Sunday, 4 April 2021

Easter Parade in America

Sing like Bing (Crosby)

This time of year you are liable to hear a classic oldie which - perhaps - even young folk know. This is the White Christmas of Easter - Easter Parade (written by Irving Berlin). Someone changed the original lyrics to a be more suitable for the current political environment.

In my red Trump bonnet, with "MAGA" written on it,
I thought I'd be The Lady of the Easter Parade.
Who's that wench in navy? With that blonde hair so wavy?
And what does "BBB" mean in my Easter Parade?

On the avenue, Penn' Avenue, when photographers do snap us
That brat will scat when I show her my Uzi
I believe The Big Lie, so where is Trump our Big Guy?
And why are all these guardsmen in my Easter Parade?

In the next election, there'll be a big correction,
We'll whoop these left wing Commies and their social charade.
Look around you lady. Your own State votes are shady.
And soon there'll be just whites folks at the Easter Parade.

Not so fast lass. Hold your ass. Voters Rights Act will trump Trump
And you'll find that you're up the creek in manure.
When The Donald's locked up, we'll see how bad he screwed up,
Then red and blue can hold hands at the Easter Parade.


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