Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Just Watch Me: The Sequel

How will History record Biden?

Can we compare Biden to Reagan when he suffered from alzheimer's? Is it even fair? 

Aside from their party affiliations, many consider both to be good Presidents. Reagan ran 4 times and won twice. Biden ran once and won once - so far. Reagan could not have run again but Biden can. Reagan did have a serious illness about which his staff and Nancy had to know for a considerable time. Can the same be said about Biden's staff today and Jill Biden? Reagan spent most of his career as an actor (don't most policitians?) but Biden spent most of his in Washington politics.

The future of the country and its democracy was not at stake after Reagan but it certainly is if DJT returns to the White House. 

What about Nixon? One could also compare the current crisis with the Nixon situation. 

Nixon was advised to resign by those he trusted and thankfully he did. This is also happening to Biden as I write. All the signs that Nixon intended to run the country like his own personal realm were there but this has never been a threat with Biden, despite all the lies spewed by the other guy. There is no Watergate with Biden.

I was disappointed since my previous post to see Biden digging in. Without a prompter displaying a written script for him, he is just not the Biden on a white stallion we enjoyed watching. Life expectancy for males in America in 2024 is about 81. That is when they die! Before that, some physical and possibly mental decline can also be expected. Can he last for over four years in his present state? THAT is the real question - not his past accomplishments. Can he get back on that horse?

Every day now we hear a multitude of Democrats attempting to deflect persistent journalists away from these points. They try to focus on accompishments which are numerous. The problem is that these are in the past by definition. Too many people inside the country and abroad can't see them being repeated in the future. They are just being too kind to say it.

My father died of alzheimer's and when we finally had to take him to a facility for my mother's and his sake, and tell him that he was staying, it was devastating for my family and for him. But it had to be done. I have not heard any talk of alzheimer's with Joe but the point is the same.

Does Joe want his legacy to be the great one already on the records or is he willing to ruin all of that out of pride and misbelief in himself? The greatest musicians and athletes knew when it was time to leave. The few who insisted on trying to stay often became pathetic. 

Listen to all of the people Joe. That is a character trait you have always exuded. Step aside gracefully. It will be recorded as one of your bravest acts for the country. You slayed Goliath once and much of America is grateful. Are there enough stones left in your sling to do it again and will they connect? Many doubt it. 

Joe loves to tell us he was too young to sit in the Senate when he started in Washington and how the older folks around him didn't take him seriously. Some fifty years later does he really want to leave the stage as someone who is too old and now have those around him lose the respect he earned and deserves?


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