Saturday 27 February 2021

CPAC is worse than the GONG Show

Some Current GOP Leaders don't have an ounce of Morality in their Body

What kind of person can stand and make fun of over 500,000 Americans who have died in the last year? You saw one at the CPAC puppet show yesterday. It was bad humour and not remotely funny.

The answer? The same guy who left town when his Texas constituents were facing a climate disaster. The same guy who decided to go to a warmer climate. The same guy who blamed it on his kids. The same guy who then lied about intending to return the same day - after he was caught. The same guy who kept silent when Trump told the country that Covid would magically disappear - The same Trump (there are more of them don't forget) who made mask wearing some kind of cowardly thing to do - hence the disgusting reference to mask wearing yesterday. Once a puppet, always a puppet.

In the link below you will see a video of such a guy.

Cruz unloads with epic takedown of 'pathological liar,' 'narcissist' Donald Trump - CNN Politics

He rants about a horrible person called Donald Trump. In it he calls The Donald a pathological liar - he says that practically every word that comes out of Trump's mouth is a lie. He also says Trump is a narcissist and "utterly amoral." He calls him a bully - says he understands people who are angry at being lied to by politicians! Really? Attendees at this conference all have PhD's in prevarication.

Such people are now part of the The Big Lie - as they scramble to kiss The Donald's butt!

The Disney Corporation should sue for some form of intellectual property violation because the current CPAC is another Fantasyland.


Wednesday 17 February 2021

American Dictatorship

 History is Repeating Itself

In the primaries before 2016, everyone including many of Trump's so-called backers now in power was appalled by his statements and behavior. Senators like Graham, Rubio, and Cruise were very explicit in their condemnation. Now they suck up to him every chance they get. Everyone knows the man thought he could run Washington like a corporation making himself a King or Emperor.

Since America fought a famous war to prevent that in the new world you have to wonder why those same people and many others are still letting Trump conspire to accomplish such a goal. He already hinted at both staying in office longer than two terms and changing laws so he could do it. If he ever gets back into power with a majority, he will - just like the Chinese leader.

Countries around the world with a little more salt and pepper in their temples than upstart America have all been through this. Evil men (seldom women) appeal to peoples' worst instincts to get into power and then stay there.

This is happening in The United States. The main reasons are similar to those in other nations. This is not a poor American revolutionary army ousting a tyrant. This is a man with rich and powerful allies who want to preserve the status quo - white privilege and domination.

Trump was guilty - even McConnell of all people admitted that. America had a taste of internal violence and regime change and it will get worse.

American citizens, don't let the lion out of the cage. In this case perhaps it is a snake. America has often attempted to bring about regime change in some of those countries mentioned earlier - often by force. When the time comes - and it will the way things are going - who will come to America's aid when she needs it? Nobody.

Americans - be careful what you wish for!


Thursday 11 February 2021

Republican Senators. How Could You?

 Trump's Republican #Traitors

Anyone with an ounce of integrity and any knowledge of what America represents knows that the real traitors in the country are Donald J. Trump; his Republican puppets who continue to refuse to condemn him; and those in the January 6th mob intent on violence, destruction, and murder.

It is only the 2nd day of presentations in this impeachment but how could anyone view the evidence presented by the Democratic side and not be totally repulsed by what they saw? For Republican Senators to be so cavalier about what happened you have to wonder if one of them is "Q" and if all of them knew in advance that they would not be touched by the mob. Was there a secret code word?

I don't know how any Republican Senator can still in good conscience vote against convicting Trump. A few have already switched and recognized how vile the former President and his actions were. Most of them will still side with one of the biggest liars on the face of the planet. From that day forward how can they ever face their children or the mirror and not feel shame? Such a vote will demonstrate that they are just as racist as the white supremacists themselves.

Not only will they will be aligning themselves with potential murderers but also with people who spread feces on the capital walls - FECES no less! Did they bring it in a bag? If so you can't deny that had to be pre-planned.

Does that officially make them all shitheads? Let's have a vote on that!


Friday 5 February 2021

Is Violence Acceptable in America?

Since When are Beheadings, Hangings and Bullets to the Head OK in America?

Last night I watched as a reporter showed footage he had taken as a member of the audience in a QANON meeting. The other attendees, except the leaders, were just "ordinary" Americans. The statements made and the group's almost unanimous agreement was shocking.

At one point one of the leaders suggested that the non-violent part of America's values should end. Violence should be a normal part of the culture (I am paraphrasing.)

So today instead of focusing on the past - things said and done by Trump, Taylor Greene, Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell etc. and previous administrations, let's look to the future.

What should the alternative to the status quo in Washington be? I was never a fan of Trump's classless and disgusting behaviour but I could see why many people wanted to shake up Washington politics. I always thought Trump would indeed do that but for his own well being, not anyone else's. I was right. I know - here I go again with the past - hard to escape.

So what is the form of government that the ultra-right wants? Is it really NO government - total anarchy? Surely raids on the capital; calls to destroy public property; and to EXECUTE American leaders because you don't like them or their policies, is NOT a democracy - of any kind. Do Americans want a two bit dictatorship with Trump or anybody else? What is it going to be? Survival of the most ruthless? Might is Right? You disagreed with me - bang you're dead. You too - bang!

Will there be a pillory in the square for stoning? A guillotine? Firing squads? Gallows? Revolutions every four years or less if some people are not happy?

It is obvious that America has to change. Should it be to a very dark past or a bright future? Should it be for every man/woman/child to fend for themselves or something a little more civil?

America is acting like a spoiled child. Compared to civilizations elsewhere in the world who have gone through all of these forms of turmoil for hundreds of years, America was supposed to be the guiding light. Above of all of that. Those other societies across the oceans are America's parents - her forefathers. Has she learned nothing from them?

American leaders who are NOT in power - the ones currently on the right who still have a functioning brain in their head and a spine - can still call this off. Sadly they won't. They will let people die a brutal death so they can keep their jobs, pensions, and perceived power. That power will only be as strong as their puppet strings.


Wednesday 3 February 2021

Traitors in America

 Just Who are America's Traitors?

I couldn't count the number of times I have heard someone at the Capital Building on January 6, 2021 screaming the word "TRAITOR" into an American journalist's microphone. Just like their overuse of the word Socialist and Jihad, do they really know what it means?

Looking at online dictionaries such as Webster's, Oxford, and Google Online I found: one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty; one who commits treason; a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc.; a person who gives away secrets about their friends, their country, etc.

The only betrayals of trust I have seen were committed by Donald Trump and his puppet Republicans telling the big lie about the election being stolen. The part about "is false to an obligation or duty" also applies since they are all sworn to tell the truth and uphold and defend the Constitution.

On the other hand when I look up treason, the act mentioned above as an act carried out by a traitor, I see: the crime of doing something that could cause danger to your country, such as helping its enemies during a war; the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government; the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family.

It is primarily Democrats and legitimate journalists who are using that word frequently and it is exactly what those invaders were doing.

This makes both Trump and the invaders traitors and certainly makes the latter guilty of treason. In times of war those are crimes often punishable by death, carrying out one's duty as leaders in a democratic government is only punishable by losing the next election, or Impeachment.

As for those who were screaming that the building and all its contents belonged to the people, that is true but they forgot to include that it belongs to ALL of the people including those inside and those who happen to disagree with the invaders.

Now hauling people who were carrying out their sworn responsibilities 
outside to hang, behead, shoot or via any other means MURDER them is not ANYBODY's right. People acting as judge, jury, and executioner have always been found guilty of a heinous crime.

But we all know these are wasted words. I am guilty of being logical. How dare I? Just listen to Marjorie Taylor Greene - Miss(ing) IQ, 2021. She must have won the IQ golf tournament at some time where lowest score actually does make you a winner. It is sad but people actually voted her into Congress, and its GOP leaders put her on committees that affect people's lives.

That is almost as scary as Covid. The GOP already has a vaccination for all of this. They just have to roll up their sleeves

Saturday 30 January 2021

Make America Great Again. Which One?

 What does a Great America look like?

From the beginning Trump's slogan was "Make America Great Again." Many suggested it was code for making America white again. Events over the last four years and the last four weeks make it pretty clear that the suggestion was accurate.

Biden's slogan is "Build Back Better". What does better mean? Presumably whatever he does will simply be better than what Trump promised, but did not deliver. Let's repeat that - did NOT deliver. We never did see the long awaited, "just around the corner" replacement for the Affordable Care Act or any cheques (checks for some) from the Bank of Mexico.

A recently revealed rant by Marjorie Taylor Greene told some to go back where they came from because they were ruining the great country that "we" built. One has to question her own contribution to that build but that is another story.

And to those who just love to scream, what is it that you have to "take back" that gives you the right to murder and destroy?

What America are people talking about?

- The one in which the oh-so-holy Jim and Tammy bilked their "congregation" out of tens of millions of dollars?
- Maybe the one where parents have to dread the day when they go to pick up their kids only to find that once again some dingbat exercising his gun rights slaughtered those kids? Yeah we know - it's not the gun's fault.
- Perhaps the one that is proud of the Jonestown mass suicide or the Branch Davidian suicide in Waco?
- The one where two famous brothers in the Kennedy family might have a question or two about the greatness of America and some of its citizens?
- In a city where those who have lost their jobs, are hungry and possibly freezing on the street who probably resent the family of four down the block hunkered down in their 15,000 square foot mansion with its three furnaces and two swimming pools on ten plush acres?
- The dogs and horses put down or left to die because they can't race or fight anymore? Good thing they can't speak up.
- Poor students who had the marks but were denied entry to famous schools because some rich celebrities bumped them for their own dumb kids using bribes?
- Lots, Lots more examples.

Or is it This America? The one where:

- Every citizen has equal rights and opportunities?
- A black boy grew up to become the President and a black girl The Vice President?
- Superior technology and will built great companies providing millions of jobs and some of the world's greatest products?
- There is still ample untapped wealth for all to enjoy their lives in relative prosperity?
- The country is willing to go to bat for other people in the world and often lend a helping hand?
- It is possible to come to the country LEGALLY to enjoy those same opportunities?
- You can practice your religion of choice or none at all?
- Truth is still preferred over lies?
- Political parties and politicians work FOR the people - ALL of them?

I know which one I hope re-emerges. Too bad the citizens themselves don't.


Thursday 28 January 2021

Marjorie Taylor Greene Calling for Executions. Really?

American Extremism Growing 

If this is not shocking, what is? A woman who is now part of Congress prior to her election called for the execution of American Democratic leaders including a bullet to the head of Nancy Pelosi! 

How is this person still in office? Is this really what American Conservatives want? The scary part is that since many of the people who voted for her must have been aware of this, some of this would give a YES answer.

Her call like so many who pledge allegiance to The Donald is once again that she wants to "save" or "take back" her country. If you ask "from what?" the reply is standard - Socialism. Most who shout that probably don't really know what it means. They could be crying "Communism" but one of their own - Joseph McCarthy - already tried that and failed.

How many others in the American government feel the same way? How many would turn a blind eye or even support such actions if they happened? Today if you are a part of a visible minority or culture and you:

- want a chance at living the American Dream
- want to run for office
- dare to beat your white colleagues at any of these
- are not a Republican
- do not believe every one of Trump's lies
- show any support whatsoever for Joe Biden
- know or even express an opinion that the election was legitimate

you should be executed. In America - Land of the free - and of the "brave."

It is a good thing for her that all Americans who understand freedom don't feel the same way about her. Yet.


Saturday 23 January 2021

Are Marriage Vows Totally Worthless?

 #Lying as a Way of Life

For over four years the subject of lying has been in the news because Donald Trump relies on it so heavily.

I am no saint but it has always been difficult for me to tell a blatant lie just because it is convenient at the time. I am excluding white lies as in answering the question: "Mummy/Daddy all the kids say I am ugly (stupid/dumb/loser etc.). Am I?' However I confess to using phony ID to purchase alcohol in my youth and to enter a pool hall before photo ID made it very difficult. Even then they didn't really ask your age, they just accepted the ID or not. Technically, not lying!

Our legal system very much depends upon telling the truth. People swear to tell the truth with a hand on a Holy Book. President Biden and Vice President Harris were just inaugurated in a similar manner.

Well into my life I became aware of how prominent a part of most peoples' personality lying has become. I suppose it always was and I was simply naive. The attitude seems to be "everybody else does, so I am foolish if I don't as well."

Think about it in another context. One of the foundations of modern society - the institution of marriage - is based on sacred vows taken before a Holy person in public. Why bother?

With the passing of Larry King part of his legacy will be his 8 marriages. If you do a search there are plenty of sites claiming to have lists of the most famous people and their five plus partners. Zsa Zsa Gabor is often at the top with 9. Apparently Jennifer Oneill tied her. We also think of Liz Taylor ( 8); Mickey Rooney (8); Lana Turner (8); and many more. David Foster is way back with his 5 but who knows?

Why did they bother? Being married to have kids is one thing but for many they have to know there will be a breakup whenever it is convenient for both of them. If Tiger Woods took a vow, he broke it many times. If you know in your heart you will be having affairs on your partner either skip the vows or just don't go through the phony nuptial charade.

Most people feel that O.J. lied - same for Prince Andrew and certain activities with Jeffrey Epstein; Bill Cosby; world leaders by the bucketful. Even Priests and other Holy people have taken the easy way out and simply lied. When working within large corporations I also found it to be commonplace. Many politicians are known for it. Ditto oil and cigarette executives.

The lie detector was developed many years ago. The most clever liars can defeat it. Humans have to be the only living creatures capable of dishonesty. It is an inherent part of the ability to speak.

What a pathetic way to distinguish human beings from other living creatures. "Cogito, ergo sum" was attributed to Descartes, "I think, therefore I am." How about: "Cogito ergo sum ego mentior hominum" instead, "I lie therefore I am human."


Thursday 21 January 2021

Biden's Honeymoon is Already Over!

Jen Psaki a Pleasant Change

What a great change watching the first Press Briefing. Kayleigh take note. For that matter Sarah and Sean as well. Let's include Kellyanne - different role but same school. Jen Psaki looks and sounds like a real Pro. 

As for the rest of the new team trying to see what was going on, it must be like opening a box of Cracker Jack. You never know what will be in the box but you can bet on it being really cheap and useless. The content is also probably stale and past its BB date!

Last we heard there were also something like 200+ bills sitting on McConnell's desk in the Senate. At least most of the content is known.

Biden his time but now it has come - HIS time!


Wednesday 20 January 2021

Biden Inauguration - What a Show!

 #Biden / #Harris a Grand Slam

Man what a show! If there were an Oscar for an Inauguration this one would win. Under the circumstances it was extremely well orchestrated! The Brits almost invented pomp and pageantry but good old America can stoke up the patriotic fervour with the best of them. Couldn't have come at a better time! The country needed this.

I'll mention the name only once. Did anyone really miss The Donald? I think the jury is already in on whether he would have enhanced the show or detracted from it. Let's just say the silence was golden. But I am sure he was watching or will. I am not a Pence fan either but at least he did what he could and certainly put on a good face for the day. It was appropriate that he was mentioned several times. Just don't run yourself!

The speeches were great and not too long but one speaker right up there with Joe was the young Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman who also hit it out of the park. What an impressive young lady. She belongs on the big silver screen. Lady Gaga, Jennifer, and Garth did great jobs as well. Gaga did a bang up rendition of the anthem but I wish she just held the last note and didn't try to make it her own. It seems all performers do that now. Stripped of the meat dresses et al and she can really sing. So can Lopez for that matter - this time on the block and not just from it.

I am younger than Joe but retired. He is going to be one busy man. Good thing he loves it. Ditto that for Kamala.

One little observation: When Justice Sonia Sotomayor dictated the oath to Vice-President Harris there were some lengthy passages. Harris didn't miss a beat. When Chief Justice John Roberts did the same for President Biden he broke it down into shorter phrases. I suspect it was deliberate!

We wish both of them and their staff every success - they deserve it.
