Sunday, 14 July 2024

Trump Assassination Attempt

Trump is Not the Real Victim

Yesterday the world witnessed an attempt on the life of former President Donald J. Trump. It could just as easily have been Joe Biden. Many are surprised it had not happened before now. I am one of those.

Literally the real victims here were firstly the poor, innocent attendee who lost his life and his family, and secondly those critically injured and their families. Figuratively the other victim is the tragic blow to the already horrible state of affairs in America.

Imagine this being YOU. You leave. You watch. You listen. You never come home to your family. 

The American experiment in democracy was already in need of repair - if not broken - for years. This incident is more proof. The test of America and of Donald will be how she and he react. Biden already stepped up in a manner befitting a President. Trump could rise to the occasion and do the same.

He loves to rant about the deep state and how he will tear apart many of its federal institutions. He DID have a moment of normalcy and showed gratitude that some of those institutions had saved his life. Good for that. Ironic don't you think?

Trump now has the opportunity to do something great. The incident will no doubt help to solidify his chances of a win. He could make an historic appeal for calm at the 2024 National Convention this week. His insistance on standing up after the shooting, shaking his symbolic fist salute, and yelling "FIGHT" makes you think that is highly unlikely. That would be typical and unfortunate.

I thought it was VERY telling that his first concern was for his shoes. With Donald it is all about image - HIS.

Will he and those around him blame this all on Biden and the Democrats? Probably. It will be total bull. Will someone else now take a shot at Biden? We hope not. I am listening to Sunday morning network TV and they are saying that no othe country in the world admires American democracy anymore. I believe it.

America has become a real version of the hit TV show SURVIVOR. That show is all about reading other people, screwing anybody you can, and trusting nobody. That is probably why it was and still is such a hit in America.

Soon there will be images of Lady Liberty hitchhiking on the side of a highway with a sign that reads "France - or anywhere else but HERE."


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