Showing posts with label 2024 US Election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2024 US Election. Show all posts

Friday, 23 August 2024

RNC vs. DNC is like Night and Day

Going to vote RED? Shake your Head!

WOW! That's all I can say after watching all four nights of the Democratic National Convention. I also watched the Republican convention. The contrast was stark. As a Canadian I can't vote, but I can't imagine anyone voting Trump - except the groupies who seem to have their heads buried in the sand - or somewhere. Just consider that prominent Republicans - the REAL Republicans - including Geoff Duncan and Adam Kinzinger - plus several more were there to endorse Kamala!

For those old enough to remember, this was the Woodstock of modern American politics!

I thought the energy at the Republican convention would be hard to beat. This was a Slam Dunk for the Dems! Every keynote speaker was phenomenal. I knew it would happen - Barack would get in one of the best Trump zingers - Trump's weird obsession with crowd sizes, evoking memories of Trump bragging falsely that his inauguration speech had the biggest crowds ever. The entire world saw how false that was. It was so great I have to include a link here from Global News:

Remember - the single speaker everyone remembers from the RNC was Hulk Hogan! Really? He sounded and looked like Hulk Hogan - over the hill. He was the perfect symbolic representation of Trump.

To top it all off, Trump immediately started to wine about how "those people" were getting personal about him! Donald Trump - who spends most of his time name-calling and mocking others - upset about others getting personal? That is like Don Rickles moaning that someone else made a joke about him - perhaps a poor comparison since Rickles was obviously very clever.

But the Big Kahuna was Kamala herself. Comparing The Donald's acceptance and Kamala's, there can be no question - NONE, zip, zilch, zero - who was more Presidential. It is like comparing brussel sprouts to fine chocolate. Damn - another bad simile. Brussel sprouts are actually healthy and good for you.

That other guy is not.

Saturday, 27 July 2024

British Anti-Trump Wit at its Best!

A Brit Fights the War of Independence - from Trump - Again!

Sometimes you come across an article which is so well written you have to share it. I just received this one in an email (yes I still use email). Only a Brit. could pen this. There was another some months ago - possibly the same writer - but this one is more than enough. Thank you Nate White (London Daily). Some Americans won't get the British humour but read this piece See the link below.

For certain many around the world have had similar thoughts. I have addressed some of them myself but am no match for the cleverness you will read with Nate.

You must have seen and laughed aloud at some of the Walmart videos that make the rounds. Typically they show Walmart shoppers wandering the store or parking lot looking more atrocious than most people could imagine. My feelings of "How could you even go out your front door looking like that?" are as close as I can come to "How could you possibly vote for that man?" As Nate points out, "man" might be inappropriate.

Broad brushing an entire group is usually wrong and I try to avoid it. We have all heard in disbelief the MAGA base and Trump himself say that he could shoot somebody in Time Square and still get their vote. The same goes for mocking the disabled or raping a woman.

It is probably worse. Trump could walk up to 6 of his most loyal base members and shoot 3 of THEM. The others would still vote for him. There is only one explanation for that and I won't go there. Nate already covered it. The balance of the MAGA voters are indeed capable of thinking and voting with cause - not one others could ever agree with - but cause just the same.

Non-Americans like me and Nate will never vote in America's elections but that gives all of us an ability and perspective to think outside the box. Here the box is that experiment called the United States.

If you conduct experiments, common sense is usually enough to avoid disaster. Fictitiously in Jekyll and Hyde, the good doctor drank his own potion - not a good idea. Franklin supposedly sent a kite up into a storm to learn more about electricity (this is not proven). If he had he probably would have died. Frankenstein created a monster by hooking it up to electrodes.

America: don't hook up those electrodes a second time!


Search for "Nate White on Trump" 

Saturday, 20 July 2024

Go Joe! A Double Entendre like no other!

Should Biden Step Down?

If you are a Biden fan The chant "Go Joe" could mean two things: you are voicing your support for him to stay on to beat Trump and the destruction he will bring; or the "Joe Must Go" version you hear from Trump fans - time for him to leave.

(By the way Hulkster - as you portrayed such a vivid and embarrassing example of the American Dream on stage, just what the hell is a "Real American"? Is that you? Your country is in trouble for sure!)

When you are involved in any fashion with the office of The President, you are in a high stakes game from the get go. In the office itself, you can destroy the country and the world. Naturally, you can also have a tremendously beneficial effect on both as well. Now put yourselves in the position of being on the staff of the President - new positions he or she creates, or existing ones. Also consider being family members.

In the case of Trump we saw a great division. Many in his administration - on camera - testified how corrupt and unlawful his actions were as President. They told him and then they resigned or were fired for speaking the truth. Others just sucked up to him and they still are because the real truth about The Donald and what he stands for is never spoken. For now let's just say you will probably be OK under another Trump Presidency if you are white and rich, but not so otherwise and leave it at that.

For Biden's people, it is quite a different story. Apparently you CAN give him a differing opinion or advice which he might not follow, but he won't fire you for it. Here there is a split as well. Many friends, family, and staff around Joe are indeed telling him it is time to exit the stage gracefully. Those who love him and what he has accomplished really do want him to stay. They might not agree with everything he has done, but at least they are truths and not just more lies. The other side has the very tough task of telling him he can't win and even if he does, he can't last another full term. But they ARE saying it. Real Republicans who had the courage to speak out have been banished.

We can all relate to the Biden dilemma because we all know people we love who are experiencing the decline that often comes with age. Eventually, something has to be done for the sake of those very same people and the people they are affecting.

In this case those affected constitute the entire population of America and elsewhere.

In closing let me put it this way. If Joe were your heart surgeon or your airline pilot, would there be any question of stepping down? Would you go under the knife or fly with him if you witnessed behavior that he is displaying?

We all know the answer. Thankfully it would not happen because the hospital and the airline would have procedures in place to prevent it - like a mandatory retirement age.

It is a tough job but somebody has to do it. Sorry Joe - I am a fan but Trump AND his Supreme Court have to be stopped. It will take years.


Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Just Watch Me: The Sequel

How will History record Biden?

Can we compare Biden to Reagan when he suffered from alzheimer's? Is it even fair? 

Aside from their party affiliations, many consider both to be good Presidents. Reagan ran 4 times and won twice. Biden ran once and won once - so far. Reagan could not have run again but Biden can. Reagan did have a serious illness about which his staff and Nancy had to know for a considerable time. Can the same be said about Biden's staff today and Jill Biden? Reagan spent most of his career as an actor (don't most policitians?) but Biden spent most of his in Washington politics.

The future of the country and its democracy was not at stake after Reagan but it certainly is if DJT returns to the White House. 

What about Nixon? One could also compare the current crisis with the Nixon situation. 

Nixon was advised to resign by those he trusted and thankfully he did. This is also happening to Biden as I write. All the signs that Nixon intended to run the country like his own personal realm were there but this has never been a threat with Biden, despite all the lies spewed by the other guy. There is no Watergate with Biden.

I was disappointed since my previous post to see Biden digging in. Without a prompter displaying a written script for him, he is just not the Biden on a white stallion we enjoyed watching. Life expectancy for males in America in 2024 is about 81. That is when they die! Before that, some physical and possibly mental decline can also be expected. Can he last for over four years in his present state? THAT is the real question - not his past accomplishments. Can he get back on that horse?

Every day now we hear a multitude of Democrats attempting to deflect persistent journalists away from these points. They try to focus on accompishments which are numerous. The problem is that these are in the past by definition. Too many people inside the country and abroad can't see them being repeated in the future. They are just being too kind to say it.

My father died of alzheimer's and when we finally had to take him to a facility for my mother's and his sake, and tell him that he was staying, it was devastating for my family and for him. But it had to be done. I have not heard any talk of alzheimer's with Joe but the point is the same.

Does Joe want his legacy to be the great one already on the records or is he willing to ruin all of that out of pride and misbelief in himself? The greatest musicians and athletes knew when it was time to leave. The few who insisted on trying to stay often became pathetic. 

Listen to all of the people Joe. That is a character trait you have always exuded. Step aside gracefully. It will be recorded as one of your bravest acts for the country. You slayed Goliath once and much of America is grateful. Are there enough stones left in your sling to do it again and will they connect? Many doubt it. 

Joe loves to tell us he was too young to sit in the Senate when he started in Washington and how the older folks around him didn't take him seriously. Some fifty years later does he really want to leave the stage as someone who is too old and now have those around him lose the respect he earned and deserves?


Saturday, 29 June 2024

"Just Watch ME" Biden has said for months. Millions did.

Biden and White Christmas

Many things inspire me to write these posts although not so many anymore because blogging has basically died. Today most people won't or can't read more than a tweet. This also killed newspapers and magazines. They WILL watch a video - often childish or in poor taste - but such is today's reality. On this today however, I shall persevere once again.

Last night I watched history in the making - very sad history to be specific, and it compelled me to express how I felt after the event. I suspect I am not alone.

I refer to the long publicised debate on CNN June 27, 2024 between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. Recall - this had been suggested by the Democrats themselves including President Biden. Now the entire party likely resents that suggestion. People around the globe must have felt a great sadness for The President right at the beginning in one of his first replies. He went blank and silent looking very much like Mitch McConnell when he had his "frozen" moments. Even upon his introduction he appeared to be in a state of confusion walking to the lectern.

The party wanted a strong night to build on his State of the Nation address when he appeared to be in total command. They did not get it. I would not want to be Jill Biden last night or today. She probably saw it coming. That relationship has had many crises and remained strong because she provided vital support to the man she loved. This will be another test for that love.

This morning I had somewhat of a revelation. The entire episode reminded me of the Movie White Christmas. In one scene Bing Crosby is making an appeal on his own TV show to all of the former soldiers he can reach who served under General Waverly (Dean Jagger.) He asks them to come and pay tribute to their retiring General. He sings the number "What do you do with a General when he stops being a General?" Just substitute "President" for "General". 

After the soldiers respond by arriving in large numbers, in a show at the hotel for the General, they line up in their old uniforms out of shape with potbellies and they sing "We'll follow the old man wherever he wants to go". In a classic shot the General tears up at the sight. This is exactly what many loyalists in the party are saying right now with Biden. It is a stunning parallel but should include its own final farewell. 

As a Canadian I don't vote in the election but there is no question that I much prefer Biden over the other guy. That other guy was being himself - telling tons of lies and deflecting away from answering tough questions. He did not win - Biden lost.

Having said all that this is a HUGE crisis for America - and the world at large. It really does not matter whether Joe had a cold; just a bad night; was exhausted from all the preparation at Camp David; or was on drugs as Trump suggested. Today especially, we know that world events happen in an instant and we all see them in an instant: invasions; wars; natural disasters; changes of leadership; cyber attacks. They do not wait for The President of America and questionably the leader of the free world to have a GOOD day if he is presently having a BAD one. The job is 24/7 - sharp as a tack at a moment's notice. This is mandatory not just for the next few months but for another four years thereafter!

Very sadly - what we saw of Joe last night did not hit the mark. Many males will decline - sometimes very rapidly - in their eighties if they make it that far.

People keep saying that there is still lots of time before the big election. Really? There is NOT! Where are the alternatives to either candidate? If they are going to come out of the shadows they had damned well better do it NOW! The majority of the so-called GOP who have been kissing Trump's ass for so long to protect their own are elated at the moment. They think it is now a slam dunk. Prove them wrong!

The effects upon America herself are two-fold:

1) If Biden actually does win, there will now be 4 more years of wondering when you wake up, whether Vice President Harris has become the new President. Will another country and its leader take advantage of the bad day? They probably will.

2) If Trump wins there will be 4 years of him spending HIS time and YOUR money trying to get even with people. He already stated this. Then HE will be kissing ass like all those obsequious wannabes in congress - Putin's; Kim Jong Un's or somebody else's. There will be another even more violent uprising in 2028 when Trump is supposed to leave.

Sadly at this point neither is a good candidate for the Presidency.

Can a third party - Liz Cheney and anyone willing to join her steal enough of Trump's votes to deny the horrific prospect of a Trump second term or will this hurt the Democratic vote instead? Will someone like Gavin Newsom take the reins from Biden with the party's blessing?

If not family, then the job of telling Joe that stepping down would be for the good of the nation and not doing so would ruin his legacy has to fall on a prominent person who would NOT be a new candidate. Such a candidate would be shooting themselves in the foot. It will take an Obama, Schumer, Pelosi or the like in the sidelines but they have to do it.

In my last post I wrote about fate and the difference between it and destiny. Biden's problems - whether perceived or real - are fate. America's future is her destiny. She can still change it but time is quickly running out.


Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Biden, Trump, Haley, or other?

Two futures are at stake in 2024: America's and The World's  

With all of the events taking place around the world and in America you can just smell major trouble in the air. It is like an approaching destructive weather system: smelling rain, hearing thunder, seeing lightening, hearing the locomotive sound described when a tornado hits. The international leaves in many nations are going limp and turning upwards. The animals are getting restless.

LIke many of the post WW2 generations, many of us thought we were fortunate not to have lived through another major international madness. Now I am not so sure. Whether you favor the Jackass party or the other Dumbo one, America has become a human depiction of two rams, moose, bears, lions - pick your species - battling it out for dominance. Only winning matters - compromise has all but disappeared.

Over the pond you have even more choice - the Middle East, Russia and Ukraine, Sudan, Syria, China to name a few - all allowing base human instincts of greed and power to boil over into death and destruction already or very soon.

Recently I saw an Email with attached "posters" showing the worst of Donald J. As a Canadian they seemed to depict so clearly to me and I suspect the rest of the world just why he must not be in the White House again. They also make us wonder how so many of the MAGA crowd can be totally befuddled by him and his cronies.

There is for sure a LOT wrong in the Biden camp as well - most notably the old style of Washington politics which badly needs new and fresher thinking minds making decisions that are begging to be made. Note those words - making decisions!

The worst poster was that of the Donald mocking and mimicing a reporter with a physical handicap. Who does that? We have also seen him in a cemetary of America's fallen warriors asking somebody what was in it for these military heroes?  He actually called them suckers and losers.

MAGA or not, how can you vote for such a man? Seriously - HOW? Some of you must have handicapped friends or family members and for sure have lost family members who made the supreme sacrifice.

The only bullets this person has ever had to dodge are now rightfully showing up in courts across the nation. He is not as adept an artful dodger as he thought.

It's a good thing he seems to like orange.


Sunday, 10 September 2023

U.S. Election 2024

Shake Hands, go to your corners, and come out fighting!

It looks like this is what we will witness in the next American election, 2024. Shaking hands is very hard to imagine. Staring each other down perhaps - Trump is already practicing the stare. There won't be a bell but if there were it should be from the Gong Show, not a boxing ring. U.S. politics and this election is about to out-do anything even Saturday Night Live could conceive. What a shame.

The contrast is sad. Biden is well liked around the world and has decades of experience. Unfortunately that also means he is old by any standard. This cuts both ways. Age brings wisdom and experience but experience also brings age! He would normally be a trusted leader and ally but because of Trump's inexperience, neither Biden nor America can really be trusted anymore.

Trump is a neophyte to politics and leading a country. It showed. It still does. He too is well known around the world but has done more harm to America's reputation than any POTUS in recent history. As a result, Biden is saddled with the fact that Trump has already backed out of agreements. The division between the parties also means that any new GOP President is likely to reverse anything Biden accomplishes more for political reasons than anything else. World leaders can no longer rely on America and they have been observed literally laughing about Trump.

Today at the G20 in India I saw Biden at the right hand end of the row for pictures. He was diplomatic enough to accept this. In the past we have seen Trump literally pushing other leaders out of the way so he could be central in the photo op, narcissist that he is.

In a democracy based on the rule of law, the next POTUS could possibly be a man with outstanding criminal charges who could do time behind bars. Even Nixon was smart enough to resign when he realized the case against him was strong and that his actions had already done much harm to the country.

Biden might not be squeaky clean although no charges have yet been laid against him but his image and reputation are entirely above board. Trump on the other
hand has more lawsuits against him or his companies than anyone I know. He is reputed to be one of the biggest liars on the planet.

Biden cares deeply about people and America and it shows. Trump cares about one person only - Trump, He only considers the country if he can lead it and rule it forever with his rich friends while continuing 
to rape the country for both.

Here is the rub: those rich friends know he is lying but they also just want to preserve their wealthy lifestyle at any cost. The Trump "base" - those actually vote for the man and do his dirty work - have been totally bamboozled and really do believe him. Just listen to some of them. Hello - the earth is round, not flat, or have you noticed?

Thomas Gray (don't know him either!) once said "Ignorance is bliss". It certainly is in most elections. We can only hope Trump devotees don't manage to make him "great" again. It would be as far from bliss as you could imagine.


Saturday, 5 August 2023

Draining the Swamp

Beware of Gators and Snakes

If you are ever going to drain the swamps - especially in the southern USA like Florida - a host of monsters await you. Most notable are the gators and snakes. Then there is also the chance of getting totally lost.

So many people find it very ironic - those with some semblance of honesty and integrity - when they know that the guy who promised to drain it turned out to be the biggest gator of them all. Perhaps biggest snake is more appropriate. His party is also totally lost.

As all of the charges unfold against a former American President, we will find out with proof, who really tried to weaponize the White House and all of its resources. It was not Biden or anyone else since Nixon. It was Trump - hands down. He is still trying to do it.

Being addressed as "Mr." by the judge sent a very important message. I was overjoyed to hear that Donald was upset. He has thumbed his nose at any form of rules or laws for most of his life and loves disrespecting others with childish (and not very clever) nicknames. He really did and still does think he is above all of this - too smart. NOT! Although there are many to choose from, his big mouth is the dumbest body part he owns.

There is only one thing that would be as satisfying as Trump being found guilty on any or all of these charges and even wearing prison gear (which is unlikely although it shouldn't be.) That would be to see a majority of Republican Congress members in both houses, summon up the guts to admit that the charges are true and that Biden won and Trump lost - twice.

The attempt to steal the last election was perpetrated entirely by Trump people and the GOP - not Biden and the Dems. Trump followers DID try to kill the VP and the Speaker. Others DID lose their lives. Anyone who even tries to claim that January 6th was just another day of free speech and protest in Washington should not be in office. That includes DJT.

If Trump is the GOP nominee you can bet your last dollar the 2024 will indeed be rigged - again - by the Trump team and their chicken hearted followers in the GOP. These people have no interest in making America great again. Like Trump, they only want to make their own bank accounts and lifestyles great again, or keep the ones they have.

Oh yes - if Trump wins, America will be toast - a sad chapter in the history books.

I would love to see Trump serve time but regardless he should never ever hold the office of President of the United States again. Electing him just because you don't like Biden is like amputating your foot because you have a sore toe. Americans - in particular Republican Americans - have a choice to make. There are several candidates who could make America great again if you don't think Biden has. Pick one of them. Some would pardon The Donald but at least there would be another four years without him. 

By 2028 who knows where he will be? One thing is for sure: Wherever that is he will still be spreading lies about losing in 2020. If most of his neighbours are wearing orange suits like his, they won't care and they hate cry babies.

Even I will concede that it would make America at least a little greater again.


Monday, 24 July 2023

Biden and Trump - Both TOAST?

Let the School Yard Scrapping Begin!


There once was a POTUS named Biden,
Whose age they couldn't keep hide'n,
When he went for a dance without any pants
The pole numbers kept right on slidin'!

"Just WATCH me!" was his reply,
He needs help from The Man in the sky.
He's still very clever, so never say "never,"
But is this his final Good Bye?


Donald was soundly defeated,
Despite all the lies that he Tweeted,
Not even a "Maybe" - he's such a cry baby,
Since he was born he has cheated.

The world is tired of his gripes.
He's worse than the bloody bagpipes!
West, north, east, south puts his foot on his mouth,
Can't wait to see him in stripes!


Too bad this once model nation,
That created a world wide sensation,
Will implode from within, sheer greed as it's sin,
I pity the next generation.

Imagine a person who leads
By addressing their own nation's needs.
No promises met by increasing the debt,
A legacy known for good deeds.


If the world can't get it together,
To stop this pollution and weather,
Our common abode will soon self-implode,
The question is when and not whether.

So Xi Jinping, Putin, and Biden,
Stop pointing fingers and chidin'.
Get together and try before we all die,
Doomsday is near and you're hidin'


Monday, 3 July 2023

Nicknames for Donald J. Trump

Sticks and Stones... You Know

Well it won't be long now before the debates for the nomination of who will represent Republicans in the 2024 U.S. Presidential election. That means it won't be long now before the world sees the likely nominee - DJT - calling people names like a kid in a schoolyard - a primary school yard. Unfortunately it lowered the dignity of what used to be the most highly regarded political position on the planet - no more. Thanks DJ.

We saw and heard it last time in 2016 but this time he is even more desperate and he will lower the station to total depravity - a shame really. But what else do you expect? The man knows not the meaning of true class. I doubt he has the IQ to devise most of the childish handles but he seems to have enough scriptwriters to compensate.

Maybe it is time that he tastes a little of what he doles out, Already some of the charges against him give us some optimism. I suggested done this before but perhaps the responses will increase this time.

Please comment with a few suggestions of names that other candidates could label The Donald. Who knows? Maybe some will make it to the debate podium. Please use the comment section below.

Here are a few to get you going:
  1. Pinocchio. This is a natural. He has the lying thing down - enough for an army of Pinocchio's. His personality and I.Q. are that of a wooden puppet The only thing missing is the nose - make that knows - it is more appropriate since he knows very little for a world leader.
  2. Donald Duck. These first two would violate some kind of intellectual property rights but don't worry - he wouldn't. He also sounds a lot like the Disney duck especially when on a rant. He is a natural cartoon character. Disney could have had a blast with him.
  3. Goofy. Funny - another cartoon character! Is any further explanation needed?
  4. Don the Con. This has double meaning - he has been conning people his entire life but soon he might be wearing a real con striped suit of a different design. Will they let him wear his trademark red tie? No. Somebody might strangle him.
  5. Forrest Gump Trump. "Gump" can be a compliment but what do you think? Will that be the first thing that comes to most minds?
  6. Welcher Donald. A history of examples.
  7. Humpty Dumpty. He also fell from his lofty perch. But at least Humpty HAD a wall to sit on! We are still waiting for DJ's and for the first peso to pay for it. All the King's horses and all the King's men are still laughing.
  8. Titanic Donald. It was supposed to be unsinkable as well.
  9. Don the Wiz! Just like the Wizard of Oz, once you pull back the curtain and expose all the trickery, there's really nothing there. The real Wiz was a dream. This one is a nightmare.
  10. Joker Don. The Joker is also one of a kind and a real card. He can be anything you want him to be. The appearance is usually that of a clown or jester. Typically, it was supposed to be have introduced by Americans who wanted to change the rules. Trump is also a card term but in that case it usually helps you win.
So there you go. Let's hear from you. Many of the other candidates are too dignified to call him names but we can! Give him a name and preferably why it applies.

If any of them stick it will drive him crazy! OK crazier!


Saturday, 12 November 2022

Republican Wave just a Ripple

Trump Gives America an Early Christmas Present

Let's face it, these mid-term elections fooled everybody, including me. Some counts are still ongoing today (Nov. 12) but the big red sweep just didn't happen. Many blame Trump and the continuation of the Big Lie. I agree with that but hopefully it goes deeper.

We hear it daily now - that perhaps DJT is fast becoming just an image in a rear view mirror - you know the ones - that appear larger than they really are. We can only hope. The tantrums, name calling, and blaming of everybody else has ramped up once again but it appears that many American voters on both sides have had enough. He has lost too many times for his party and many of its members are recognizing it. His MEGA base never will. They really don't follow politics, policies, or platforms. They only follow Donald.

It has been written here more than once that I think the great American experiment with democracy is failing and might even crash with more clashes of violence like January 6th. That could still happen and those who claim to be religious or people of faith can only pray that it doesn't. 

Many of those people of faith are the same ones prepared to use their assault rifles against anyone they don't like. They have even threatened to torture individuals in lowly positions like school boards and election counters. But maybe - a great big MAYBE - the overall country has had enough of the school yard antics displayed by their elected and publicly funded leaders. 

A telling point will be when Steve Bannon gets back to stoking his hatred. For now though this election provides some optimism. Those who are trying to save face by saying that it is nuts for Democrats to celebrate losing anything  just don't get it. Actually they probably do - they are just loath to acknowledge reality.

You absolutely know that sore losers in normally red districts are going to holler that the fix is in again. It has already started. This time however, there were lots of observers of both parties in key counting stations. 

Gerrymandering is still alive and well - see The 12 Most Gerrymandered Districts In America ( or These maps show how Republicans are blatantly rigging elections | US voting rights | The Guardian. Despite this voters smacked Trump's tactics down. What remains to be seen is whether certain states now try to overturn results by hook or by crook.

Hopefully Lady Liberty is wearing a slight smile way up there where we can't really see it. Biden certainly is and probably DeSantis. I am no fan of Ron but would take him over The Donald any day. We can only hope that many of the more traditionally minded Republicans feel the same.

C'mon Liz Cheney. Start that new party. You will surely do better than the Tea Party did. At least it will split the Red vote and once that happens many of the GOP's best will jump on board. The country needs it. 

A lot of Americans who still love their country feel that they just received an early present. Open it early and celebrate.


Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Et Tu Supreme Court?

America's Last Straw.

In the last five years or more the cracks in the world's Liberty Bell - America - have been getting noticeably larger.

1. Firstly few could believe that America actually voted in large numbers for Trump in 2016. Despite what he and his followers who wear Trump blinders think, it was a horrible four years for America and the world.

2. When Trump knew he was going to lose and started setting the stage for the Republicans to falsify the election and then spread the Big Lie about The Donald's loss, we knew they were speeding towards a very big cliff.

3. The large majority of Republicans in both houses sold their souls, integrity, and respect down the drain to support the Big Lie. They cared more about their jobs and pensions than the good of the country.

4. On January 6, 2021 a violent insurrection took place. Everyone else saw it. Trump and his cronies claim they did not. Wild citizens almost hung the Vice President. Now the bell would no longer even ring.

5. States throughout the land began to change their laws to weaken the non-white vote or at least make it much more difficult for visible minorities to cast their ballads. They also made it far easier at the state level to simply ignore and overturn a result they did not like if the first tactic failed.

6. Now the coup de gras. The Supreme Court - that final rampart for the people's democracy - is leaning towards supporting the tactics in number 4. They are after all stacked in favour of Republicans.

These high judges are supposed to be beyond personal bias. Apparently they are not.

If Trump wins in 2024, the Bald Eagle might as well be replaced by a big yellow banana. In this case the banana represents the single new foundation of the country - lies.


Tuesday, 4 January 2022

#AmericanRevolution - The Sequel

Be Doubly Careful What You Wish For  - the SECOND Time

A lot of people throughout the world will never understand why many people in America or anywhere else refuse to be vaccinated. It is what it is. Even more people throughout the world will never understand America's gun mentality.

However those two pale in magnitude when compared to the overwhelming dismay of those non-Americans and Americans over the prospect of Donald Trump EVER becoming elected a second time. If he does he will try to stay there forever and America will exist no more. The "experiment" will fail.

It seems that many scholars and patriots alike believe that there will indeed be another internal war in America. This humble scribe also believes it is inevitable if nothing is done and done quickly. It is a no-win situation. If Trump actually does appear to win there will be another rising to get rid of him, either from within or externally. If Biden or another Democrat actually wins again, there will be a second January 6th that will make the first one look like a school yard brawl.

In either case there will indeed be cheating - on the part of the Republicans. It has already happened before any next election, at the state level. They also tried in 2020 but failed. It was not the Democratic donkeys (Jack Asses?) but the Republican elephants (Dumbos?) who tried to cheat. Those who think otherwise simply believe every word issued by some of the worst liars on the face of the planet.

Will it be called an "American Revolution?" It should have a new name since the original has already been done and this one would be totally foolish and unnecessary. How about "The Disunited States Revolution?"; "The American Disappearing Act of 2024?; "The Dump Trump Uprising?". "Yanky Hanky Panky?" In any case history will record it as the birth of The American Dictatorship. In my opinion some day red ties will clash with either black or brown shirts and red ball caps will never be taken seriously.

This is cutting off a foot to cure an ingrown toenail. Severe ingrown toenails are very painful and very much a problem that must be dealt with. They can become infected. They hamper every attempt at progress. You can no longer function. They must be removed by specialists - but not the entire foot. Enough metaphor.

America you will never be happy with a wannabe dictator. Eventually they all tumble. 
This is not a game. Here "Trump" should not take all. Just don't go there. Do everything you have to in order to prevent it - the American way - through a LEGITMATE voting process.

Please - for the rest of the world you used to lead.


Wednesday, 20 October 2021

POTUS Questions for Elections 2022 and 2024

 #America is Sinking like the Titanic, Iceberg and All

If a previous single term #President - for example The Donald - wanted to be President again, there are some questions I know I would be asking myself. Maybe you should too. Given their track record during the first term:

1. Assume there was another Titanic level disaster. Only 3 people were still alive onboard - him, an unknown woman, and a child. If there were only 2 life jackets, do you think the woman and child would be wearing them when the ship sank?

2. Has this person ever been in battle dodging real bullets, shrapnel, and bombs? If they had been called to serve in such a role, would they have done so without finding a way out of it?

3. If they ever asked anyone while viewing a military cemetery "what was in it" for the departed heroes would they be worthy of a second time in the White House?

4. If they joked with another man about grabbing women by their private parts without asking is that Presidential behaviour?

5. If they played any role whatsoever in instigating an insurrection against the office they already served during which their own Vice President was almost hanged, would they deserve a second chance?

6. If they admire and believe other autocrats who use raw power, terror, and corruption to keep themselves in office should they be allowed try it (again) in America?

7. If they can't stay in a single long term relationship the way so many who live the American Dream do, could you trust them to be loyal to their country either?

8. If they have been caught lying too many times to count could they change in a second term?

9. If they have countless lawsuits against them and have reneged on America's international agreements more than once, will anyone ever trust them again?

10. If you got this far and still want to re-elect this person give your head a shake.

The future of your democracy depends on you. I get 9 'no's as responses to the above. Only one should be required to deny another term.


Saturday, 18 September 2021

Trump 2024

Is 2024 just 1984 forty years later?

I never read the book "1984" by George Orwell but now I will. I have always heard about it and the term "Big brother is watching you!" I would say that some of Trump's more elite followers are trying to create the society depicted in the book. To get a flavor, just read its Wikipedia article - scary stuff.

I doubt if the Donald is capable of getting through an entire book of this volume but he appears to be modelling himself after some of its characters (someone must have counselled him). I have mentioned before, I think he is also a Joe McCarthy wannabe. Also remember that "Make America Great Again" was touted by Reagan long before Trump echoed it. He did author The Big Lie but I doubt much else.

What is alarming to me is just how far right the GOP has now swung. Some will point out that many Democrats have shifted very much to the left - also true. I believe however that the balance of violent behavior is coming from the right. As evidence one only has to look at the events on January 6th. It was not leftists or Democrats calling for Pence to be hanged and Pelosi to be shot or otherwise hurt, it was flag-carrying Trumpers. Remember that this was their own Republican Vice President.

Trump didn't just throw his own Vice President under the bus, he was willing to watch them march Pence up the stairs to the gallows and probably do nothing as he dropped through the floor! Look at the events this week-end, September 18. Trump is once again trying to fire up his people in defense of those who built those gallows and stormed the Capital.

The American Dream has become a nightmare. It is all but dead. To me the only way to salvage some of what America used to be is to have the bravest of the brave on the right form a new Republican party. It will have to totally redefine what it stands for. I recently heard a recording of Governor Reagan talking to Nixon years ago and referring to black Africans as monkeys! It needs someone brave enough to inspire a new following the way Trump or Trumpism did for his base. For sure conservative ideals must be a part of it but NOT violence. 

It also has to recognize that America is simply not going to be predominantly white anymore. That does not kill the dream - it just changes it. It will not only save America but prove to the world just how resilient this unique country is.

Please step up to the microphone Liz Cheney, or Mitt Romney, or a former General. Imagine how powerful it would be if such a man/woman did step up and win the Presidency with a partner of a different race.

If the country was capable of electing and tolerating Mr. and Mrs Trump for four years, it's not a big stretch!


Tuesday, 6 July 2021

DEMS Will Only Lose in 2022, 2024 if it is RIGGED

Republicans STOLE the Election

Where have we heard that cry before? Oh yes - Trump about the Democrats LONG before the 2020 election. So I figure it is time to start making similar predictions. After all, many states have already put in "The Fix" against visible minorities - who typically vote Democrat - for future elections.

This is not speculation like Trump and his followers indulged in before the last election. This is public news broadcast internationally. States are making it harder to vote for all of those swing state citizens who voted Trump out and Biden in.

According to Republicans 2020 was stolen. What that really meant was that the effort they already made to give more weight to white votes didn't work the way it had before. Must have been fixed.

If one year in the past the New York Yankees started saying the only way they could lose the World Series would be if it were fixed, and then they lost and said "See - told you so" they would probably be out of the league. In that case the fans would have no part of it. They would recognize a sore loser.

That's what should happen to The Donald - out of the League. Maybe it already has. As for the fans? Even though Trumpers wear a red baseball hat, what's under it appears to be an empty stadium. Yogi said "It ain't over 'till it's over." It's over big Don. You struck out.
