#America is Sinking like the Titanic, Iceberg and All
If a previous single term #President - for example The Donald - wanted to be President again, there are some questions I know I would be asking myself. Maybe you should too. Given their track record during the first term:
1. Assume there was another Titanic level disaster. Only 3 people were still alive onboard - him, an unknown woman, and a child. If there were only 2 life jackets, do you think the woman and child would be wearing them when the ship sank?
2. Has this person ever been in battle dodging real bullets, shrapnel, and bombs? If they had been called to serve in such a role, would they have done so without finding a way out of it?
3. If they ever asked anyone while viewing a military cemetery "what was in it" for the departed heroes would they be worthy of a second time in the White House?
4. If they joked with another man about grabbing women by their private parts without asking is that Presidential behaviour?
5. If they played any role whatsoever in instigating an insurrection against the office they already served during which their own Vice President was almost hanged, would they deserve a second chance?
6. If they admire and believe other autocrats who use raw power, terror, and corruption to keep themselves in office should they be allowed try it (again) in America?
7. If they can't stay in a single long term relationship the way so many who live the American Dream do, could you trust them to be loyal to their country either?
8. If they have been caught lying too many times to count could they change in a second term?
9. If they have countless lawsuits against them and have reneged on America's international agreements more than once, will anyone ever trust them again?
10. If you got this far and still want to re-elect this person give your head a shake.
The future of your democracy depends on you. I get 9 'no's as responses to the above. Only one should be required to deny another term.