Saturday, 23 January 2021

Are Marriage Vows Totally Worthless?

 #Lying as a Way of Life

For over four years the subject of lying has been in the news because Donald Trump relies on it so heavily.

I am no saint but it has always been difficult for me to tell a blatant lie just because it is convenient at the time. I am excluding white lies as in answering the question: "Mummy/Daddy all the kids say I am ugly (stupid/dumb/loser etc.). Am I?' However I confess to using phony ID to purchase alcohol in my youth and to enter a pool hall before photo ID made it very difficult. Even then they didn't really ask your age, they just accepted the ID or not. Technically, not lying!

Our legal system very much depends upon telling the truth. People swear to tell the truth with a hand on a Holy Book. President Biden and Vice President Harris were just inaugurated in a similar manner.

Well into my life I became aware of how prominent a part of most peoples' personality lying has become. I suppose it always was and I was simply naive. The attitude seems to be "everybody else does, so I am foolish if I don't as well."

Think about it in another context. One of the foundations of modern society - the institution of marriage - is based on sacred vows taken before a Holy person in public. Why bother?

With the passing of Larry King part of his legacy will be his 8 marriages. If you do a search there are plenty of sites claiming to have lists of the most famous people and their five plus partners. Zsa Zsa Gabor is often at the top with 9. Apparently Jennifer Oneill tied her. We also think of Liz Taylor ( 8); Mickey Rooney (8); Lana Turner (8); and many more. David Foster is way back with his 5 but who knows?

Why did they bother? Being married to have kids is one thing but for many they have to know there will be a breakup whenever it is convenient for both of them. If Tiger Woods took a vow, he broke it many times. If you know in your heart you will be having affairs on your partner either skip the vows or just don't go through the phony nuptial charade.

Most people feel that O.J. lied - same for Prince Andrew and certain activities with Jeffrey Epstein; Bill Cosby; world leaders by the bucketful. Even Priests and other Holy people have taken the easy way out and simply lied. When working within large corporations I also found it to be commonplace. Many politicians are known for it. Ditto oil and cigarette executives.

The lie detector was developed many years ago. The most clever liars can defeat it. Humans have to be the only living creatures capable of dishonesty. It is an inherent part of the ability to speak.

What a pathetic way to distinguish human beings from other living creatures. "Cogito, ergo sum" was attributed to Descartes, "I think, therefore I am." How about: "Cogito ergo sum ego mentior hominum" instead, "I lie therefore I am human."


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