Saturday, 20 July 2024

Go Joe! A Double Entendre like no other!

Should Biden Step Down?

If you are a Biden fan The chant "Go Joe" could mean two things: you are voicing your support for him to stay on to beat Trump and the destruction he will bring; or the "Joe Must Go" version you hear from Trump fans - time for him to leave.

(By the way Hulkster - as you portrayed such a vivid and embarrassing example of the American Dream on stage, just what the hell is a "Real American"? Is that you? Your country is in trouble for sure!)

When you are involved in any fashion with the office of The President, you are in a high stakes game from the get go. In the office itself, you can destroy the country and the world. Naturally, you can also have a tremendously beneficial effect on both as well. Now put yourselves in the position of being on the staff of the President - new positions he or she creates, or existing ones. Also consider being family members.

In the case of Trump we saw a great division. Many in his administration - on camera - testified how corrupt and unlawful his actions were as President. They told him and then they resigned or were fired for speaking the truth. Others just sucked up to him and they still are because the real truth about The Donald and what he stands for is never spoken. For now let's just say you will probably be OK under another Trump Presidency if you are white and rich, but not so otherwise and leave it at that.

For Biden's people, it is quite a different story. Apparently you CAN give him a differing opinion or advice which he might not follow, but he won't fire you for it. Here there is a split as well. Many friends, family, and staff around Joe are indeed telling him it is time to exit the stage gracefully. Those who love him and what he has accomplished really do want him to stay. They might not agree with everything he has done, but at least they are truths and not just more lies. The other side has the very tough task of telling him he can't win and even if he does, he can't last another full term. But they ARE saying it. Real Republicans who had the courage to speak out have been banished.

We can all relate to the Biden dilemma because we all know people we love who are experiencing the decline that often comes with age. Eventually, something has to be done for the sake of those very same people and the people they are affecting.

In this case those affected constitute the entire population of America and elsewhere.

In closing let me put it this way. If Joe were your heart surgeon or your airline pilot, would there be any question of stepping down? Would you go under the knife or fly with him if you witnessed behavior that he is displaying?

We all know the answer. Thankfully it would not happen because the hospital and the airline would have procedures in place to prevent it - like a mandatory retirement age.

It is a tough job but somebody has to do it. Sorry Joe - I am a fan but Trump AND his Supreme Court have to be stopped. It will take years.


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