Thursday 6 May 2021

Liz Cheney for President

Maybe Dick Cheney Can't Shoot Straight, but Liz Sure Can

Liz Cheney has more potential for POTUS and the GOP than Trump ever did or ever will and more spine as well. For that matter so do most decent people. What Republicans need is a twin ticket of Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney. They've just gone too bonkers to realize it. The only problem would be which one would be the VP and which the big Kahuna. I think it is time for a woman as President but I doubt Romney would tolerate that.

I jest of course because the entire group of backstabbers formerly known as the GOP have rejected truth, justice, and democracy. Now THAT is ironic - some of you might remember the original TV show Superman, and that was part of the intro: "fights a never ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way!" Superman would not be amused with Trump and his bunch.

It is sad to see the Grand Old Party being treated by its youth as though it has become geriatric. Most of the big names in the party have exposed their true deceitful side. Don't ever forget them. Today the party reminds me of the Gong Show or Laugh In. They are prepared to "Sock it to" the voters, the country, and anybody else who has maintained senses of morals and integrity.

Maybe some day it will all come out in a movie - it has already spawned several books. Think of the possibilities. There was another movie about corruption - The Big Easy. This one could be The Big Lie. It has all the ingredients of a Thriller.

No Oscar however. No awards at all.


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