Tuesday, 5 January 2021

#Racism Still Alive in America

 The #Wealthiest One Percent Will Never Change

Today is a big day in the American State of Georgia. Its vote for two senators will determine whether Democrats will be able to dominate during the initial Biden administration. This along with the Covid-19 tragedy is dominating American media.

The focus has changed many times in the four years under Trump but most of it was on The Donald, created by The Donald. We all know that. None of it gets to the real issues in America, even Covid.

The real issues, and I narrow them down to two, have not changed in decades. 

1). I read that 0ne percent of the population hold 35% of the nation's wealth. They will do whatever they have to in order to keep it. Think billionaires and multi, multi millionaires. Add in the next 19% and the total is 51%. The exact figures don't matter. The order of magnitude is what is important.

Some of these inherited the wealth. Do they deserve it? What part did they play? That is for another topic. Very few of the rest could have earned their wealth without the nation's infrastructure to build their businesses (gas, electricity, clean water, sewers, roads and bridges, airports, marine ports, telecommunications) and advantaged tax systems. The problem here is that we all pay for those services through our taxes. They will claim the same thing except that their companies can then write it off. We can't, and by comparison we use a very small percentage.

They do not want to share it. The more obscene is their wealth, the greedier they become. Apologies to the few exceptions like Bill Gates.

2). Racism. The same group in 1) hate the gradual browning of America. They especially do not want to share the wealth with anyone non-white. It is well disguised but still there. There are lots of people who do not feel this way - even some rich white folks on both sides of the political divide. But I am addressing problems here, not the nice to haves. 

So who does still harbour such feelings? We all know a couple of groups. Trump and his base and all the gutless Republicans who back him no matter what. Many others for sure.

We are told that some 74,000,000 voted for Trump. Apparently all of those votes were 100% legitimate. Why are Republicans not questioning them? For sure there are a lot of unhappy voters, fed up with voting and politics as usual. Biden must make some changes. Trump however, was the wrong answer. That was cutting off a foot to cure an ingrown toenail. 

This is not unique to America. The concern should be that wherever those like Trump were unopposed, treacherous dictators rose to power willing to kill and torture anyone who then got in their way. America still has a chance to do something about it.

Over to you Joe and Kamela.



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