Tuesday 25 May 2021

USA: The New Banana Republic

Yes you have no Bananas but the Rest is a Match

Look up a definition of banana republic. 

Although bananas are not associated with America and it does have more than one product to export, the rest is a fit: politically unstable; exploitation by corporations; usually a large impoverished working class and a ruling class plutocracy; run by business, political, and military elites by way of the exploitation of labour.

That's a good fit and it is getting worse. Elections have been rigged for a long time - NOT the way Trump maintained, but rigged just the same in the background and it is getting worse. Just look at all the bills that Republican states are passing today - every one designed to weaken the opportunity for visible minorities to vote, and the right to replace anyone responsible for counting votes etc. at will. Reversing a Democratic wave next time will be a breeze.

It won't be the Democrats. It will be the other side. They are meticulously preparing for it. This includes one attempt already to overthrow the legally elected Biden administration. Watch out for more. When Republicans who were inside The Capital when mobs were looking for people to hang, are now trying to cover up any investigation into how it happened, something is rotten at the top and it ain't in Denmark folks!

The only reason Trump started crying foul way before the 2020 election was that he and his team realized something - not the base who are just Trump lemmings. The efforts underway to undermine the minority vote, were not working.

In 2024 America needs international monitors for its election. How about China, Russia, The Philippines, or after this week Lukashenko from Belarus?

America finally joined other nations to defeat Germany. Who will help Lady Liberty defeat those overthrowing her own country?


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