Friday 28 May 2021

Republicans Guilty by Disassociation

New GOP Symbol is Three Monkeys

The Republicans should change their symbol from an elephant to three monkeys: Mizaru - See No evil; Kikazaru - Hear No Evil; Iwazaru - Speak No Evil.

It seems appropriate today since most of the Trump lemmings want to ignore and forget January 6, 2021. The problem is they don't really want to forget it. What they want is a second but successful insurrection.

Most people including me thought the monkeys simply represent turning a blind eye; looking the other way; or feigning ignorance of something we know is wrong. In the article below by Richard Cassaro, the true meaning of the famous monkeys and what they symbolize is examined. It is very interesting.

The Secret Occult Meaning of the "Three Wise Monkeys" Hidden by the Elite - Richard Cassaro

I mention it in passing because it is also applicable. Apparently the real significance of the monkeys has been known since their origin by those elite people who run various societies. In brief you should never allow yourself to either see or hear true evil because it will enter you and become part of your person, affecting your behaviour - like violence on the news and in video games. If you speak evil it shows that it is now part of you and what you say.

As examples, the elitists who control the stock market and media, are happy to perpetuate the secret. It keeps us subdued and we never really see what is going on. Bad news sells and preoccupies us so we don't fight back.

The point of today's post however is something else. I am trying to understand why the GOP members who still support the Big Lie voted against an investigation into
 January 6th to give Americans a chance to prevent another attack in the future.

I am taking a layperson's approach and these are the only possibilities I come up with:

1. Some in Congress or the Senate are real accessories and legally liable
2. They think that whatever the conclusions, it will hurt the GOP party and therefore their own jobs and careers
3. They think that Trump still has influence over those same jobs and careers and will do and say anything to avoid offending him
4. They might not be accessories but in their minds they wish the vote had indeed been overturned through violence or by any means
5. Some know it was wrong and has to be avoided in future at all costs but they are still Republicans at heart and as yet there is no alternative party to call home
6. They are mere puppets of their constituents who wanted the insurrection to succeed. To protect their jobs they are doing what their electors want rather than resign or try to convince those electors to change beliefs
7. They are verifiable dingbats. Several names come to mind
8. They somehow think it is their job to oppose anything which the Democrats initiate even if they will have equal representation on any committee

Perhaps I could squeak out a couple more but here is the major point:

Not one of the above demonstrates love of country or respect for their oath to defend her and the constitution. They are all about politics and selfishness.

Any other suggestions? Please comment.


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