Sunday 9 February 2020

Amy Klobuchar

Make the Presidency Great Again

If America wants to be great again in the eyes of the world it is time to come out of the dark ages. Elect a female President! (That goes for my fellow Canadians also. Kim Campbell does not really count).

Here are some great ones: 

  • Indira Ghandi - India
  • Margaret Thatcher - Britain
  • Benazir Bhutto - Pakistan
  • Julia Gillard - Australia
  • Golda Meir - Israel
  • Jacinda Ardern - New Zealand
I have always said that it is easier for a woman to tone down the warmth and get tough when it is necessary than it is for a man to tone down the macho and turn on the warmth when it necessary.

I can think of no better example. Amy Klobuchar can do both. Donald Trump can not. Perhaps John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan could but DJT doesn't know the meaning of warmth. Taking your jacket off on the golf course does not count.

Amy Klobuchar is the winning lottery ticket that all Americans don't know they have. Just sign it and turn it in!

The world will thank you. Those who wanted to change the Washington establishment with Trump should be seeing the error of their ways by now.

Fix it in November. Everyone will soon learn how to pronounce her name - even my spell checker will recognize it!

The Brewster

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