Me Too for President
Let me get this out first. Yes it is great that in a democracy you can, I can, they can all run for political office - President no less. For sure it is better than one party / one candidate systems.But in 2015-16 and in the lead up to 2020 it's like there is another and very different Me Too movement going on. Everybody wants to be President. It's like a gumball machine - drop in a coin and out pops a different surprise. Here you just have to turn on the TV and up pops another candidate.
Maybe it is time to put a limit on candidacy for the top job. Cap it. Once the number is reached - let's take 10 as an example (still probably too high) - then you are too late to declare. There should be a meaningful non-returnable fee to submit so that only serious candidates step up. Only if one drops out can another join the race to fill the void. Both parties - and any new ones - should have to abide by this. Then debates and sorting out the weak from the strong could start earlier. Unfortunately it won't stop the horrible behavior.
The US elections are starting to look more like The Gong Show than a serious run at being a great nation's leader.
What do you think?
The Brewster
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