Showing posts with label 2020 US Election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2020 US Election. Show all posts

Sunday 9 February 2020

Amy Klobuchar

Make the Presidency Great Again

If America wants to be great again in the eyes of the world it is time to come out of the dark ages. Elect a female President! (That goes for my fellow Canadians also. Kim Campbell does not really count).

Here are some great ones: 

  • Indira Ghandi - India
  • Margaret Thatcher - Britain
  • Benazir Bhutto - Pakistan
  • Julia Gillard - Australia
  • Golda Meir - Israel
  • Jacinda Ardern - New Zealand
I have always said that it is easier for a woman to tone down the warmth and get tough when it is necessary than it is for a man to tone down the macho and turn on the warmth when it necessary.

I can think of no better example. Amy Klobuchar can do both. Donald Trump can not. Perhaps John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan could but DJT doesn't know the meaning of warmth. Taking your jacket off on the golf course does not count.

Amy Klobuchar is the winning lottery ticket that all Americans don't know they have. Just sign it and turn it in!

The world will thank you. Those who wanted to change the Washington establishment with Trump should be seeing the error of their ways by now.

Fix it in November. Everyone will soon learn how to pronounce her name - even my spell checker will recognize it!

The Brewster

Thursday 6 February 2020

Like A Catcher’s Mitt, He Caught A Bouncing Ball.

A Man Among Mice

Back in 2008 when Mitt Romney ran for President I have to say I considered him just like all other politicians. I had little respect. I thought him a little too polished and smarmy. When he went up against Trump and lost but then considered working for him my respect almost disappeared.

I stand corrected.

It took real intestinal fortitude – guts – to stand alone as a Republican and vote for conviction of DJT. The brief speech he made to explain his decision was moving and very well spoken. He displayed more integrity and intelligence in those few moments than Trump did in his entire eighty minute State of the Union address. He will pay for it. He knows it.

He is now in my opinion a man to be respected. President Trump is not.

If the electorate gets a chance to vote this man to the highest office in the land I suggest they should do so. That is to say, if all of his smarmy peers don’t manage to blackball him first.

Of all the speeches and intercourse (yes, that is the appropriate word) I have heard since the impeachment began, this was the best of the bunch. Why did he wait so long? He had to know it was too late to foster a guilty verdict.

OK. My suspicions are not completely overcome. Just the same, well done Mitt. Your colleagues have been put to shame. I hope when they confess that their priests are as brave as you.

The Brewster

Wednesday 5 February 2020

State of DisUnion Address

Fate of the Union Address

I think this famous presidential speech should be renamed. In the heading and title above are two suggestions.

After listening to the Trump Dump for almost 1 1/2 hours, I can't help myself. It is rhyme time.

My fellow Americans 

(left prompter)

It's time once again, in this hallowed hall,

(no LEFT Donald - the one with the wedding ring)

To tout the great things that I - that WE - do.
To the House and the Senate, Vice-President Pence,
And that woman in white next to you.

(right prompter)

I am the greatest POTUS of all,
Kennedy, Reagan - the bunch.
I am so great that I could knock out
Muhammad Ali with one punch.

You said I'm a king - tried to topple my throne,
The press and the Dems and the Feds.
Your metaphor failed - permit me to try:
One by one I'll have all your heads.

(left prompter)

Unemployment? The lowest it ever has been.
The stock market soars when I blink!
My Generals, my cabinet, the press, the U.N?
I don't give a damn what they think.

(right prompter) 

Obama's eight years I've surpassed in three.
My IQ sets me apart.
I talk to God - he knows a good thing.
And listens because I are smart.

The Speaker behind me offered her hand.
Meant to appease me I bet.
The only thing, that she has on me
Is a crush since the first day we met.

(look to the centre - can you handle that?) Hey prompter guy. YOU'RE FIRED!

Attempts to remove me were a big bust.
Their case just marks on a blotter.
Let them eat crow and then humble pie
And watch Donald J. walk on water.

To voters and fans whether black, brown, or white.
I promise you all a fair start.
In front of the world I pledge this to you,
In truth with my hand o'er my heart!

(other side Mr. President. other side!)

... o'er my heart!

And now as I leave, you may touch my ring or ask for my autograph. 
We take both credit and debit. No receipts.

Tuesday 4 February 2020

State of Disunion and Iowa Caucus

Is The Fix In?

Remember Trump in 2016? "The system is RIGGED!" Is the Iowa caucus rigged? Will DJT bring it up in the State of the Disunion Address? I am guessing yes!

Should be a roaring time. We can only hope he will go off prompt and therefore off the planet. Seldom does this help him.

No matter what it has not been a good few months for Democrats. If you are going to play poker in the big leagues listen to Kenny first. "Know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em." Just like poker if you have a great hand you can't show it early and you only get to play it once. Make it good. The Dems. didn't. They let too many people see it including the opposition. They got Trumped which is even more shocking since there is no such thing in Poker.

I hear there is a new game in November. Take some Poker lessons ladies and gents. Choose wisely who will be sitting at the table. After last night things don't look good. The pot is huge. Don't give it away again.

The Brewster

Monday 3 February 2020

Stocks to Pick When Trump is Acquitted

Trump and the Market

This will be short and sweet.

Many people attribute recent health in the stock market to Donald J. Trump. I don't agree but there is no denying that it has been on a good run.

If you want to make your fortune riding the market wake of DJT, consider something. There is one very special segment which is bound to soar. It is within the pharmaceuticals - specifically any company which manufactures sleeping pills or sleep aids.

Every Republican Senator who sold his or her soul at this trial or is about to do so will need sleeping pills. So will their spouses. It is the only way I can imagine them getting any sleep at night.

No there are not that many Senators but they will need a lot of them. Given the total lack of ethics we have witnessed, one of them is bound to see another opportunity and become a spokesperson for one of these companies, relating their recent personal experience. When they admit they are having trouble getting to sleep everyone will believe them. If they are contrite enough, they might even get re-elected.

A second choice might be Wimpy's  Diner where I'm sure they all eat.

Buy now, then sell out at the right moment - just like they did.

The Brewster

Friday 31 January 2020

Senate Trial Super Bowl!

Where is the Bigger Game - Washington or Miami?

This is a big week-end for Washington as well as Miami. The Senate's game has been going on for two weeks now and we still don't know the outcome - more like cricket.

There are more parallels than differences. However let's compare the biggest game in the Washington season and the biggest game in the football season:

  • Both rely heavily on corporate money.
  • Both make a big deal out of the kickoff but most times it amounts to nothing.
  • Inactive players sit on the sidelines. Senators watch their phones; footballers the game.
  • The Super Bowl umpires wear stripes. Perhaps the Senate ones should also - head to toe!
  • There is rough play and hard hitting in both but no penalties in the Senate.
  • You will do well in either if you can dodge, run fast, and pass the ball. 
  • In football you try to catch the ball. In the Senate you try to avoid it.
  • Both have offensive and defensive players. Most Senators however are always offensive.
  • Post game analysis lasts for hours in one but forever in the other.
  • The fans in both get into passionate fights.
  • In both, if you can keep winning you can keep playing.
  • Sometimes the oldest players do best in the Senate - not so much in football.
  • Women go crazy for footballers. You can probably guess the rest of this.
  • In the Super Bowl there is a clear winner. In the Senate there is no winner. Just losers.
  • Fans would miss almost anything for the Bowl; watch anything else but the Senate trial.

What a country! There is something for everyone.

The Brewster

Saturday 25 January 2020

Trump and the Ukraine

Hold That Thought … No PAUSE It!

There is one point I would like to make before I address today's post. 

At some point the White House et al decided that the controversial hold on aid to the Ukraine was not a hold at all but a pause! Did everyone catch that? It was back in the House. A determined effort was made but occasionally one of them slipped and said hold again. Read these words guys: If it smells like a hold, walks like a hold, looks like a hold, and has the same negative effects on the Ukraine as a hold, IT PROBABLY IS A HOLD! Having noticed that weeks ago, now that I am hearing the Republican Senate Managers' arguments, their words have more substance. (Even though I heard both "hold" and "pause" today.)
I am not a Trump fan and agree with the Dem's efforts to oust him. However as I said in a recent post I think they have blown it.

Thursday and Friday we got to see the best that the President and the GOP could put forward. I must say I was impressed. One of the things I mentioned in the past was that the strategy of having seven Democratic managers effectively give the same old story seven times was bad. One Republican presenter whom I watched made reference to that. 

He also made a point of saying that he was not going to repeat what a prior speaker had said or what someone yet to come would say. Now THAT is the kind of coordination the Democrats lacked.

The 3 men I saw made great cases! They made really effective use of the very same witnesses we saw in the house but included segments the Democrats left out AND they mentioned the omissions. Very effective and I gather the Dem's won't have a chance to fire back. The third one explained quite effectively why certain witnesses were not permitted to address the House. This was a very different and new perspective never explained by the Democrats. The reasons were supposedly sound and legitimate.

But none of this matters because the majority of voters will vote on emotions, not facts. Unfortunately the Republican lawyers so far have much more expensive looking suits, ties, and hairdos so they will win regardless.

Perhaps the Dumbos (elephants) are going to nudge out the Jackasses (donkeys) in the home stretch.

The Brewster

Wednesday 22 January 2020

Senate Trial

I'll Huff and I'll Puff and I'll Blow Your House In

Day 2 now and I think the Democratic Managers have already blown it.

If I were Schumer or whoever is in charge of these seven people now in the Senate to make their final case, I would make sure that the world did not get just the same old story over and over again seven times.

Not so. This is like some kind of public speaking contest where the rules say you have to recite the same script and can only get points by differing your facial expressions, dramatic gestures and gesticulations, voice inflection, and poignant pauses. Even the videos we've seen before. They all want their 15 minutes of Warhol fame.

A big problem here is also the fact that we have been hearing this for months now on CNN. They have been Trump bashing 24/7 since the election. Same stuff. Saying the same thing a hundred times does not change the facts or substance one little bit, even if the story is true. It just turns people off and it has. Too bad many of them voters who might have been persuaded to switch but now have been bludgeoned too much and will not.

I want to see DJT gone as much as anyone but I fear that after the two years of Mueller's efforts which failed to meet expectations, the last big opportunity is being blown. CNN has to share the blame. They flogged us to death with this stuff. There is no drama left. The man will get away with it

When the subjects of forbidden witnesses and documents come up the Republicans and all the White House team keep saying that the Dems should have taken them to court to get them. That is apparently standard practice. Maybe now is the time to finally respond that nobody should be put in a position that they have to do that. The Republicans have always moaned that the House process was unfair. Talk about unfair! If the witnesses and documents could bring an early finish to all of this, and they want fair then don't say "you should have taken us to court."

Will somebody on the Dem. team please make this point? Enough of phone calls, Giuliani, and Latin.

It might be your last hope.

The Brewster

Thursday 2 January 2020

Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell

Top 5 Pelosi / McConnell songs for 2020

As the standoff between these two continues into 2020, I thought it might be interesting to guess the tunes each might be singing right now. Here are some from the first few books I picked up!

  1. As Long as He Needs Me
  2. Too Beautiful to Last
  3. Anything Goes
  4. We've Only Just Begun
  5. Ain't Misbehavin'
  6. Don't Stop Me Now
  7. All the Way
  8. It Was a Very Good Year
  9. As Time Goes By
  10. Just Between You and Me


  1. What Kind of Fool Am I?
  2. Don't Fence Me In
  3. Ain't She Sweet
  4. Devil Woman
  5. My Way
  6. Release Me
  7. At Last  
  8. Quit Your Low Down Ways
  9. Under Pressure
  10. Helpless
There are lots of possibilities.

The Brewster

Thursday 14 November 2019

Impeachment: Who is Winning, the Christians or the Lions?

They're at the Post - THEY'RE OFF!

I am almost ashamed to admit it but here I am in Canada and I watched all of the impeachment hearing yesterday and many hours of analysis thereafter. I found it very entertaining.

In my judgement the Dem's took the day - the two witnesses actually - but only by a hair. The other side put up a good fight but I am not sure they have anything left. Will the President's supporters just be repeating the same old stale arguments from here on? No Quid Pro Quo? All second hand heresay. Identify the whistle blower. Yatta; Yatta; Yatta.

I said this at the beginning: give this man enough rope and he will hang himself. He almost has. I think the noose has yet to be tightened but it will be - by his own hand.

The really sad thing to me is that the world is seeing what this great nation has now become. This is like two siblings fighting and when the parents intervene, all they can say is "He (She) started it!" Who cares? If Democrats win the next election you can be sure the petty bickering will continue.

Republicans are bitching about a single focus - trying to take down the President - but is it really any different than the stonewalling they were guilty of in Congress under Obama?

I suppose there is one thing different this time. If Trump goes, via this process or by losing the election, there will be an audible sigh of relief on both sides, even by some in his party who are afraid to be honest at present. There has never been a Presdent like him. Thankfully.

History has shown that great nations always destroy themselves - usually through greed and aggression. Let's hope America can still deliver a black eye to history. The world will be better off. I have serious doubts it will happen under the current leader. If he is still in the ring, he will go down like Sonny Liston.

"Make the Presidency Great Again"

The Brewster

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Democratic Candidates – First Impressions

First Impressions are Often the Lasting Ones

Once again I speak as a Canadian looking on from another country. I am starting to get those all important first impressions of some of the candidates. Here are my top picks. I should confess however that I thought Trump had a snowball’s chance in hell of winning in 2016 and that Clinton would demolish him and be a great President.

If you wish to stop reading at this point I will take no offense.

I will also say that I think it is time that America had a strong female President. Some of history’s great leaders were female. It’s generally the men who screw things up and kill people by the millions.

Biden: I saw him alone on CNN last night (Nov. 1) and was impressed. I always thought he would be good. Sharing his personal tragedies was one of his strongest features.

If he could keep his temper, I am sure he could devastate Trump in a debate. There will always be the age factor. Could he keep his strengths for eight years? Look how Obama aged – or for that matter Trump already.

He still has a tendency to get tripped up on words and thoughts which make him look like he is losing it. Trump will play on that. He also has a tendency to start a sentence and thought and then switches to another before finishing - very frustrating. He has great and ample experience and would restore dignity to the office which is badly needed.

I consider him to be the best centrist for the party. Let us not forget however that status quo is what people wanted changed in 2016. If enough people now realize that the same status quo was better than what they now have, he could win provided that the younger voters don’t reject him.

Warren: I have always been impressed by her speeches and quickness on her feet. She can stand up for herself. I am not convinced that when faced with the worst boorish and vulgar thoughts and statements Trump will throw, she won’t crumble.

In 2016 the day after the election I was in the States. Someone told me that the average American was still not ready for a female President. Has that changed? She does come across as a folksy, “aw shucks”, school teacher, down homey gal who still likes to bake her own muffins. That won’t wash against world leaders who are brutal and misogynistic.

She also has to stop being evasive. It does not befit her image. Finally use of oil DOES have to be curtailed but not overnight.

Buttigieg: This guy is smart as hell. He always has impressive and honest answers to questions and novel ideas.

I think he would be great, but being mayor of a city is a LOT less than being President. If he does not win this time, his time will come. Maybe he needs a Governorship first.

What was said about the electorate not being ready for the first female President is probably valid in spades for the first openly gay President and First Husband? It should not be a factor but I suspect it will be. This guy has the moxie to stand up to it.

I am more impressed every time I hear him.

Sanders: What can you say about Bernie? You have to like him. He is devoted, committed, and honest. But he still talks like a lecturing professor. He remains too far left. I don’t think based on that alone he has a chance this time either.

I agree with all his rants about the wealthy vs. the middle class and poor. The American dream has indeed become a nightmare. He should definitely be in the White House in some meaningful capacity with any Democratic winner.

People will still worry about age and health.

Harris: In her first few showings I was impressed. She speaks well and enthusiastically but when she took a cheap shot at Biden I was no longer impressed. Once again I think she should be in someone’s inner circle but I believe she is now out of the race.

Klobuchar: A very accomplished leader and good debater. She has sharp answers and good ideas. Like Harris, I don’t think she can catch up.

Her voice and tone are unfortunately a bit hard to listen to for long and tends to support rumours of a personality that creates bad relationships with staff due to aggressive treatment. Just look at Trump. You must rely on your advisors and berating them will drive them away. Maybe she will learn from this and polish up for next time.

Perhaps an element of this is a plus on the international stage with other male heads of state but it requires tact and a certain charisma she needs to work on. Other female leaders like Thatcher, Golda Meir, and the current leader of New Zealand - Jacinda Ardern possess(ed) the characteritics in question.


Steyer: I am impressed. I heard him on his own with students the other night and he makes a lot of sense. It is too bad he is trying to jump in on his own.

I think he has a far better chance of shaking things up in a helpful and productive manner than Trump ever will. It sounds like he and his wife have great attitudes and abilities to organize. She would be a good First Lady. He appears to have more business acumen in one finger than Trump has in his entire body.

In particular I like the idea of limiting the terms of more elected officials than just the President. That results in new blood and ideas, and attitudes that change with the times.

I don’t know if he has any experience on the world scene dealing with other heads of state. If not, neither did Trump. I do think he would bring great people into the office and would actually listen to them unlike the current President. Think Kennedy, Reagan, and George H.W. Bush.

I would vote for him from what I have seen so far. Maybe next time.

I also believe it is time for the USA to have an official 3rd party - right in the middle.

The Brewster

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Trump Spin CNN Style

Not So Fast CNN

I like CNN. They can be very annoying sometimes the way they interrupt guests, especially Republicans, when they start to give an answer the host does not like, but overall I prefer the network over others.

However for almost 2 years now every show on CNN has devoted inordinate amounts of time to blasting Trump's wall position and policies. There is no crisis. There is no invasion. A wall won't work. Drugs and bad guys come through the gates. Yada, yada. I agree with it all.

All of a sudden Kuomo is in Texas and the network is blasting both sides for doing nothing about this horrible crisis! Granted the immediate problem of overcrowding is real, but it sure is a 180 degree about face. Remember The White House was lying about hoards of people coming! Looks like they were not.

Then it could be CNN is learning from DJT. Is it a heartfelt distraction from the fact that 2 years of going on about Mueller's report and how bad it could be, has so far been a bust? This is like the polling people in a certain recent election. Like it or not there are a lot of CNN journalists and program hosts who have egg on their faces.

Maybe a rage about poor immigrants blaming both sides will wipe some of it off.

Fess up guys. He got away with the invasion hue and cry AND the Russian "thing". You always want HIM to say he was wrong and now it is your turn. It will look far better on you.

The Brewster

Thursday 14 March 2019

Make The Presidency Great Again?

Do the Democratic Candidates for President have Too Many Feet?

In the next election the shoe will be on the other foot for both parties. Will we see a Democratic turkey shoot as we did with the Republicans or will the blue party remain true blue and respectable? I suspect if nothing else there are already too many feet in the race and some will be trampled. At least we can hope that the burials will be decent.

Once all these nice clean Democratic candidates are in full Gallup watch out. The gloves will be off and there will be blood spilled. The only question is whether the killings will be honourable or down and dirty just like the Republicans in 2016 - mow down the competition any way you can.

Let me say again that I hope one of the Dems will adapt my slogan of "Make the Presidency Great Again". It is a sure winner.

Personally I think that Joe Biden will beat all others and Trump . He runs the danger now of being seen as not being capable of making a tough decision. Just say "YES" Joe. You will trounce The Donald in any debate.

Get the lead out. Get the finger out. Just get out and get going! The only body part of yours anyone wants to see stuck anywhere is your foot up you-know-who's butt.

We will all help you extract it for another kick if necessary.

The Brewster