Saturday 25 January 2020

Trump and the Ukraine

Hold That Thought … No PAUSE It!

There is one point I would like to make before I address today's post. 

At some point the White House et al decided that the controversial hold on aid to the Ukraine was not a hold at all but a pause! Did everyone catch that? It was back in the House. A determined effort was made but occasionally one of them slipped and said hold again. Read these words guys: If it smells like a hold, walks like a hold, looks like a hold, and has the same negative effects on the Ukraine as a hold, IT PROBABLY IS A HOLD! Having noticed that weeks ago, now that I am hearing the Republican Senate Managers' arguments, their words have more substance. (Even though I heard both "hold" and "pause" today.)
I am not a Trump fan and agree with the Dem's efforts to oust him. However as I said in a recent post I think they have blown it.

Thursday and Friday we got to see the best that the President and the GOP could put forward. I must say I was impressed. One of the things I mentioned in the past was that the strategy of having seven Democratic managers effectively give the same old story seven times was bad. One Republican presenter whom I watched made reference to that. 

He also made a point of saying that he was not going to repeat what a prior speaker had said or what someone yet to come would say. Now THAT is the kind of coordination the Democrats lacked.

The 3 men I saw made great cases! They made really effective use of the very same witnesses we saw in the house but included segments the Democrats left out AND they mentioned the omissions. Very effective and I gather the Dem's won't have a chance to fire back. The third one explained quite effectively why certain witnesses were not permitted to address the House. This was a very different and new perspective never explained by the Democrats. The reasons were supposedly sound and legitimate.

But none of this matters because the majority of voters will vote on emotions, not facts. Unfortunately the Republican lawyers so far have much more expensive looking suits, ties, and hairdos so they will win regardless.

Perhaps the Dumbos (elephants) are going to nudge out the Jackasses (donkeys) in the home stretch.

The Brewster

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