Sticks and Stones... You Know
Well it won't be long now before the debates for the nomination of who will represent Republicans in the 2024 U.S. Presidential election. That means it won't be long now before the world sees the likely nominee - DJT - calling people names like a kid in a schoolyard - a primary school yard. Unfortunately it lowered the dignity of what used to be the most highly regarded political position on the planet - no more. Thanks DJ.We saw and heard it last time in 2016 but this time he is even more desperate and he will lower the station to total depravity - a shame really. But what else do you expect? The man knows not the meaning of true class. I doubt he has the IQ to devise most of the childish handles but he seems to have enough scriptwriters to compensate.
Maybe it is time that he tastes a little of what he doles out, Already some of the charges against him give us some optimism. I suggested done this before but perhaps the responses will increase this time.
Please comment with a few suggestions of names that other candidates could label The Donald. Who knows? Maybe some will make it to the debate podium. Please use the comment section below.
Here are a few to get you going:
- Pinocchio. This is a natural. He has the lying thing down - enough for an army of Pinocchio's. His personality and I.Q. are that of a wooden puppet The only thing missing is the nose - make that knows - it is more appropriate since he knows very little for a world leader.
- Donald Duck. These first two would violate some kind of intellectual property rights but don't worry - he wouldn't. He also sounds a lot like the Disney duck especially when on a rant. He is a natural cartoon character. Disney could have had a blast with him.
- Goofy. Funny - another cartoon character! Is any further explanation needed?
- Don the Con. This has double meaning - he has been conning people his entire life but soon he might be wearing a real con striped suit of a different design. Will they let him wear his trademark red tie? No. Somebody might strangle him.
- Forrest Gump Trump. "Gump" can be a compliment but what do you think? Will that be the first thing that comes to most minds?
- Welcher Donald. A history of examples.
- Humpty Dumpty. He also fell from his lofty perch. But at least Humpty HAD a wall to sit on! We are still waiting for DJ's and for the first peso to pay for it. All the King's horses and all the King's men are still laughing.
- Titanic Donald. It was supposed to be unsinkable as well.
- Don the Wiz! Just like the Wizard of Oz, once you pull back the curtain and expose all the trickery, there's really nothing there. The real Wiz was a dream. This one is a nightmare.
- Joker Don. The Joker is also one of a kind and a real card. He can be anything you want him to be. The appearance is usually that of a clown or jester. Typically, it was supposed to be have introduced by Americans who wanted to change the rules. Trump is also a card term but in that case it usually helps you win.
If any of them stick it will drive him crazy! OK crazier!
1 comment:
Liar Don, not only does he tell lies he will lie down with any woman.
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