Tuesday 11 May 2021

Rand Paul Eye Doctor who Fails to see the LIght

Rand Paul Eye Doctor or "I" Doctor?

I read that Rand Paul was an Ophthalmologist. Maybe he should go back to his practice.

When a dancer, athlete, skater etc. does not have what it takes to be No. 1 or get the gold medal, they often end up teaching their skill. For others, they end up becoming a politician. Which is Rand Paul?

It seems that he was so used to shining lights on everybody else that he decided it was his turn to shine the light on him. Hence he became a professional politician. He has been sounding off ever since. Top doctors in his former field make top dollars. Maybe he wasn't so "top." If on the other hand he is following in his father's footsteps, remember that Ron Paul tried three times to be President and failed. Not a good omen.

In any event he should not be criticizing Dr. Faucci over COVID any more than Faucci criticizes the former Ophthalmologist about his eye practice. I'm sure that does not happen.

Everybody in the USA who is bent out of shape about the inconvenience of this virus should look outside their own country for a change. This applies to most self-centered American issues. Those who did best with this pandemic - and it IS a pandemic Dr. Paul, took the tough decisions and steps to lock down. To hell with the "you can't make me" crowd - another American problem.

Nobody - including Faucci and Paul - has yet said conclusively that people who have had the virus or the vaccine can not transmit it to others who might not be so lucky and die from such selfishness.

Doctor's take the Hippocratic (not hypocritical) Oath. Perhaps it is confusing to some.

Doctor Faucci did not switch to being a professional politician. Thank goodness - and that's exactly what he exudes.


Sunday 9 May 2021

Life by the Decade

Life's Times Table

I don't know if kids learn their times tables anymore the way we did. They rely on their phones and smart devices. Our smart device was a brain. We count using a base of ten. Most computers prefer two. Regardless of the base, life happens at warp speed and is accelerating.

Can anyone else relate to the following? I'll use 10 for the older generation.

When I was ten my Mom and Dad
Seemed pretty old to me.
If I could be their age again
What would my future be?

At twenty I still shared their home
When I was not at school.
I charmed the girls or had they all
Just played me for a fool?

When thirty came I settled down
We worked hard for our money.
And life itself soon let us know
It ain't no bowl of honey.

Was forty our life's half time show?
Where was the raucous crowd?
Now I avoid most anything
That's boisterous and loud!

By fifty we had lost our Dad
I'm like his clone folks say.
Alzheimer's took him from us all
Will I go the same way?

At sixty I still thought I was
Still thirty in my heart.
But soon I had a specialist
For every body part.

Now seventy has come and gone
We miss our Mom each day.
If I could find life's reset key
I'd press it right away.

What would you do different? I can think of many things. As long as I can do that, maybe things could be worse.



Thursday 6 May 2021

Liz Cheney for President

Maybe Dick Cheney Can't Shoot Straight, but Liz Sure Can

Liz Cheney has more potential for POTUS and the GOP than Trump ever did or ever will and more spine as well. For that matter so do most decent people. What Republicans need is a twin ticket of Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney. They've just gone too bonkers to realize it. The only problem would be which one would be the VP and which the big Kahuna. I think it is time for a woman as President but I doubt Romney would tolerate that.

I jest of course because the entire group of backstabbers formerly known as the GOP have rejected truth, justice, and democracy. Now THAT is ironic - some of you might remember the original TV show Superman, and that was part of the intro: "fights a never ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way!" Superman would not be amused with Trump and his bunch.

It is sad to see the Grand Old Party being treated by its youth as though it has become geriatric. Most of the big names in the party have exposed their true deceitful side. Don't ever forget them. Today the party reminds me of the Gong Show or Laugh In. They are prepared to "Sock it to" the voters, the country, and anybody else who has maintained senses of morals and integrity.

Maybe some day it will all come out in a movie - it has already spawned several books. Think of the possibilities. There was another movie about corruption - The Big Easy. This one could be The Big Lie. It has all the ingredients of a Thriller.

No Oscar however. No awards at all.


Monday 3 May 2021

Time for Change at CNN

 FOX Spews Big Lies. CNN Just Spews

This is for all the anchors and management at CNN. In particular I target Cuomo, Anderson, and Lemon. I have said this before but after watching Chris Cuomo last night, I had to repeat it. If anybody can forward this to the network please do so.

I watch a lot of CNN. I believe overall they are more truthful and believable than others like FOX. Networks like FOX hire liars and host guest liars. From what little I have seen however, the guests do get to speak. Not so on CNN - at least with the above big 3 and Cuomo tops the list.

I respect Chris. He is very intelligent and well spoken. His vocabulary is impressive. He keeps fit. These are all qualities I admire. He and his colleagues bring on guests every night to express their ideas and views. The problem is that they proceed to rant right over top of their guests not letting the viewer hear those views.

Last night is was Rick Santorum. Cuomo allowed us to see and hear a speech made by Rick with which Chris had issues. When Rick attempted to explain what we saw Cuomo did what he always does - impose his OWN view and thoughts in an overpowering, rude, incessant interruption. In so doing Cuomo is insulting his audience as well as his guest. Does he really think that we can't form our own opinion about the response? Can't WE decide if Rick answers a question or dodges it? whether he is being evasive? or indulging in spin talk? No we can't because Cuomo is making the comments impossible to hear. He does this all the time.

Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper do the same. You'd swear somebody is in their earpiece ordering them to interrupt or pull the rug out from under the guest. The dialogue is not CNN enough! The men should take a lesson from the women. Hosts like Burnett, Harlow, Balduan, and Bash to name a few also keep their guests honest by re-asking a question the guest dodged it but they usually let them speak first. Sometimes this is more effective because it looks like the guest thought they got away with it. Again however, if things go too far away from CNN speak, they interrupt.

I said for a couple of years that CNN with all of the Trump bashing was either going to help him win or at least strengthen his base. I feel they helped to do the latter.

You have good guests CNN. Let them speak controversially or otherwise. You sound like Trump in the Presidential debates.


Friday 30 April 2021

Real Republican Values. Where is this Party Now?

Ronald Reagan at his Finest

Below is a link to a 1970s YouTube interview someone sent me where Johnny Carson discusses issues with Ronald Reagan before he ran for President. It is an eye opener. Unless Johnny gave him the questions in advance, Reagan is sharp as a tack without Nancy at his side.

After laughing at Carson's lapels, tie, collar, and hair, listen to Reagan. Also notice how much better dressed he was than Johnny. Where did Carson get that jacket? Even Don Cherry wouldn't have worn that!

The take away for me is that all the values Reagan touches are now missing in the party today. He hits all the conservative hot buttons but does so in a common sense way. In those days I was also a conservative in my beliefs. Also listen to how many times he mentions both parties - this was when, despite different views, one party did not hate the other.

The most shocking thing of all was when I mentally tried to envisage Trump in the same interview. What a difference! He would have been totally lost without a teleprompter. I don't know if all of the stories Ronald told were true but he handles Carson like a pro and many of the ideas made perfect sense. One thing is sure - big government and professional politicians and their costly studies, committees, and papers have not changed.

(3) Ronald Reagan Interview on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson - 01/03/1975 - Part 02 - YouTube

C'mon Republicans. Wake up. THAT is what you stand for, not rebellion and lies, lies, lies.
