Friday 14 May 2021

No Masks and The Big Lie

To Tell the Truth - so Help You... YOU!

I have spent my life trying to uphold certain beliefs and principles ingrained during my formative years. One of them, fool that I am, is honesty - telling the truth. Although I still practice those behaviors, life has taught me that I have wasted my time.

Saying that honesty is the best policy is like believing: size doesn't matter; the golden rule; you should do a good turn every day; justice will prevail. Successful people for the most part rejected such tripe long before rising above their peers. Have I become a cynic? You bet your ass I have.

What you might ask, am I going on about? Re-read the title folks. The common element between Trump and co. and not wearing a COVID mask is that same illusive thing - honesty.

How? Recently America announced that wearing a mask to avoid catching or spreading Covid-19 is optional if you are fully vaccinated. Many people have pointed out that this means you are totally dependent now on people being honest about that condition - are they fully vaccinated? Proof is not required.

Biden himself stated that he has ultimate faith in the honesty of American citizens. Really? Millions of them believe that he is not the legitimate President. Why? The answer is that dozens and dozens of elected members of Congress who are Republicans and the previous POTUS himself are willing to lie through their teeth, saying that Trump won - just to keep their jobs.

Honesty? Who values it anymore other than me? I'm not so sure. In my lifetime I have learned that most people I know will lie in an instant if it suits their needs.

The most famous democracy in the world - based on the law and truth - is lead by a bunch of liars - present President and many around him excepted.

Perhaps the famous words associated with Lady Liberty herself should read: “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, Your most proficient liars.”

The new GOP: Group of Prevaricators.


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