Ronald Reagan at his Finest
After laughing at Carson's lapels, tie, collar, and hair, listen to Reagan. Also notice how much better dressed he was than Johnny. Where did Carson get that jacket? Even Don Cherry wouldn't have worn that!
The take away for me is that all the values Reagan touches are now missing in the party today. He hits all the conservative hot buttons but does so in a common sense way. In those days I was also a conservative in my beliefs. Also listen to how many times he mentions both parties - this was when, despite different views, one party did not hate the other.
The most shocking thing of all was when I mentally tried to envisage Trump in the same interview. What a difference! He would have been totally lost without a teleprompter. I don't know if all of the stories Ronald told were true but he handles Carson like a pro and many of the ideas made perfect sense. One thing is sure - big government and professional politicians and their costly studies, committees, and papers have not changed.
(3) Ronald Reagan Interview on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson - 01/03/1975 - Part 02 - YouTube
C'mon Republicans. Wake up. THAT is what you stand for, not rebellion and lies, lies, lies.
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