Saturday, 27 July 2024

British Anti-Trump Wit at its Best!

A Brit Fights the War of Independence - from Trump - Again!

Sometimes you come across an article which is so well written you have to share it. I just received this one in an email (yes I still use email). Only a Brit. could pen this. There was another some months ago - possibly the same writer - but this one is more than enough. Thank you Nate White (London Daily). Some Americans won't get the British humour but read this piece See the link below.

For certain many around the world have had similar thoughts. I have addressed some of them myself but am no match for the cleverness you will read with Nate.

You must have seen and laughed aloud at some of the Walmart videos that make the rounds. Typically they show Walmart shoppers wandering the store or parking lot looking more atrocious than most people could imagine. My feelings of "How could you even go out your front door looking like that?" are as close as I can come to "How could you possibly vote for that man?" As Nate points out, "man" might be inappropriate.

Broad brushing an entire group is usually wrong and I try to avoid it. We have all heard in disbelief the MAGA base and Trump himself say that he could shoot somebody in Time Square and still get their vote. The same goes for mocking the disabled or raping a woman.

It is probably worse. Trump could walk up to 6 of his most loyal base members and shoot 3 of THEM. The others would still vote for him. There is only one explanation for that and I won't go there. Nate already covered it. The balance of the MAGA voters are indeed capable of thinking and voting with cause - not one others could ever agree with - but cause just the same.

Non-Americans like me and Nate will never vote in America's elections but that gives all of us an ability and perspective to think outside the box. Here the box is that experiment called the United States.

If you conduct experiments, common sense is usually enough to avoid disaster. Fictitiously in Jekyll and Hyde, the good doctor drank his own potion - not a good idea. Franklin supposedly sent a kite up into a storm to learn more about electricity (this is not proven). If he had he probably would have died. Frankenstein created a monster by hooking it up to electrodes.

America: don't hook up those electrodes a second time!


Search for "Nate White on Trump" 

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