Friday, 23 August 2024

RNC vs. DNC is like Night and Day

Going to vote RED? Shake your Head!

WOW! That's all I can say after watching all four nights of the Democratic National Convention. I also watched the Republican convention. The contrast was stark. As a Canadian I can't vote, but I can't imagine anyone voting Trump - except the groupies who seem to have their heads buried in the sand - or somewhere. Just consider that prominent Republicans - the REAL Republicans - including Geoff Duncan and Adam Kinzinger - plus several more were there to endorse Kamala!

For those old enough to remember, this was the Woodstock of modern American politics!

I thought the energy at the Republican convention would be hard to beat. This was a Slam Dunk for the Dems! Every keynote speaker was phenomenal. I knew it would happen - Barack would get in one of the best Trump zingers - Trump's weird obsession with crowd sizes, evoking memories of Trump bragging falsely that his inauguration speech had the biggest crowds ever. The entire world saw how false that was. It was so great I have to include a link here from Global News:

Remember - the single speaker everyone remembers from the RNC was Hulk Hogan! Really? He sounded and looked like Hulk Hogan - over the hill. He was the perfect symbolic representation of Trump.

To top it all off, Trump immediately started to wine about how "those people" were getting personal about him! Donald Trump - who spends most of his time name-calling and mocking others - upset about others getting personal? That is like Don Rickles moaning that someone else made a joke about him - perhaps a poor comparison since Rickles was obviously very clever.

But the Big Kahuna was Kamala herself. Comparing The Donald's acceptance and Kamala's, there can be no question - NONE, zip, zilch, zero - who was more Presidential. It is like comparing brussel sprouts to fine chocolate. Damn - another bad simile. Brussel sprouts are actually healthy and good for you.

That other guy is not.