Saturday 8 February 2020

Go Ahead – Make My Day

A Compliment can be the Perfect Complement

Friday last I was just starting my workout at a local gym which I attend four times per week. Fridays I happen to begin with more stretching than usual. I should do it every time.

A brief history: in my educational background because I began kindergarten when I was four and skipped grade four, I was always the youngest and usually the smallest in my class. In grade nine high school the physical education teacher announced that the school was offering new sets of Weider weights - 110 pound set - for those who might be interested. They cost $25.

I immediately spent some of my meagre savings on a set and three to four nights per week devoted myself to body building. I had no intention of becoming the local tough guy or creating some Arnie like body but I was definitely at a disadvantage when it came to girls!

By the time I graduated which in our case was grade 13, I had already received some compliments. They meant a lot to me.

I took the set with me to my university residence and used them occasionally but not as often,

Fast forward to today. Throughout my career they sat at home and rusted (no vinyl in those days, just clangy metal with crude collars that tightened with a wrench.) For many years now however, especially since retirement I work out Monday/ Tuesday and Thursday/Friday resting Wednesday and the weekend.

So as I am about to start on a floor mat, a guy whom I have seen there for some time and who is in pretty good shape addressed me - “Excuse me?”. I anticipated that maybe I had taken his spot on the mat but that was not the case. He said he just wanted to compliment me on my condition and workouts and said he noticed it for some time. He continued saying that my muscles, shape, and flexibility were really great and he just wanted to let me know.

He left out the “… for your age …” piece that I was expecting! I am somewhere north of 70 so it felt good. It has actually happened several times before when they usually did ask my age.
It makes my day hence the heading – it was the perfect complement to my day and my workout. 

So go ahead – make somebody’s day by paying them a compliment. It will cost you nothing and so far it is not taxable to the recipient!

Another thing that is free is a blood donation which can actually save a life. I will address this in another posting.

The Brewster

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