Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Saturday, 28 October 2023

More Second Amendment Crap

Guns Don't Kill People, People CARRYING Them Do!

After more American carnage by Robert Card you know we will hear it all again: "Guns don't kill people - people kill people". Really? Was that fake news we all saw in the bowling alley and bar the other day? Were the family members pouring their guts out and shamefully displayed on CNN and other networks just actors?

It IS true that this asshole slaughtered at least eighteen people for his own sick reasons. However, MY eyes told me that the object he was carrying was not a sling shot, baseball bat, or bow and arrow - it was a GUN. Moreover, it was designed to mow down as many people as possible in the shortest time and with maximum damage. My eyes also saw that the targets were innocent PEOPLE including youth - not pheasants, ducks, deer, or moose.

Oh yes - I live outside of America and - well - I just don't understand. I am the ignorant one.

I have said this many times and will say it again. Guns were invented to kill - purely and simply. That would not be so bad if the targets were indeed game for consumption, or predators of live stalk and crops. Not so once again. The primary targets were always human beings. So let me say it before anyone else does - Americans have the right to carry arms. The Second does not mention purchases or types of weapons but that's another debate.

I assume that I have the right to purchase a Mack Truck to take my kids to school, soccer practice, or to drive to work. I don't buy one. Why? Because they were designed for a different purpose and are very impractical for me. If I were to use it for commercial haulage it would be a perfect fit. So now I ask the same question I have also asked many times. If assault style weapons are designed only to rapidly kill people, if you own one or intend to buy one who do you intend to kill? Where and when do you intend to use it?

Perhaps YOU should be on a red flag list.

This time would some rational American gun owner/lover please explain? I suspect the rest of the rational world would also like to hear.


Wednesday, 12 April 2023

Military Assault Rifles

Justify Civilian Assault Rifles

I am beating my head against a wall but what the hell - I have lots of walls - only one head however. Same with Americans. So why can't they use theirs? I believe I am using mine while writing this post. I believe every other country in the world have citizens like me. That's billions of walls and sore heads - good for the medical industry! Are American walls all padded?

During the many times I have written about this; thought about this; and discussed this at coffee with others, I have never heard an honest or even logical answer to this question:

Why do American private citizens need military style assault rifles - the kind that have been used so long now to butcher real live people including young children?

I know the answer exists - so do all Americans. They are just not honest enough to give the true answer.

Any time this question is asked the immediate response is some reference to the #2ndAmendment. That's not an answer and the speaker knows it. Some try to squirm around the answer by saying they use them for target practice or hunting! You always get the "Guns don't kill people - people kill people". All of it is bullshit and again we all know it.

All citizens of age (AND who are mentally sound) have the right to own a car or even a tractor trailer. Dos that mean they all own one somewhere when a buss or bicycle will do? No!

In the past I have pointed out that the loose interpretation of the 2nd Amendment most gun lovers prefer would allow bazookas; rocket launchers; flame throwers; and some day shoulder launched mini-nukes to be carried by private citizens. The Constitution never envisaged this. The "arms" were intended to be for militias to defend the country from attack. Full stop.

Why then are AR15 style rifles in such great demand? The owners don't really anticipate being called to arms to fight off Britain again, Canada to the north or Mexico to the south. They want them to some day topple a government or any organization that they don't like. This means that if police, military, and National or State Guards have assault weapons, so should individuals. They simply don't want to be out-gunned.

And what are the things that might incite such rebellion? Rich white establishment citizens losing their iron grip on everyone else. The second elephant in the room or the country is the "everyone else" - NON WHITES and NON CHRISTIANS. These gun lovers want to go back to the '50s and '60's. They have a Dodge city showdown with the town Marshall mentality where the fastest draw wins. Look at me the wrong way and you are dead - self protection.

Today it is the fastest firing automatic gun. that wins

That's it in a nutshell or should I say an AR15 shell? Full, body-piercing, stop.


Thursday, 24 November 2022

America's Second Amendment.

The sun rose today in America - so did mass killings

If you are a writer and can't come up with a newsworthy item, America's gun sickness is always a fallback. I have resorted to it several times. People - except those who experienced the loss of loved ones - are now at the yawning, "what else is new?" stage. "Imagine all the people Livin' life in peace ..."

It has always been tough to actually do something about guns in America. I want to say gun problem - so does virtually every other country on earth - but most who own guns don't see it that way. The odd time people who have lost family members join the hue and cry - but they still won't give up their own guns.

We have all heard the same old comebacks which owners try to push and will never change. Guns don't kill people - people kill people. I have never seen a robotic gun wander into a store, home, hall etc. on its own and then slaughter a bunch of people. It might come one day and I have no doubt the same proud owners will buy one. But right now it is always a person who is operating those killing machines. NRA loved to push stopping bad guys with guns with more good guys with guns. They would be delighted if clergymen and clergywomen hid guns under their garments in church while preaching, performing marriages, or funerals. We all know why - it sells more guns.

I live in Canada and 

Sunday, 23 October 2022

The 2020 Election Steal

Do you really want another Civil War in America?

The real election steal was Integrity, Honesty, and Truth - not votes

It is safe to say that in any living person's lifetime there has never been as emotional an attitude towards elections in America as there is today. The key word here is ELECTIONS: which hundreds of thousands of American soldiers and even more in other countries died to protect. Think about that for a minute!

If you listen to and worse actually believe the likes of Steve Bannon, that is where you are headed again. In fact he is actually trying to spread his poison to other countries. This time it will involve the slaughter of each other - fellow Americans. Is that really what you want?

One of the elements of democracy at least in America is the separation of church and state. This is a big one. You can be a Christian or follow any other faith openly and without persecution or fear - in THEORY. So how can you call yourself a person of faith who prays to a God while simultaneously calling for the elimination of others with different beliefs - political ones in this case? Remember that those you might be listening to on TV and social media are calling for that change through violence - murder if necessary. Is that really you? That's what the Nazis believed.

Hang Mike Pence - seriously? Kill Nancy Pelosi? Then go to church an call yourself religious? Give your head a shake.

Sunday, 4 September 2022

Second Amendment

Lock, Stock and Barrel

Once again today I had the pleasure of watching Fareed Zakaria's GPS on CNN. The man is intelligence personified. It was all about America's love for guns and compared this passion in the USA to the same in other countries. The point of it all was to show what other countries have managed to do successfully to either minimize the violence when citizens are permitted gun ownership or to severely limit their numbers. As always it was very well done.

The biggest surprise was Switzerland where people also love their weapons. There is one similarity. To complement the Swiss Army citizens proudly form militias and are trained just like regular armed forces in weapons use. They become expert shots and are allowed to take their weapons home but any ammunition must be stored and locked separately. I have suggested this for the USA since the 2nd Amendment says nothing about the right to bear ammunition. People scoff at this but it has merit if the production, distribution, and sale of ammo. is strictly regulated.

Swiss gun uses such as hunting are very limited However citizens of all ages including young kids are encouraged to participate in shooting contests at ranges all over the country where ammunition is available and subsidized by the government. It has become a passion like skiing and most participants are expert marksmen. Automatic and semi-automatic weapons are banned.

The big difference with the USA is one of culture. Citizens of Switzerland see guns solely as a means to defend the country, not themselves.

In another country - Australia - after their first horrible mass shooting the Prime Minister enacted severely restrictive laws and included a buy back of private weapons. Many thousands were collected and destroyed. He faced violent backlashed but the policies cut down on murders and suicides by gunfire tremendously.

New Zealand took very harsh measures as well after shocking events there.

Japan was also featured. It has some of the most strict laws on the planet. Apparently as pointed out on GPS, even their underworld - and they have a powerful one, avoids use of guns because they know how strongly the authorities will come after them if they are used. This was astonishing to me. Even the "Godfathers" come down heavily on their minions if the policy is violated.

The same old question comes up. If other countries can do it, why not America? People will give the militia argument but for a small country Switzerland is well respected for its ability to defend itself. The biggest problem in America is mentality and gun lobbies. Guns are huge business in America. The Dodge City Gunsmoke attitude is alive and well. Even major politicians love their guns.

Lastly the question of kids developing a love of shooting and killing through addiction to gaming in their formative years. I have always believed this to be a huge issue. Tech companies who make fortunes from this just like the gun companies disagree. Surprise, surprise! The almighty American dollar trumps all.

I never heard whether Trump owned guns. I doubt it only because by now he would surely have shot himself in somewhere other than the foot.

Fully automatic weapons have no place in the homes and hands of private citizens anywhere.


Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Uvalde. Another School Day in U.S.A

One more Flight over the Cuckoo's Nest called United States

Another day in the life of America. Nineteen children and two teachers are butchered. The world watches as the same old things are said about the American virus Loveofguns 22. It started right at home folks - you can't blame any other country.

What follows has all been said before - the claims and counter-claims and all of the logic and illogic associated with the crazy illness that is unique to America. Still I can't help it - I have to repeat them again. If it changes one high profile person's mind it will be worth it.

Let's first reiterate the usual bullshit and then ignore it again.

1. "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." Tell that to the parents. This dingbat kid didn't use poison darts, a crossbow, or any other weapon - he used a gun. So did Kyle Rittenhouse.
2. "The solution is more guns." Arm the teaching staff, janitor, gardener, bus driver, even the cooks if there are any. Not worthy of a reply.
3. "The second amendment gives him the right." Balls. Does it say a six year old can carry a weapon? No. Why not? Because the Constitution assumed a degree of common sense back when most Americans had some. That has all changed. It also says nothing about how those arms can be used, just that one can "bear" them and nothing about their nature, purpose, or ammunition.
4. "Any change to gun laws is an attack on my individual rights." So are men telling women they can't have an abortion whether stated in the Constitution or not. More bull.

The list goes on.

I have not heard one sensible argument put forward which justifies an individual citizen's ability to buy and possess assault weapons. Likewise what is the argument to permit gun merchants to sell them? What is next - tanks and/or a cruise missile in every driveway? Tow bars to pull your Howitzer behind your SUV for a picnic?

Some readers right now are probably reacting by saying that 70%-90% of Americans do want change. The other side probably have their own statistics. Who cares? If such percentages want change then they should get together and fire - vote out of office - their Representatives in either House who keep rebuffing any changes to gun laws. Most of them are paid by gun lobbyists.

For months now most of us have found Putin's actions in Ukraine repugnant especially when innocent citizens and children were murdered. How could he be so callous? How can your fellow citizens who are gun lovers be even more callous when children's bodies are torn apart by another American shooter?

The Red flag law of Florida does not prevent qualified people from purchasing and owning guns. red flag laws - Google Search. It does give police the right to seize existing weapons from those who pose a threat to themselves or others and has been used many times. Similar laws should be instituted and enforced in all states.

The other day someone said it was now easier to get an assault rifle than baby formula. What a powerful statement!

Some American leaders in both government and business apparently value their guns more than those poor kids' and their two teachers' bullet riddled bodies.


Thursday, 2 December 2021

Oxford Tragedy

Americans are Lemmings and the Precipice is Getting Close

Once again American families are in deep mourning for their kids, both the deceased and those injured or traumatized. Most of you could write this introduction and they would be very similar. The standard expressions have all been repeated hundreds of times. When will it end? When will we come to our senses? Never again! Congress must act! Here is another fact - they never do.

As well on the other side the gun lovers echo their standard lines again. Most famous: "Guns don't kill people - people kill people." They always leave the second part out - people WITH GUNS kill people. More guns are still their answer.

I have written a lot about this. Apparently the rest of the world is wrong or doesn't understand that America is different. Americans must have their guns. All the countries with low numbers of deaths from guns are lying. They would be even more safe if they all had guns. OK NRA - whatever you say.

Sad as well is the fact that the family of the shooter will now watch as their son's life - although he is still alive - is ruined. If it is true that he used a gun his father recently purchased then they must also pay an additional penalty. Perhaps this will teach other parents to keep their guns away from their kids or face the consequences. The second amendment does not prevent punishment for misuse of the arms people bear. You can own and bear a weapon but you damned well better take care when it comes to why, when, and how you use it!

I am Canadian. Lots of Canadians own guns as well but you never see them and they are not typically on display or the subject of coffee chatter like some new car or toy.

Is it just me or is this not ironic in an 'only in the big, bad, U.S.A.' kind of way? Just a couple of weeks ago the media was dedicated to two trials - one a boy and the other men claiming in both cases that they had to shoot people because they feared for their lives. Now in the same country another boy cowardly murders as many as he can with no such justification at all. Young people feared for their own lives but their only self defense was to hide or to run. Guns were the implement of death in each case. They did indeed kill people.

The American solution? Those kids should have been able to shoot back. Guns under every Christmas tree!

Like other great nations in history, America is in sharp decline not only from the top down but also from the bottom up.

God help the country when the trends meet.


Wednesday, 15 September 2021

FBI and Co. GUILTY in Nasser Probe

Somebody has to pay for those female athletes' abuse!

This Senate hearing into the abuse of young female athletes at the Olympic level and elsewhere was flawed before it began.

You could not help but feel for and admire the four athletes who spoke to the Senate hearings on behalf of many, many other girls. It is a travesty that so many responsible people in the FBI and Olympic groups ignored them. Somebody other than the girls must pay.

The problem I see with the Senate Hearing is that the optics were bad from the start. Why on earth are women not controlling these hearings? How can we say we understand when the athletes ended up facing a bunch of old men who look like they wouldn't understand sexual abuse if they tripped over it? These men were older than the victims' grandfathers. When most of them were as young as the girls, touching, kissing, feeling and ignoring such pleas were par for the course. The poor women had a large handicap before they even got up onto the tee. Who wants to lay it all out there for their Grandfather?

They should have been speaking first and foremost to other women. Nasser should have been behind bars after the first complaints - years ago. Those in the FBI and other organizations who ignored things, told the girls to keep quiet, or simply kept stalling must be punished.

Two additional things come to mind. Today in the realm Trumpism and the pandemic, we keep hearing people that sound completely zingy talking about demonic celebrities who are trying to capture and consume our children in some satanic ritual. This gives those dingbats ammunition to say - "See! We told you they are out there!" The authorities including the FBI are accessories in this matter.

Secondly, what I did not hear about was how on earth Nasser was ever hired or put into his position without appropriate screening. Surely anybody who is in constant contact - physically - with attractive and fit young women - too timid to scream as loudly as adult women might - must be screened at a much higher standard before being hired or appointed. This same standard by the way has to be applied to any of the so-called "support" groups and individuals to whom the girls are referred for treatment. Otherwise you could be rescuing these girls from the wolf and tossing them to a jackal. 

Those who ignored the complaints or covered them up must suffer severe penalties, because they deserve it and to set a precedent for others.

These are brave women who will forever be remembered. Sadly it is another broken cog in the already flawed American justice system. Let me guess: some people will say that the solution is to arm young female athletes with pistols so they can defend themselves in the future. The second amendment solves another problem!


Thursday, 29 July 2021

January 6. Sticks and Stones

Remember this? "But Names Can Never Hurt Me?"

Years ago parents sometimes tried to teach their kids who were being bullied to say "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but names will never hurt me."

Not so today. The attack on the Capital Building on January 6, 2021 - and that's exactly what was - personified that old teaching. The problem is that yes - the sticks and stones (aka .WEAPONS) did indeed break bones and the racial epithets actually did hurt the officers.

Despite parental efforts the name calling always hurt the kids and most could not ignore it. I wish I could say that anyone using the "N" word against those brave officers protecting politicians must have been similarly affected in their youths. I doubt it. This was real hatred of red necked and red capped adults towards other adults.

What a pathetic example to set for kids, and the rest of the world. Washington has now become the world's biggest schoolyard.

There are leaders besides Trump (leader status in question) who were behind this. They are running scared. They have to be identified and seriously punished. Soon. The Donald should be included.


Monday, 31 May 2021

Biden Embarrasses Trump

Daffy Duck Trump. Elmer Fudd Trump. Take your Pick.

Biden just embarrassed Trump without even trying. What a difference! Trump sounds like a cartoon character by comparison.

I just heard Biden on Memorial Day. What a great speech. He hit all the right notes in all the right places. Was he reading it? It didn't look like it and there were only a couple of minor verbal slips, instantly corrected. It was right up there with Obama.

THAT was a Presidential speech. Trump couldn't possibly have done it. Even if someone whispered it into his ear as it progressed, he couldn't have done it.

After four years of staged, monotone, nonsense, and lies, it is great to see and hear a passionate, caring, and eloquent leader in charge of the USA once again.

Congratulations Joe and congratulations to all the Warriors lost, still serving, and their families. Biden meant every word and you should all be proud. You deserve it.

All lives matter especially after they are lost defending the country so other Americans can make the most of theirs. So go ahead and enjoy it - but be grateful, not hateful.

Words matter too. Thanks for your wise ones Mr. President.


Thursday, 6 May 2021

Liz Cheney for President

Maybe Dick Cheney Can't Shoot Straight, but Liz Sure Can

Liz Cheney has more potential for POTUS and the GOP than Trump ever did or ever will and more spine as well. For that matter so do most decent people. What Republicans need is a twin ticket of Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney. They've just gone too bonkers to realize it. The only problem would be which one would be the VP and which the big Kahuna. I think it is time for a woman as President but I doubt Romney would tolerate that.

I jest of course because the entire group of backstabbers formerly known as the GOP have rejected truth, justice, and democracy. Now THAT is ironic - some of you might remember the original TV show Superman, and that was part of the intro: "fights a never ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way!" Superman would not be amused with Trump and his bunch.

It is sad to see the Grand Old Party being treated by its youth as though it has become geriatric. Most of the big names in the party have exposed their true deceitful side. Don't ever forget them. Today the party reminds me of the Gong Show or Laugh In. They are prepared to "Sock it to" the voters, the country, and anybody else who has maintained senses of morals and integrity.

Maybe some day it will all come out in a movie - it has already spawned several books. Think of the possibilities. There was another movie about corruption - The Big Easy. This one could be The Big Lie. It has all the ingredients of a Thriller.

No Oscar however. No awards at all.


Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Second Amendment - Final Post (for now!)


2nd Amendment - Some Food for Thought

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

In my last post I created the statement below which I will fictitiously call the Brewster Amendment. Its structure is also primarily innuendo just like The Second. Imagine it was authored during the industrial revolution:

Mechanized transportation, being necessary to the maximization of a productive economy, the right of the people to operate motorized vehicles shall not be infringed.

It very closely parallels The Second and it might be helpful to develop suggestions and enhancements using a driving analogy without the gun emotion attached to The Second. I hope we can agree on the following regarding the Brewster Amendment:

1. That mechanized transportation can include things like cars, trucks, busses / trolleys, ATVs, motorcycles, skateboards, as well as tanks, armoured humvees, and ICBM carriers.

If common sense says to eliminate the last 3 because they have nothing to do with commerce, why include AK-47s, Uzis, and machine guns as "arms" in interpreting the 2nd? They are not for personal protection anymore than tanks are for grocery shopping.

2. That when they mentioned "Mechanized Transportation" the author of the Brewster Amendment had no way to anticipate vehicles with 600 horsepower accelerating to 100 mph in mere moments which are available today .

Common sense says that these road monsters are not part of moving goods to market, people to work, or kids to school. So limits on horsepower, speed, and emissions on some forms of Mechanized Transportation are reasonable. Why not the same for types or "arms" in the 2nd? Today's super cars are like today's super weapons. If the government can make car makers accountable, so should it the gun makers.

3. That mass transit, trains, and trucks require large amounts of energy but are still better than individual monster cars to move people to work and goods and services to markets

Again if this is reasonable then surely a national military is a better way to fight off a foreign aggressor than 50 independent militias. United we stand, divided we fall. The British are not coming. State militias to repel a foreign aggressor make no sense. Should there be 50 air forces as well as 50 militias?

4. That countries which are regarded by the world as the most technologically advanced are usually those which have already created national mass transit strategies and systems for people, like mini and electric cars, bullet trains and convenient trolleys and busses throughout their cities.

In a similar manner, America's greatness as seen by other nations is historically in the country as a whole, not her 50 states. It was the American Nation that others feared, not her State Militias. Foreign adversaries would LOVE the Union to break apart over guns or any other issue and this should be avoided at all costs.

5. That The Authors of the Brewster Amendment were not envisaging one or more states developing their own fragmented transportation laws just to spite the Feds. Imagine for example some states driving on the left and some on the right or each with their own gauge of train tracks. This would shatter any hopes of a robust national economy. So states did not indulge in such petty rebellions because it was not in their best interests overall.

Likewise The Authors of The Second did not intend any group in one party to storm The Capital or to hang prominent members of the opposition just because they were not happy or they liked their own policies better. Elections serve that purpose.

6. All vehicles operating on public roadways are licensed - that is to say - registered. This has seldom been questioned.

All guns ownership should be registered as well. Guns are designed to kill - cars are not. Neither the Brewster Amendment nor The Second forbid registration.

Enough philosophy and academia. Time to throw some meat into the cage. On the surface non of these violate the language of The Second Amendment:

1. The sale and distribution of arms. Some regulations exist regarding sales and those selling. Apply these regulations across all states using one set of laws. This will require a lot of diplomacy and negotiation. Casual sales by individual citizens at gun shows or to friends, relatives, and strangers must be included as well as restrictions on sales to the mentally disturbed and existing gun felons.

2. Regulate the USES of any arms held by citizens, anywhere. Obviously crimes like bank robbery are already covered. Murder in the name of self-protection is not. Work towards all states following the same laws and eliminate nebulous concepts like "invaded my space" and "felt threatened". Nobody knocking on a door to ask directions or ask for assistance should be legally shot by the homeowner.

3. Agree on a list of those weapons one is allowed to bear. This again is a state problem - a big one - which should be consolidated. Assault weapons should not be on it.

4. The sentences for those guilty of crimes committed using a gun, should be greatly increased if the gun is a banned weapon.

5. Regulate the ammunition of banned weapons including its manufacture, distribution, and sale. Only the military and groups authorized to use such weapons should be able to buy its ammunition.

6. Tax the hell out of gun ownership. This does not violate The Second unless you view it as "Infringement". That would mean that ANY form of taxation is an infringement (some already believe this). If all taxation ceased then governments and their services including infrastructure and policing would cease to exist. Perhaps the revenue could go towards settlements for the victims of current gun laws.

7. All states should have the same minimum age for gun ownership which should coincide with the age to serve in the military.

Remember this: there are multiple inquiries ongoing as I write into police departments and their firearm use, especially in regards to fatal shootings by officers. Most are in agreement that there have to be some new standards about both how police can use firearms and making them accountable. Surely the same applies to private citizens who don't receive any formal training in their use. It would be nuts to charge a cop for a shooting if a citizen can commit the same offence with no repercussions.

That's a start. Fire away.... 


Sunday, 25 April 2021

Second Amendment - Time to Talk

2nd Amendment Summary and Suggestions

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Having posted a number of topics on this subject which attempted to highlight some of the controversies, realities, and beliefs, I now face the challenge that any President or well meaning citizen faces in trying to suggest changes.  Many gun loving citizens will react negatively to ANY change. That is a given. However with any journey to make progress you have to take the first step.

I began by acknowledging that the second amendment (above) is deliberately vague. That is a major understatement. Let's move the same challenges into a non-gun world for a moment. Here is a very similarly worded statement. I will try to work with THIS as an impartial beginning. This one is a problem in all modern countries:

"Mechanized transportation, being necessary to the maximization of a productive economy, the right of the people to operate motorized vehicles shall not be infringed".

Starting to get it yet? Here are some of the obvious problems with the above but this issue affects a much higher percentage of the population. I don't know many people who do NOT want to drive some vehicle eventually. On the other hand, with guns, I think it is safe to say that a higher percentage of people do not want guns than those who don't want to own and drive a car. In Canada and I assume the USA, motor vehicles, speed limits, and most highways are under provincial (state in America) control, not federal.

1. Implementing national laws like speed limits, minimum age and learning periods is more difficult
2. Controlling insurance nationally is also more difficult
3. What motorized vehicles are included - tanks; bulldozers; skate boards; boats; convoy tractor trailers with 5-6 trailers?
4. What about vehicles for sheer pleasure that are not moving goods or taking people to work? Are these enhancing the economy (other than providing some employment to manufacture them)?
5. Who regulates the sale and manufacture of the vehicles to assure their safety or effect on the environment?
6. How can we make better use  of a lot of statistics on traffic injuries, damage, and death?
7. With ever growing traffic and parking problems, how many vehicles should a citizen be allowed to license to drive?
8. Can people with mental disabilities drive? What about a history of driving drunk or recklessly?

I think you can readily see the parallels to gun control. Some of these points (as they relate to normal driving of passenger vehicles) seem obvious. Some of the restrictions and laws that DO exist also are not considered to be an infringement to most reasonable people.

That does not juxtapose well to American gun owners. There really is no "logic" or reasoning with the most fervent gun owners. I know that neither I nor any other person who does not share their passion for guns and the belief that they are the "solution" to increasing mass shooting, has to address the rest of society. The audience must be those who know these problems either never existed in countries without a gun culture or in those who dramatically reduced it by controlling or eliminating the public's right to carry.

You have probably noticed that I have been delaying the toughest part - what to do about it. That's because I still have no real answers. I hope the next post will be the final one and that I can make a few suggestions, some of which will not be my own. The source does not matter - only the result does.


Wednesday, 21 April 2021

Second Amendment - Topic 6


2nd Amendment, Sale and Distribution - Topic 6

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Here is the last topic - the sale and distribution of weapons - before looking at the overall gun situation.

The above reproduction of the Second Amendment states nothing about the sale and distribution of the "arms" that one may bear. Thus no suggestions or current practices on sales are in violation of this Amendment. Proposals and regulations have to be considered with original intent in mind. Everything keeps coming back to that - interpretation.

As stated in one of the previous topics, regulations or practices regarding sale and distribution varies by state and by situation. Professional sellers of weapons are certainly regulated federally but not so much by state. If you sell a gun to a friend or at a gun show or garage sale, there is no regulation. Need I go further?

This in effect negates any legitimate regulation. If I want to go on a rampage and do my own mass shooting, I can buy any weapon I want off the street or from a neighbour. There will also be no background check - just slap down my cash and start shooting.

Once again letting reason interfere with passion, here are some suggestions:
  1. Any vendor at a gun show must be a registered seller - no private sales. That vendor must conduct and show proof of a valid background check on the purchaser (no minors, no mental disorders, no prior serious weapons offences). This does not prevent illegal yard sales for example but it is one large step for mankind!
  2. Such sellers should lose their license to sell if they violate this.
  3. A purchaser should also have to register a purchase. This does not violate anything in the 2nd. You need to register a car which is not intended to kill so why not a gun? I know this argument is as old as the controversy but it is still valid.
  4. Rapid-fire assault weapons should not be sold to the public - does not violate the 2nd. Yup - heard it all before - they are "arms" so they should be available. Today assault weapons, tomorrow tanks in every driveway.
  5. As mentioned before, if you can't regulate the gun sale then regulate the ammunition sale. This will really make gun owners go wild but the 2nd does not preclude this approach. Naturally, the manufacture of your own ammo would have to be part of this.
I could go on but why waste the space? We know what the reaction will be. There is enough here to make a big impact - like the impact of one of those rounds hitting a body.

That is enough food for thought, both of rational thinkers and the not so rational. In subsequent posts I will address the tough part: what to do about all of this, if anything.

Thanks for reading this far.


Monday, 19 April 2021

Second Amendment - Topic 5


2nd Amendment, not Applicable in Special locations? - Topic 5

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

This one should be easy but as stated before, nothing about the second amendment is easy.

What I have read with only minimal research (Google research so it must be true!) is that state and federal legislation on this is all over the map - literally. That goes for almost everything about the 2nd Amendment.

So here are some places where I would suggest guns should be prohibited. When reading them ask yourselves "Would the authors of the Second have any reason to disagree with these?" Federal laws are consistent with many of them. In many locations State laws are not:
  • government buildings. (Some states restrict carrying in some state buildings but not others)
  • courthouses
  • schools
  • hospitals
  • airports and planes (other than security forces)
  • bars or any other places where people and their emotions are liable to be under the influence of a substance like alcohol or drugs including sporting events
  • any private business or property where the owner decides to disallow guns. This latitude is constantly under attack
  • banks
  • police stations
  • churches
  • parks
  • public transit
  • nudist colonies (just kidding to see if you got this far)

Even where these apply there are differences regarding concealed or open carry restrictions. What difference does this make? Is the thinking that if you can carry an open weapon the other guy/girl has a better chance of reaching theirs if they see you reaching for yours? Sound like Dodge City? 

My take on this is something that applies to all of these locations. Turn it around and ask why does anyone require a gun in any of these locations? The answer for the gun owners/lovers will always be for protection - against some other person.

If fear of the other person is the big issue, then I have two suggestions, expensive as they might be.1) Such locations all have securely locked entrances. 2) An armed guard searches/scans for weapons outside that entrance with mandatory temporary surrender of weapons until the owners leave. The weapons would be locked up and only the guard could unlock them.

One more idea would be to work towards standardizing all of these locations and restrictions across federal and state jurisdictions. Then at least everyone would have to abide by one set of rules.

This leaves one more topic - 6 - before summarizing the entire subject and possibly making suggestions.


Saturday, 17 April 2021

Second Amendment - Topic 4


 2nd Amendment, Case for Gun Rights Denial - Topic 4

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Today's topic is another heated one. Are there certain groups of people who should be denied firearms under any circumstances?

Mature adults have to include at least one - children. Surely the authors of the amendment would have assumed this one. As mentioned days ago the question then becomes at what age? If there are minimum ages for drinking or driving does it not make sense to use the same age here? Nixon signed an extension to a bill to require voters to be at least 18. Should you own deadly weapons before you can even vote?

If you agree that children - whose brains, powers of reason, emotions etc. are not yet developed but will, why allow the mentally handicapped to have guns when their same traits won't develop?

That leaves criminals. How can anyone think that a person who has already used a gun illegally, won't do it again? Using the same analogy as above, if repeat offenders can lose their right to drive, why not the right to shoot? In my opinion a person found to break the law while using a gun should not only forfeit all their guns they should suffer severe consequences if they are found to acquire new ones. The seller should be included.

Here is one approach that is simple. Nobody outside of police, conventional military personnel including guardsmen federal and state, and possibly private but licensed security companies and bodyguards should be allowed to carry firearms - NOBODY. Now we all know the immediate reaction will be that the bad guys will still carry. How do other countries control that? I can only suggest severe penalties for those who carry illegally; even worse for those who supply them; and spot checks - LOTS of them - by police or other designated groups any time and any place to enforce a no carry law.

In times of war the military will supply the necessary firepower, not Tom, Dick, and Harriet. Those days are long gone. The British are not coming.

It isn't going to be easy. Nobody, including me, is saying that.

To be continued...


Thursday, 15 April 2021

Second Amendment - Topic 3

 2nd Amendment, Militias - Topic 3

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

In my post April 11, 2021 I listed what I saw as areas of discussion and controversy regarding the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Topic 3 is today's subject, the meaning of the word "Militia."

Was the use of the term "Militia" in reference to (1) the need some day to fight off a foreign attack (keeping the War of Independence in mind); (2) the right of each of the (United) states to do the same against each other; or (3) the need for state(s) to rebel against Federal government?

(1) One of the backbones of America and one of its greatest points of pride is how disparate people banded together to free themselves from British oppression. Despite the superior British experience, they lost as we all know and America was born. That was almost 250 years ago. Since then The United States of America has shown her strength to the world by uniting those very peoples whenever needed especially to go to other countries and fight with allies against common enemies. The notion of having to fight off an intruder on a moments notice with self-armed militias is not realistic today.

In fact if America were to have another internal or civil war there is a very good chance other great nations like China or Russia would take advantage while she is down to attack if they were ever going to do so. "United We Stand, Divided We Fall" is a fact of history.

Since that War of Independence the need for the ultimate armed forces has become even more important but not using whatever you have in your basement, garage, or pickup truck. Therefore it seems at least to me that state militias to defend America are an obsolete notion. Maintaining superior national armed forces is surely the best defense.

(2) and (3) If the "Militia" was to permit one state to wage actual war with another or to overthrow a central government (with a weaker militia?) then again I say in today's world America would be doomed. This could have happened on January 6, 2021. Thank God Federal and loyal state forces ("militias" if you prefer) fended off an internal attack - and that is exactly what it was.

Therefore any use of militias in any of the scenarios mentioned above would likely spell doom for the country. Is this why the amendment was created? I hardly think so.

One more observation: where in The Constitution does it say or was it ever intended that if one group or another in the world's model democracy disliked the result of an election or what any politician stood for, the unhappy party should grab some "arms" and proceed to hang or shoot those politicians? Is THAT what the amendment was for? Once again - NOT!

So ironically, this leaves the most popular argument in favor of Americans owning guns - personal protection. When your read the amendment (See 1st paragraph, above) personal protection is not even mentioned nor can I see how it is implied.

It is difficult to come up with a good analogy. Perhaps this is like forming a group of volunteer firefighters for a remote area. If they are granted the right to use a flashing light and a siren on their private vehicle it would be for the occasional need to rush to very rare fires. It would never be intended to get to your regular job on time if you were late. This would be like using firearms for personal use, not that of being a member of a militia.


Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Second Amendment - Topic 2


 2nd Amendment, Federal or State - Topic 2

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

In my post April 11, 2021 I listed what I saw as areas of discussion and controversy regarding the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Topic 2 is today's subject, the nature and purpose of the arms themselves.

In dictionaries I consulted arms and weapons reference each other. They appear to be synonyms. Both can include objects or devices used to fight, harm, overpower or even kill another being or living thing. In that sense even other species possess weapons. Weapons evolved over time from natural sticks and stones to those shaped or rendered to be more effective. We have all heard of arrows, knives, slingshots, spears, swords, lances, clubs, and even other tools like axes and pitchforks being used in both defensive and offensive manners. Humans alone have continually perfected our weapons and the means to mass-produce them. We are discussing human weapons today.

During the times of the second amendment common weapons were single shot flintlocks, muskets and cannons. In battle there were also swords, knives, and spears. Nobody could have possibly anticipated modern weaponry including tanks, machine guns, automatic pistols and assault weapons capable of tearing a body to pieces in mere seconds.

In any calm rational setting, it seems to most outside America and many inside, that these kinds of weapons were never intended for personal protection of family and property. For purposes of international war and defending ones country - with arms and militias, the opposite is true.

Many argue that the second amendment does not list arms that you can't possess or things you can not do with them - therefore anything goes. I do not subscribe to this. It is not stated that five year old kids can't bear arms and shoot their friends but similar things have happened. Also not prohibited is the ownership of an intercontinental ballistic missile with a nuclear warhead parked in your drive - ditto for an F18 or other fighter jet.

I am being pedantic because the authors of the 2nd Amendment assumed a certain degree of common sense on the part of governments and citizens. To many of us that appears to have been a false assumption. If anything in the previous paragraph seems to be "obvious", then where do you draw the line between what the authors intended and what not?

In the American system of government the courts are the final decision makers but on major issues associated with this topic they have opted out.

One tactic which I suggest is to approach the USE of arms covered by the amendment. As stated above this is also not defined so no rights would be infringed upon. Some laws address this such as robbing a bank using a weapon especially when people are injured or killed. Surely this can be expanded for other personal use of firearms. Associated with this would be prohibiting criminals who have been found guilty of previous crimes using weapons and those with known mental disabilities (to be defined). Would the authors of the amendment have objected?

How can anyone say it is OK for someone who knocks on a door for directions or who enters a house by mistake to be shot dead? In some states all the owner has to do is say they felt threatened or that they felt that their space was invaded. I don't have the answer but many people are elected and paid big bucks to come up with such answers or compromises. There is one of the biggest problems. Gun owners don't want to compromise.

Once again this will be discussed further in my final post on the Second Amendment. Please feel free to leave comments.


Monday, 12 April 2021

Second Amendment - Topic 1

 2nd Amendment, Federal or State - Topic 1

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

In my last post April 11, 2021 I listed what I saw as areas of discussion and controversy regarding the Second Amendment to U.S. The Constitution. Topic 1 is today's subject

Does this amendment target the individual states, the Feds, or the citizen?

The purpose of this amendment and why it was proposed is open to interpretation. No-one is living who was around when it was written. It is perhaps deliberately vague - somewhat like The Bible or any religious book. 

One predominant thought is that it was intended to allow citizens of individual states to fight a tyrannical Federal government. Does "militia" mean only groups such as armies and national guards have the right to bear the arms or does each individual have this right either for personal protection or to form their own "militias?"

Another issue is whether the original intent was to prevent the Feds from banning or granting the right to bear arms. Many think it was to permit only the States to grant or restrict this right.

Looking at other countries it seems to make sense that the most powerful army should be a national one if it is the country that needs defending. National governments will generally have the most funding, international contacts, and be most aware of world events. In fact many other countries do not have provincial or state militias, just police forces to enforce municipal, state, and federal laws.

The notion of having a standing army complete with weapons at home might have had merit long ago but with today's communications and satellites it is hard to imagine a surprise attack on the USA. Having guns at home as a national defense strategy to counter such an attack is a stretch.

The idea of entrenching the right to form discreet militias precisely to overthrow their own national government seems contrary to any notion of a nation. That's like giving cigarettes to people but asking them not to light them. Similarly if the idea was that one state might want to go to war with another, what kind of nation is that?

Having the right to personal protection with a gun has some merit given the American gun culture mentioned in the first article. However protection as in your person and family does not justify weapons of war at home or on the streets.

I will return to these topics in my final post where some suggestions will be offered and solicited. This was just some food for thought.

The next in this series will address types of weaponry.


Sunday, 11 April 2021

Second Amendment

 An Old Favorite with Every American and Many Others

Many people have waded into this swamp and been bitten by alligators or at least been astonished by the number and size of them! It is even more controversial for non-Americans to discuss. I am Canadian but just as those passionately in favour of gun ownership have their rights, the entire world population has a right to hold its own opinions including their experiences with no such right to "bear" arms.

So I will discuss this in a series of posts attempting the whole time to respect all opinions and not to "lecture". The fact remains there are many Americans who are actually against the current status quo and who want at lease reasonable change. There are also many who do not.

To begin with a Google search for Second Amendment produces the following:

"A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."

Lawyers, politicians, and private citizens have written and shouted volumes on this topic. What I have read tends to fall into these areas of controversy:

1. Application at the Federal vs. State levels

2. The nature and purpose of the Arms themselves

3. Whether "Militia" was in reference to the need some day to fight off a foreign attack keeping the War of Independence in mind or the right of each of the (United) states to do the same against each other, or the Federal government

4. Whether there are any classes of citizens for whom such a right should be infringed upon or denied such as known criminals who have used guns to break the law, or those with mental problems

5. Whether the right should not apply to some areas such as The District of Columbia, other government buildings, schools, hospitals.

6. Who should have the right to sell arms and weapons and whether this right should be regulated

Those alone suggest how this can be so controversial. I am not a lawyer but neither are most of the citizens who argue their right to bear any and all types of arms.

In future posts I will address each of these. Today let's look at another phenomenon. The topic in America has morphed into a mentality - almost a religion.

Many protagonists argue quite correctly that this is such a part of American culture it will never change. The Dodge City shootout scenario is ingrained. Guns make the man. They have guns so I have to have guns. The biggest and best gun wins! It is sad but true. I can think of no other country where people think like this. To others, that does not make it right, just unique - extremely unique. How do citizens in other countries enjoy their peaceful environments without carrying guns?

Many other democracies experience violence between political parties and religions just mentioning two but seldom are guns involved. Italy comes to mind - they change governments like seasons but don't bring out the guns and battle it out in the streets. There is one exception. One group with Italian origins that now exists in many countries is the Mob or organized crime. Surely this is an example of what can go wrong with gun availability. The drug trade is another.

Only organized police and military forces have taken on such groups and succeeded - not individual citizens with guns. To me this is an argument in favour of proper authorities having the guns, not criminals.

So there is an introduction. I look forward to continuing the topic.
