Tuesday 6 July 2021

DEMS Will Only Lose in 2022, 2024 if it is RIGGED

Republicans STOLE the Election

Where have we heard that cry before? Oh yes - Trump about the Democrats LONG before the 2020 election. So I figure it is time to start making similar predictions. After all, many states have already put in "The Fix" against visible minorities - who typically vote Democrat - for future elections.

This is not speculation like Trump and his followers indulged in before the last election. This is public news broadcast internationally. States are making it harder to vote for all of those swing state citizens who voted Trump out and Biden in.

According to Republicans 2020 was stolen. What that really meant was that the effort they already made to give more weight to white votes didn't work the way it had before. Must have been fixed.

If one year in the past the New York Yankees started saying the only way they could lose the World Series would be if it were fixed, and then they lost and said "See - told you so" they would probably be out of the league. In that case the fans would have no part of it. They would recognize a sore loser.

That's what should happen to The Donald - out of the League. Maybe it already has. As for the fans? Even though Trumpers wear a red baseball hat, what's under it appears to be an empty stadium. Yogi said "It ain't over 'till it's over." It's over big Don. You struck out.


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