#Biden / #Harris a Grand Slam
Man what a show! If there were an Oscar for an Inauguration this one would win. Under the circumstances it was extremely well orchestrated! The Brits almost invented pomp and pageantry but good old America can stoke up the patriotic fervour with the best of them. Couldn't have come at a better time! The country needed this.
I'll mention the name only once. Did anyone really miss The Donald? I think the jury is already in on whether he would have enhanced the show or detracted from it. Let's just say the silence was golden. But I am sure he was watching or will. I am not a Pence fan either but at least he did what he could and certainly put on a good face for the day. It was appropriate that he was mentioned several times. Just don't run yourself!
The speeches were great and not too long but one speaker right up there with Joe was the young Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman who also hit it out of the park. What an impressive young lady. She belongs on the big silver screen. Lady Gaga, Jennifer, and Garth did great jobs as well. Gaga did a bang up rendition of the anthem but I wish she just held the last note and didn't try to make it her own. It seems all performers do that now. Stripped of the meat dresses et al and she can really sing. So can Lopez for that matter - this time on the block and not just from it.
I am younger than Joe but retired. He is going to be one busy man. Good thing he loves it. Ditto that for Kamala.
One little observation: When Justice Sonia Sotomayor dictated the oath to Vice-President Harris there were some lengthy passages. Harris didn't miss a beat. When Chief Justice John Roberts did the same for President Biden he broke it down into shorter phrases. I suspect it was deliberate!
We wish both of them and their staff every success - they deserve it.
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