Thursday, 14 March 2019

Make The Presidency Great Again?

Do the Democratic Candidates for President have Too Many Feet?

In the next election the shoe will be on the other foot for both parties. Will we see a Democratic turkey shoot as we did with the Republicans or will the blue party remain true blue and respectable? I suspect if nothing else there are already too many feet in the race and some will be trampled. At least we can hope that the burials will be decent.

Once all these nice clean Democratic candidates are in full Gallup watch out. The gloves will be off and there will be blood spilled. The only question is whether the killings will be honourable or down and dirty just like the Republicans in 2016 - mow down the competition any way you can.

Let me say again that I hope one of the Dems will adapt my slogan of "Make the Presidency Great Again". It is a sure winner.

Personally I think that Joe Biden will beat all others and Trump . He runs the danger now of being seen as not being capable of making a tough decision. Just say "YES" Joe. You will trounce The Donald in any debate.

Get the lead out. Get the finger out. Just get out and get going! The only body part of yours anyone wants to see stuck anywhere is your foot up you-know-who's butt.

We will all help you extract it for another kick if necessary.

The Brewster

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