Saturday, 30 January 2021

Make America Great Again. Which One?

 What does a Great America look like?

From the beginning Trump's slogan was "Make America Great Again." Many suggested it was code for making America white again. Events over the last four years and the last four weeks make it pretty clear that the suggestion was accurate.

Biden's slogan is "Build Back Better". What does better mean? Presumably whatever he does will simply be better than what Trump promised, but did not deliver. Let's repeat that - did NOT deliver. We never did see the long awaited, "just around the corner" replacement for the Affordable Care Act or any cheques (checks for some) from the Bank of Mexico.

A recently revealed rant by Marjorie Taylor Greene told some to go back where they came from because they were ruining the great country that "we" built. One has to question her own contribution to that build but that is another story.

And to those who just love to scream, what is it that you have to "take back" that gives you the right to murder and destroy?

What America are people talking about?

- The one in which the oh-so-holy Jim and Tammy bilked their "congregation" out of tens of millions of dollars?
- Maybe the one where parents have to dread the day when they go to pick up their kids only to find that once again some dingbat exercising his gun rights slaughtered those kids? Yeah we know - it's not the gun's fault.
- Perhaps the one that is proud of the Jonestown mass suicide or the Branch Davidian suicide in Waco?
- The one where two famous brothers in the Kennedy family might have a question or two about the greatness of America and some of its citizens?
- In a city where those who have lost their jobs, are hungry and possibly freezing on the street who probably resent the family of four down the block hunkered down in their 15,000 square foot mansion with its three furnaces and two swimming pools on ten plush acres?
- The dogs and horses put down or left to die because they can't race or fight anymore? Good thing they can't speak up.
- Poor students who had the marks but were denied entry to famous schools because some rich celebrities bumped them for their own dumb kids using bribes?
- Lots, Lots more examples.

Or is it This America? The one where:

- Every citizen has equal rights and opportunities?
- A black boy grew up to become the President and a black girl The Vice President?
- Superior technology and will built great companies providing millions of jobs and some of the world's greatest products?
- There is still ample untapped wealth for all to enjoy their lives in relative prosperity?
- The country is willing to go to bat for other people in the world and often lend a helping hand?
- It is possible to come to the country LEGALLY to enjoy those same opportunities?
- You can practice your religion of choice or none at all?
- Truth is still preferred over lies?
- Political parties and politicians work FOR the people - ALL of them?

I know which one I hope re-emerges. Too bad the citizens themselves don't.


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