Sunday, 10 September 2023

U.S. Election 2024

Shake Hands, go to your corners, and come out fighting!

It looks like this is what we will witness in the next American election, 2024. Shaking hands is very hard to imagine. Staring each other down perhaps - Trump is already practicing the stare. There won't be a bell but if there were it should be from the Gong Show, not a boxing ring. U.S. politics and this election is about to out-do anything even Saturday Night Live could conceive. What a shame.

The contrast is sad. Biden is well liked around the world and has decades of experience. Unfortunately that also means he is old by any standard. This cuts both ways. Age brings wisdom and experience but experience also brings age! He would normally be a trusted leader and ally but because of Trump's inexperience, neither Biden nor America can really be trusted anymore.

Trump is a neophyte to politics and leading a country. It showed. It still does. He too is well known around the world but has done more harm to America's reputation than any POTUS in recent history. As a result, Biden is saddled with the fact that Trump has already backed out of agreements. The division between the parties also means that any new GOP President is likely to reverse anything Biden accomplishes more for political reasons than anything else. World leaders can no longer rely on America and they have been observed literally laughing about Trump.

Today at the G20 in India I saw Biden at the right hand end of the row for pictures. He was diplomatic enough to accept this. In the past we have seen Trump literally pushing other leaders out of the way so he could be central in the photo op, narcissist that he is.

In a democracy based on the rule of law, the next POTUS could possibly be a man with outstanding criminal charges who could do time behind bars. Even Nixon was smart enough to resign when he realized the case against him was strong and that his actions had already done much harm to the country.

Biden might not be squeaky clean although no charges have yet been laid against him but his image and reputation are entirely above board. Trump on the other
hand has more lawsuits against him or his companies than anyone I know. He is reputed to be one of the biggest liars on the planet.

Biden cares deeply about people and America and it shows. Trump cares about one person only - Trump, He only considers the country if he can lead it and rule it forever with his rich friends while continuing 
to rape the country for both.

Here is the rub: those rich friends know he is lying but they also just want to preserve their wealthy lifestyle at any cost. The Trump "base" - those actually vote for the man and do his dirty work - have been totally bamboozled and really do believe him. Just listen to some of them. Hello - the earth is round, not flat, or have you noticed?

Thomas Gray (don't know him either!) once said "Ignorance is bliss". It certainly is in most elections. We can only hope Trump devotees don't manage to make him "great" again. It would be as far from bliss as you could imagine.



Joeblow said...

Test comment from singeast

Anonymous said...

If only more people had the good common sense to admit and accept this, the country and the world would be saved much aggravation. People are best served by leaders who care about their needs and not through being entertained by attenion seeking theatrics and lies.