We need more like her.
Hats off to the Prime Minister of New Zealand for the mature and sober manner in which she has handled this horrible incident.A small country living in relative peace and obscurity and she has given her peer world leaders a lesson in what Premiers, Presidents, and Prime Ministers are expected to do - what we elected them to do - LEAD!
I hope she can follow through on the gun legislation because I can think of another leader and country that badly needs more examples to follow.
This tragic event demonstrates once again that more women on the world stage would be an asset - not a liability! Male egos have messed up this planet long enough.
The Brewster
yes - so right! - on several accounts. But of course Trump was never going to follow her example. He's an example of one of those male egos that have messed up this planet.
Thanks Brummie. Did that one some time ago. Now she has announced that she is leaving. Too bad.
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