Thursday 27 February 2020

Corona Virus COVID-19

Can You Name 5-6 COVID-19 Precautions?

I have seen simple precautions we should all be taking now, published in many places, to help limit the spread of this potential killer and to help prevent contracting it.

I could list them here but you should look them up and PRACTICE them. I shake my head when I see people violating the obvious ones every day. I try to follow them, but even as I write I just scratched my eye and the side of my face. This is a no-no.

Every Seinfeld fan probably remembers the episode with his girlfriend's father. He owns a restaurant and cooks in it. While Jerry washes his hands at the sink in the men's room he sees the father leave a cubicle after doing his "business" and head straight out the door, tainted hands and all. He then handles Jerry's food with his bare hands.

I can't believe the number of times I have witnessed this very act (without the food prep. I hope.) The majority of men after using a urinal only hold their fingers under water for a few seconds and then wipe them thereby polluting the towel dispenser or the door handle! I hope women are better.

People sneeze, cough, pick their noses and bite their nails constantly. What chance do we have when all of these habits will spread it and anything else?

Here are a few more ideas :

- Perhaps this is happening already but employers should take the initiative and emphasize to all staff that coming to work if they show any symptoms of illness IS NOT AN OPTION and they will not suffer loss of pay.
- We should all be calling out the sneezers, those not washing hands etc.
- How about posting anonymous videos of violators. Maybe fear of being caught will work.
- Wearing surgical or other rubber gloves will help protect you (but will still spread the virus when gloves touch surfaces IF this virus is spread by contacting surfaces.)
- Don't shake hands or even fist pump.

- For sure don't do the kissy cheek thing
- Come down really hard on violators of safe hygiene practices in restaurants, bars, and pubs

- Don't have any form of sex under any circumstances. OK just testing to see if you are still with me.

Another thought: When we get over this, it seems to me there is a fortune to be made using today's technology by developing devices for the future. Here are some to get started:

- Move to making all doors touchless open / close by default
- Keep developing speech driven PCs and other electronic devices to eliminate finger use
- Make all washrooms touchless for washing, drying, door opening/closing including cubicles, tissue dispensing. We are making progress here. Same goes for showers and lockers in gyms and sporting facilities.
- Provide and encourage use of touchless hand sanitizers on public vehicles and private shopping facilities
- Research and develop efficient sanitizing devices (like UV) for virtually any surfaces. Use them for all personal devices and for cleaning your home, office, car, hotels etc.
- Make government awards available for developing such items

Feel free to comment below with any other ideas. This is serious stuff.



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