Saturday 18 January 2020

In Praise of Good Authors

Ditch the Phone, PC, and Television

There are two forms of entertainment that are dying slow deaths. It is too bad. They used to be so strong - in fact they were the only games in town for in-house entertainment.

Once upon a time not so long ago, if you wanted to entertain yourselves in the evening or on the week-end, your choices were limited. I am talking pre-television. You listened to the radio, read a book or magazine, or played a board game, card game, did a jigsaw puzzle or whatever. There were movies, but you had to go to them.

Imagine - no motion or colour, no graphics or animation - in fact no visual at all. With radio there is sound. With a book there is sight. With both you use only one of the 5 human senses. However in each case you have to use that magnificent forerunner of all machines or electronics, the human brain and it's ability to imagine, think, and deduce.

I am no psychologist but I can certainly dream and with this suggestion I know I am dreaming! But I believe it would be great therapy for people to just sit as I often do all alone and read a good book. I never used to read much - the odd time. I credit my partner for getting me back into it - she loves to read. I used to think like many people that it is hard and it takes time. That is an excuse. In my opinion the author that wrote the book is even more clever than any movie producer precisely becuse he or she has only the written word with which to work. It is great mental exercise because that forces your brain to work. When you watch all the latest visual effects on TV or at a movie it is all done for you. They have two senses with which to excite you sight and sound.

Think of the other benefits. You can treat yourself to total silence while entertaining yourself. That drives some people nuts - they need background noise. Try it outside one a beautiful morning with the sounds of birds and the smells of nature. It is truly amazing. Think of it - no electricity or game controllers. No texting with others. You can also read anywhere in the house or yard - not so with TV or video.

Now think about radio. Here we are sadly lacking in options. When I was young everyone listened to a radio and once again the producers of the shows we heard only had sound with which to work. There were great comedy programs and fantastic scary, intriguing mysteries. Today in fact - especially for people with hearing disabilities - you can combine both by listening to books in audio form.

I can't imagine kids doing either of these unless their parents encourage or even enforce it. Today most kids really can't read or find it too much of a chore! Like it or not, there will come times when they have to read. It is good practice and it could be such a blessing in their elder years. I wish radio networks would make an effort to provide more verbal entertainment. In my opinion radio advertising is more effective because the message or brand is not lost in all of the other senses.

It will never happen en masse but that is a shame and it is probably why I blog. The writing is as therapeutic and satisfying to me as the reading. Try a compromise. If you have to watch your favourite sport OK and one or two shows but do yourself a favour and try reading. Libraries make it totally free.

Your brain will thank you and so will bidding authors and print journalists

The Brewster

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