a strongman takes over by force, it is very hard to remove him. The people eventually accept this as a new norm and rarely revolt.

America once helped with these efforts if it was in their best interest. Who will help them?

The Brewster

Saturday 11 May 2019

What's Wrong With North America?

North American Democracy is Flawed

Do a search on your favourite online engine for the top democracies in the world. Those I found did not include America, Canada, or the U.K. Consistently high were Scandinavian countries, Belgium, New Zealand, and Austria. Generally I would observe that those countries that were once part of the British Empire and its colonialist policies are not on these lists.

Why is this? I can only guess, so here are some of my thoughts.

Firstly I notice that most of these countries are known to be peaceful and non-aggressive. If they were once it was long ago. Perhaps they learned their lessons. Generally they are not strong militarily - certainly not "super powers" - willing to annihilate thousands of innocent people for their own selfish needs.

If you do a similar search for standards of living you will find many of the same countries. Canada does do well here but I suspect that will be short-lived and I am a Canadian.

In these countries people just seem to be much happier. There is a true middle class where everyone gets a piece of the pie. The less fortunate are well cared for. These countries also have long histories that make us in the west look like infants, troubled teens, or just self-centred brats.

Scandinavian countries have had more stringent immigration policies than North America. It seems that limiting who gets to live there is a factor. It is hard to swallow but maybe we need to be more selective ourselves.

The traditional American Dream has become the American Nightmare. The model is broken. The great country that many elsewhere see only exists in Disneyland and Hollywood. Coming here to live such a dream is quite another matter. America has become a great place to live if you are filthy rich but only a very few hold this status. One of the largest problems is that these people whose families have always found a way to create and keep wealth used to rely on the middle class to work for them. Now technology does most of that. They make more and we make less if we have a job at all. One thing is the same. They and their businesses still require the physical infrastructures that we have all paid for and are still paying for. The rich have simply learned how to take personal advantage of them.

The best way to sum it up for me is that our culture breeds greed - purely and simply. Look out for number one. Grab what you can before somebody else does.

There are indeed wealthy families in other places. Sweden boasts the founders of Ikea and Abba who I am sure are both very rich. They truly earned their wealth. I wonder if the Swedish population places people - sometimes unworthy or despicable people - on a pedestal like us? Do they spend their evenings watching the Hollywood or Kardashian types that we do? I would guess not. They seem to have a national pride and mutual self respect that is more than just words.

I think the golden years are over. The '50s, '60s, and '70s with lots of well paying jobs requiring little education are gone. China and India will produce the cheap goods if America can not.

If we want to solve problems for our kids and their futures we should start to emulate other countries without the crime, the guns and weapons of mass destruction, the obscene wealth, and the crooked politicians. A free democracy should foster a mentality in which those who find the knack of becoming wealthy use it not just to accumulate more for themselves, but to assist those who at least want to work hard for a decent life. The North American model of capitalism does the opposite. The dream has become survival of the fittest; might makes right; and bugger thy neighbour.

We should start now.

The Brewster

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Judge chooses rights over right

Don't even think about reporting that body in my trunk - not in Canada!

Recently a  Canadian judge dismissed a weapons charge because he was annoyed over an officer's testimony as to why he stopped a vehicle. During the stop a loaded weapon was spotted on the floor and 2 occupants were arrested. As a result a man with a record got away with yet another gun crime and no doubt will again. Such judgements raise several questions. Why can R.I.D.E. (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) programs target any vehicle randomly when there is usually no prior reason to believe each driver had been drinking? Does this mean that if an officer pulls over a car because it is being driven erratically but in the process discovers a body or person gagged and bound in the back seat or trunk, that charges against the driver will be dropped? Such decisions are usually intended to prevent targeting visible minorities but when illegal weapons or drugs are found this should trump "rights". If nothing is found, then reprimand or punish the officer but don't let a gun holder go free! This officer should be cheered, not chastised.
The Brewster

Monday 15 April 2019

Doug Ford's Carbon Tax Sign of the Times

If you haven’t looked at Ford lately, look again.

Yes that is borrowed from the motor company. I couldn't resist.

Recently Ontario Premier Doug Ford et al announced something new in their renowned efforts to work for the little guy and make the province open for business. Apparently between dollar beers, he had a Eureka moment and announced that what we really need is a new Ontario Licence plate - painted Tory blue naturally. On it there will also be a new slogan, creating at our expense a visible legacy to himself. Nothing like spending more money - OUR money - to trim the fat.

That is bad enough but what followed lowers his disregard for the public and common sense below the level of the current U.S. President.

Now to protest the Canadian federal government's carbon tax policies ("Federal Carbon Tax Transparency Act") Ontario gas stations have to display on all pumps a sticker that protests this new tax. Corporations could face fines of up to $10,000 per day for not displaying the stickers.

This is incredible.

What will be next? Will homeowners face daily fines for not displaying a Conservative sign on their lawn during the next election? Doug give your head a shake - that is after you extract it from … wherever it is now!

The Brewster

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Huffman and Loughlin Scandal Tip of the Iceberg

Doctor of Philanthropy

For anyone who missed it there is a current scandal in America about rich people buying entrance to high profile schools for their kids.

I have coined a new phrase : Doctor of Philanthropy! Is this the other PhD we never hear about? It is said that if you have money you can pretty well buy anything. Surely this is just another example. Several questions are raised here.

Would you do the same for your kid if you could - if you thought that you would never be caught? I suspect there will be many silent affirmatives being mumbled upon reading this. To me the biggest sin of all is that you would really not be doing your child any favour. You WOULD be teaching them your own underhanded methods but that is hardly a virtue. Let us not forget that those who accepted the money for their own greedy purposes share the level of depravity of the "donors". No, they are worse - they could have reported it.

Are those who make huge donations and scholarships to elite schools any more noble? Even if the funds were put to a good use it still depends on whether unqualified children - academically or athletically - gained entrance when it was not deserved.

Is this just one of the more base characteristics of our often lauded North American life style? The fact is this type of thing goes on everywhere and always has. It happens in democracies; dictatorships (often to save your life); corporations; and yes, religious hierarchies. I wonder how many heads were saved back in the days of Henry VIII via financial donations?

Is this sour grapes on my part and many others? Probably but if I had the millions I still think I would make sure they earned whatever they got through hard work and study.

Does hard earned money verses that gained in a slightly easier fashion affect your core values? People like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates built empires, wealth, jobs, and something of true value. Warren built opportunities and Bill built products. Would they do this for their kids? On the other hand those who receive millions for their "celebrity" status or athletic ability in many cases have only attained wealth for themselves. When they are gone, they might leave memories and adoration but do they give back to the society that made them rich? Some do - the late Arnold Palmer comes to mind. I doubt he would be facing charges like those currently in the media.

I don't have an answer to any of this. Welcome to Democracy where you can buy your kid a future and I can rant like this! Only in America? I doubt it.

The Brewster

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Hats off to New Zealand and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

We need more like her.

Hats off to the Prime Minister of New Zealand for the mature and sober manner in which she has handled this horrible incident.

A small country living in relative peace and obscurity and she has given her peer world leaders a lesson in what Premiers, Presidents, and Prime Ministers are expected to do - what we elected them to do - LEAD!

I hope she can follow through on the gun legislation because I can think of another leader and country that badly needs more examples to follow.

This tragic event demonstrates once again that more women on the world stage would be an asset - not a liability! Male egos have messed up this planet long enough.

The Brewster