Sunday 23 February 2020

Food for Thought

Thought for Food Maybe Not So ...

Here I go again, right off the top. I am seated in front of a PC on this free website where I can pretty much write or express myself in any manner I please. What will it be today? This is also without - I hope - concern for lawsuits, fines, or reprisals. I did get some hate mail once. What a fantastic freedom.

There are places of course where this is not the case. I happen to be in Canada. I wonder whether my neighbours to the south are as lucky anymore. If their current leader and the networks that support him have their way, maybe not.

The sad part however is that I only started to enjoy writing later in my life. I have no credentials or degrees in journalism etc. but at least have the right and freedom to try. My biggest problem is that today not many people want to read it. Naturally that could be because I am not a household name, have no following, and maybe I'm just not very good. I accept that but I think there is more to it.

Some solace can be gained by my awareness that long established newspapers and magazines are also having a tough time staying in business despite their sometimes famous writers. I suspect it is for the same reason. Loyal fans of those outlets still enjoy reading a newspaper but they are a dying breed. 

Younger audiences want news snippets and off the wall videos which they can experience in seconds and forward to their "friends" whom they might never have met. Tweets fit the bill and funny, outlandish stunts. 

I'm afraid that I am too late to talk about anything meaningful for more than a few sentences and nurture a following. I have to dumb it down or jazz it up. So no, expressing thoughts for food or any form of compensation is just not going to cut it. If you write it they will come is the stuff of movies but not blogs.

I should turn to lying through my teeth, grow outlandish hair, or wear a tie a foot longer than it should be. Look what it has done for others.


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