Saturday 4 January 2020

Iraq Smack

One of These Days - POW!

Those who remember Jackie Gleason in The Honeymooners will recall him threatening his wife Alice with "POW" and hitting her so hard in the kisser she would go to the moon. Very incorrect these days!

However the same applies increasingly to America.

The U.S. has a history of violating other nations by launching attacks and military actions in their sovereign spaces with reckless abandon. Seldom is it purely for the sake of the poor oppressed or violated peoples of those countries. There is always an ulterior motive: protect or attain oil or other resources; secure or protect a military base; create a new strategic military position; and often simply to be the first to prevent others like The Soviet Union / Russia from beating them to it. Let's not forget the same few company executives getting filthy rich from the war machine.

Where were they when the Canadians were reporting on the slaughter in Rwanda?  Thousands of citizens including women and children had their arms and/or legs chopped off just for sport. There were appeals to the U.N. but it was seen as a humanitarian fight. There was nothing in it for America.

Even in the first and second world wars someone else had to convince the American Presidents it was in their best interests to get involved - now or later. (There was also of course in the 2nd case, a direct attack by Japan.)

There is no question I am glad, as are others, that America is there as a backup and often a disincentive to others with aggression or expansion in mind. However we hear daily declarations that the USA still has the mightiest military and weapons, years beyond what anybody else can develop. I am not so sure anymore. China in particular probably has many strategic weapons and technologies they keep to themselves.

Many of those other countries still bear a hatred for America. I don't think this is about to happen but let's say that China launched an all out attack against the USA. One or two others like Russia, Syria, North Korea, India, or Pakistan could side with the Chinese. Start ducking! The USA would have to bring out the nukes making results anybody's call.

I digress. My point today was about the latest killing by the United States in Iraq. Aside from the Twin Towers, there has never been a really big assault on mainland turf. More and more countries however could do so. They could also sink a ship; reach a major city with a missile; or target senior US military leaders in return. This would likely be to give America a taste of her own medicine. She would have to respond.

Does America really want to trigger this? Trump should make up his mind. Either get out of the business of nation building and bullying as he campaigned, or not. Many people agreed with him to let others fight their own battles unless the USA itself were in danger. What he is doing now is like throwing another spark into an almost defeated forest fire just to keep it going. As if we don't have enough forest fires to fight.

Is this to divert attention from impeachment or is it just another case of war being good for the economies of major participants? It is never good for the rest of us.

Mr. President if you keep playing with fire, one of these times you AND your great nation really will get burned.

The Brewster

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