Monday, 18 January 2021

American Political Division

 Is the American Two Party System Dead?

I say "Yes" - at least in any form that has been traditional for decades. Are those who say "No" just willing to accept the degree of hatred that now exists between extremists as the new norm?

How many times do we have to hear yet another person saying that it is time to put the division and the politics aside; stop being so bipartisan; listen to each other. Yadda yadda yadda.

When you hear these leaders spitting at each other like two cats on an alley fence it is easy to get discouraged. "Give" and "Take" has become give them the shaft whenever you can and take whatever you can whenever you can. Look out for number 1, which should be the country but is no longer.

This is like a school of sharks and another of killer whales saying it is time to get along because there are enough fish for all of us. The American voters are the fish.

It is like a rabbit clutched in the talons of an eagle on the way up to its nest to tear its prey apart to feed its young, the rabbit suggesting "There is another way. It doesn't have to be like this!' Democracy is the rabbit. Quite frankly the eagle could be either party.

How about Piranhas in a frenzy fighting over the last morsels of an unfortunate animal just trying to cross the Amazon? The Capital was the animal.

"Reaching across the aisle" probably now implies "with a gun in his/her hand!"

Now I am saying it. The lying has to end. It is killing people. Come to your senses. Am I kidding myself? Just listen to them - in both houses. It is not going to happen.

America needs a new Center Left and Center Right party consisting of those who WILL reach to the other. Show some give and take and some cooperation. This will also split the vote so that some former Democrats and some former Republicans will join once they see the new parties prospering. Resort to your old ways and you are out!

It will also take several elections. All the best to Joe and Kamala.


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