The Magnificent Seven; The Seven Wonders; or The Seven Dwarfs?
In the most recent Democratic debate, live on stage, somebody turned the microphones on too soon. It was not broadcast but is alleged to have gone something like this...The Rest: OK Bernie. No offence but the target is on your back tonight.
Bernie: You nitwits couldn't draw a target if you all got together and together is just not in your vocabulary.
Pete: When I was serving in the military, I hit more targets than...
Bernie: Ya, Ya, Ya, hail to BUTThead.
Pete: That's "BOOT", not BUTT
Amy: You're going to feel six boots tonight and they will all be on your BUTT.
Liz: You all sound worse than the kids I used to teach.
Joe: God help those kids ...
Tom: I thought we all agreed to ditch the sniping or we will all pay the price...
Liz: How about you and your moneybags buddy over there paying the price. You've both bought everything else!
Mike: Typical frickin bitch remark...
Amy and Liz: What did you just say Mayor Frisky-Frisk?
Pete: When I was serving in the military, when we heard misogynistic comments like that ...
Joe: Oh stick a mortar shell in it Pete
Moderators: OK guys, we are nearing air time. Bring it down a notch.
All: Oh stick a mortar shell in it! Good one Joe. Can't you see we're busy fighting here?
Liz: So purple suit. Why don't you just face facts and drop out for the rest of us?
Amy: At least I own a suit four eyes. Where'd you get that outfit - Target Boutique?
Pete: Speaking of targets, when I was serving...
Tom: OK Patton, we get it.
Amy: Before I was interrupted, I'm not folding. When they hear about my support in the Midwest...
Liz: News flash snowbird. Neither Carolina is part of the Midwest. By the way, since you are facing East right now, the part of you facing West could use a little more support...
Amy: Oh yeah Miss Native Minority Queen? Want to step outside? That war paint you're wearing isn't going to help you out there, or your military brothers.
Pete: OK guys. I'm taking bets. Could use a little boost in the funds.
Joe, Mike, Tom, Bernie: We're in. What are the odds on Liz?
Mike to self: I knew the claws would come out. Two down, four to go...