Saturday 16 January 2021

What Does Stealing the Election Mean?

 The Election was Rigged? By Whom?

After months of hearing Trump and his Mouseketeers claim that the election would be rigged if he lost and now that it was indeed rigged because he did lose, it is becoming clearer what it means.

What more people are now stating categorically is that all of this anger and separation is really about racism. I have been writing this for some time. Privileged white Americans want America to be just that - white and the best of it to go to and belong to whites - just like the good old days.

In 2006 (Bush/Kerry) we heard about voters in black communities standing in the rain for hours to get to use two voting machines. A white jurisdiction had twenty. THAT is what prompted the speeches by Representatives Boxer and Jones.

This time the Californian Republicans placed ballot boxes of their own to collect votes - unofficially. When ordered to remove them they refused. What would have happened to the contents? You can bet the democratic ones would have vanished.

The allocation of seats and the Electoral College was always stacked in favour of wealthy ridings. We also saw rich families buying their way into the most elite schools of advanced education. Some minority school districts were grossly underfunded.

After hurricanes some black families had their land confiscated and had nowhere else to go. I don't know the rules but could they vote with no permanent address to call home? Would it even be a priority for them?

Who can forget the attempts to hinder the Post Office from providing the service depended upon by many democratic minorities? It was denied but the removal of some stations and restrictions on overtime were very suspicious.

It appears that the Democrats stealing the election from the Republicans really means that gradually over time this inherent system stacked against minority voters and in favour of white and often wealthy voters was being recognized and addressed. Some of the wrongs were finally being righted.

So the forces of righteousness are removing the Republicans' bag of tricks. THAT is what is being "stolen".

Cheating means their own cherished ability to cheat is being foiled and they are mad as hell about it. 


Friday 8 January 2021

American Democracy at the Precipice of Collapse

 Democracy vs. Dictatorship

One thing is clear throughout all that has happened in America in the last few days. Horrible as it was and still is, the government stood. Many people have pointed this out. Good for America!

This event should also serve as a more stark reminder. Assume the government capital or palace was stormed in a place like China, Russia, The Philippines or especially North Korea. The so-called protestors would have been gassed, water cannoned, or simply mowed down in cold blood if not during the rampage, then certainly after it. Their leaders would have ordered it. THAT is where Trump was headed with all of this.

Is this what all the Trump supporters with the red hats, the horns, the paint etc. really want? If they truly believe that the country is now going to be "Communist" under Biden, recognize what the opposite would have been with four more years under Trump.

His most ardent followers probably think twenty years or more of Donald would be great. The problem with that would be that his evil lies and self-serving ways would eventually be turned against them as well. He already threw Pence under the bus. He said he would be marching with you. Was he? He knew that Secret Service would never allow it but he promised you anyway - stupid or a lie? Does it matter? You think he cares about you? HE THREW YOU UNDER THE SAME BUS! How does it feel?

I am not a fan of Lindsey Graham. However he stood up and quoted just two examples of lies which falsely claim this election was fraudulent. There were supposedly thousands of underage electors. He asked to see just 10 and got none. Again, Trump people claimed there were thousands of felons who supposedly voted. He asked for 10 and got none. There are lots more examples.

Have any of those hyenas we saw in the Capital Building expressed one ounce of regret and sympathy over the five people who lost their lives because of their hooliganism? I doubt it.

Trump is a liar. He always will be.

Here is a challenge. I would like any one of those marchers who passionately swore they had to do this to take back their country, to explain exactly what they have lost. Don't use words like Communist and Socialist when you obviously don't know what they mean.

One more thing. If you take up the challenge, be honest if you are capable of that, about your true feelings on race, color, culture, and religion. You know - those things all Americans are supposed to be allowed to practice, not just white Americans.


Tuesday 5 January 2021

#Racism Still Alive in America

 The #Wealthiest One Percent Will Never Change

Today is a big day in the American State of Georgia. Its vote for two senators will determine whether Democrats will be able to dominate during the initial Biden administration. This along with the Covid-19 tragedy is dominating American media.

The focus has changed many times in the four years under Trump but most of it was on The Donald, created by The Donald. We all know that. None of it gets to the real issues in America, even Covid.

The real issues, and I narrow them down to two, have not changed in decades. 

1). I read that 0ne percent of the population hold 35% of the nation's wealth. They will do whatever they have to in order to keep it. Think billionaires and multi, multi millionaires. Add in the next 19% and the total is 51%. The exact figures don't matter. The order of magnitude is what is important.

Some of these inherited the wealth. Do they deserve it? What part did they play? That is for another topic. Very few of the rest could have earned their wealth without the nation's infrastructure to build their businesses (gas, electricity, clean water, sewers, roads and bridges, airports, marine ports, telecommunications) and advantaged tax systems. The problem here is that we all pay for those services through our taxes. They will claim the same thing except that their companies can then write it off. We can't, and by comparison we use a very small percentage.

They do not want to share it. The more obscene is their wealth, the greedier they become. Apologies to the few exceptions like Bill Gates.

2). Racism. The same group in 1) hate the gradual browning of America. They especially do not want to share the wealth with anyone non-white. It is well disguised but still there. There are lots of people who do not feel this way - even some rich white folks on both sides of the political divide. But I am addressing problems here, not the nice to haves. 

So who does still harbour such feelings? We all know a couple of groups. Trump and his base and all the gutless Republicans who back him no matter what. Many others for sure.

We are told that some 74,000,000 voted for Trump. Apparently all of those votes were 100% legitimate. Why are Republicans not questioning them? For sure there are a lot of unhappy voters, fed up with voting and politics as usual. Biden must make some changes. Trump however, was the wrong answer. That was cutting off a foot to cure an ingrown toenail. 

This is not unique to America. The concern should be that wherever those like Trump were unopposed, treacherous dictators rose to power willing to kill and torture anyone who then got in their way. America still has a chance to do something about it.

Over to you Joe and Kamela.



Friday 1 January 2021

Squirrel proof bird feeder

Outsmart the Squirrels!

Finally I outsmarted my local squirrels - so far! See photo below.

I remember my father spending much self amusement time trying to invent a method to feed the birds but keep the squirrels away. He finally hung the bird feeder, a simple tray, from a branch close to our summer cottage, then strung a cord from it right through a wooden window frame into our living room! My mother was very patient. When the squirrel shimmied down onto the feeder he pulled the cord to spin the tray and the pesky rodent would fly off.

The trouble was it became a war in which the squirrel would get right back up there to try again. Either he found it entertaining like a kid on a roller coaster or he wanted in turn, to outsmart Dad!

There is a little rhyme about graffiti writers: "Man's ambition must be small to write his name on an outhouse (bathroom) wall!" I think it also applies to retired men like yours truly, pitting their brain against a squirrel's. 

This is a very simple design. You can buy a commercial metal one like an upside down funnel.  I made it 24 inches square and could have enlarged it but my first attempt works. It also catches a lot of the seed dropped, or rejected by the birds.

The little guys were at first irate when they saw birds like doves up there feasting away. They tried several times to jump from my gazebo onto it but it was too far away. They can climb the pole but can't lean back and out enough to grab the edge of the platform. Now they are content to retrieve the droppings. FYI, I do leave a pile on the ground just for them.

It is New Years Day 2021. Winter has been mild so far. When they get desperate they might succeed but so far I win.

By the way. This is the best design for such a deterrent in all of history. Only I could have done this. My generals and security advisors all failed. No other occupant of this house before me ever accomplished this. But I know you fake media types will never give me credit. That's OK. Media reporters are all squirrel brains. If the squirrels ever do succeed it will not be my fault nor will it be from Russian aid. It will be the Chinese for sure. Biden will never admit this. Neither would Obama.



Tuesday 29 December 2020

Presidential Limerick

 #Justice is Sometimes Sweet

There once was a #POTUS from Queens
Who learned from his Dad in his teens
You must always win
No matter the sin
Truth was not in his genes.

The voters booted him out
So he yelled and started to pout
He lied even more
Fabrications galore
“I was robbed” he started to shout

His fake indignation was planned
As he tried every court in the land
His evil intention
To grant an extension
Rejected thank God out of hand

He soon got so mad he would yell
Like a mad man locked in a cell
For lying each day
He now had to pay
An end to four years of hell


Sunday 27 December 2020

My best from 2020: #COVID-19, the Beaten by Something With No Brain

 Sometimes a writer just gets in the groove. This was such a morning

I was looking over some past posts and came across this one. I consider it one of my best. If you recall reading it that is good. Otherwise I hope you enjoy it.

The World Within; Our World; The Great Beyond 

Let's take a moment since we now have lots of them, to put #COVID-19 into perspective. Those of you who tune out from anything that is purely academic can go back to your muffins and morning TV shows. I have no idea where this is going and no, there is no stimulant in my coffee! It is early; I just got up; and a virus is still out there ravaging humans. That is my starting point or launch pad. Amateur philosophy 101 perhaps.

There have always been attempts to categorize "things" or "existence" generally driven by our human limited powers of perception. In high school we heard the term "matter" in physics. Reaction? What is "matter"? Apparently this is anything that has "mass" and a volume that takes up space. Now ask "what is mass" and you will see a reference to "matter" at which point many tune out from physics. The definition references something that "accelerates" under the influence of "gravity". Gravity itself is something we experience here on Earth. On and on it goes. I enjoy it, especially when the moon landing verified theories of gravitational pull being less on the moon.

One can also divide things into animal, vegetable, or mineral; perhaps also animate and inanimate. 

Here is another I am making up as I write! I am not a scientist:

1) The inner makeup of all that our eyes alone can not see in species and other items
2) Those things we can and do see every day including fellow humans
3) The cosmos or universe and everything in it. Some we can see and some not.

1) Some time ago at a book sale I purchased a publication called "The Human Body Close-up" by John Clancy, Firefly Books. The pictures alone are worth the purchase price. They are all taken with an electron microscope, thus being in category 1) above. What we can now see was not possible with human eyes or conventional microscopes. Herein lies COVID-19.

2) In this category I mainly include ourselves and all animate and inanimate things we can sense using sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. We have made huge strides here with the help of technology, but we are still guessing when it comes to really understanding ourselves and our fellow beings. This is where psychology was born.

3) The universe is so vast we need telescopes and spacecraft to enhance our limited perception. There are lots of theories about what is out there including ET and his relatives and how it all came to be . We have not scratched the surface. None of us know for sure.

So let's return to 1). A single human cell and all its content uncover a whole new world. The components of a cell are amazing and the technical terms beyond my limited intelligence. You have to remember that for most the "cell" - trillions of them in our body - is defined as the smallest unit capable of performing the body's basic needs (from the above book, page 18).

Within it there are a lot more things than the "nucleus", and even more within that. The cell picture (page 19) looks more complex than a jet engine. Many items are defined and they each have a role to play in our bodies. Somehow they are programmed to fulfill it. How? They have no "brain" as we know it. They are just tiny molecules of protein and other substances but they can either sustain our life or, if they go rogue, can snuff it out. In this book as well are references to genes and chromosomes and the infamous DNA. It is  fascinating.

This virus and so many others are the types of "rogues" I mentioned. They are themselves "programmed" to destroy some of our intricate makeup, starting with our cells. 

How do you develop a vaccine against such an enemy? We can't really "see" it, touch it, or get inside it. How can that microscopic little thing we picture as a sponge ball with red golf tee like structures attached, get into our cells - our own building blocks - and what drives it?

We are at war. A little inconvenience in your daily routines is not much to ask. The enemy is invisible. Scientists are facing an immense task. It took centuries to be able to identify and define a "virus". It might take as many to overpower them.

Cut our leaders some slack folks and try helping however you can. Ignoring stay at home advice falls into category 2) above - solving our own human problems. Stop being so selfish. Don't hoard and don't go out when you don't have to.

Just hope that when we get the huge surprise from category 3) - and we will - we can survive it as well. Will it be living; energy; collision with another heavenly body? The list goes on. Focus on 2) and leave 1) and 3) to the best brains on the planet.

Thanks if you got this far. 


Thursday 24 December 2020

Official 2020 Trump Portrait

 Where have I seen that look?

I asked this before. How many hours has Donald practiced that grumpy, downturned mouth stare? Could he be trying to copy these guys? 

Winston was a true leader loved by his citizens. A real war time PM. He got what he deserved - glory.

                                                                                  Image of Winston Churchill

Benito was initially "loved" and then assassinated and hung upside down by his citizens. He got what he deserved also.

                                                                                   Image of Benito Mussolini


Who was Donald's idol? I hope it was Churchill.


Tuesday 22 December 2020

Christmas Gift for America

Did #Jupiter align with #Saturn over Washington?

A lot has been published about the spectacle of Jupiter being in direct line with Saturn on December 21st, 2020. We did not get to see this locally with an overcast sky. For those who did were you reminded of another bright star two thousand years ago over a very special place? Perhaps America should look at it that way. Someone has been sent to save your country and lead you on a better path. For some unknown reason the timing of a celestial phenomenon resulted in it casting a glow over Washington and the country.

Is the fact that it predated January 20, 2021 by about a month indicative that all will not be perfect? What do the Astrologists have to say about this?

It has been a difficult year for the entire world - an even more difficult four years for America. Their leader has turned out to be Count Dracula in disguise who also sucked blood out of his sometimes willing victims.

Some of them deserve what they got. Some are going to get coal in their stockings this year. The rest need Christmas kindness. I have tried to be subtle and clever in past missives but nothing seemed to work. Time to be direct. That's what Donald seems to like.

Time to go
Exit stage RIGHT
Your limo is waiting
The party is over
Bye, Bye
So long
Hasta la vista
Au revoir
Take a hike
You lost - get over it - and yourself.
Until the next time. OOPS. Scratch that one!
The baton has been passed
You have been made redundant
The pasture awaits your copious unique brand of organic fertilizer
Get on your pony and ride
Take the Trump plane, bus, kiddie car out of town



Friday 18 December 2020

The Christmas Song - new version

 Chestnuts Roasting now that He is Fired

You can sing this to the classic tune by Bob Wells and Mel Tormé, made famous by Nat King Cole.

People toasting now that he is fired  (Chestnuts roasting by an open fire...)
John K. smiling in his grave
Bon Voyage being sung by a choir
The bear has gone back to his cave

Everybody knows that Joe and Ka-me-la will come  (Everybody knows a turkey...)
Turning darkness into light
Downturned faces now starting to smile
The people's House returns to White.

    They know that Santa's on his way
    He's loaded dignity and honour
    In his sleigh
    And honest people will rejoice
    To hear a Pres-i-den-tial voice

And so let's put our shame behind us now  (And so I'm offering this...)
One voice whether red or blue
Regardless of faith, gender, colour we say
Merry Christmas, to you


Wednesday 16 December 2020

Cyber Spying and Hacking Alive and Well in the U.S. Government

 007 Was More Fun But This Is Real

I was just reading about what is purportedly a major case of cyber hacking into Federal Government departments and systems. Supposedly this is one of the most serious ever and the attacker is once again alleged to be Russia.

Is either Trump or Biden addressing this? I have not heard much about it. It seems to me that it should be right up there with COVID 19; right and left winged extremism; restoring faith in elections; Iran; North Korea; environment; and China as major challenges for America.

According to one Associated Press article Trump fired some major players and eliminated positions which addressed this. If there isn't already there should be major push for more  dollars to be spent fighting this and a key person should report right to the top. If this is already part of the National Security Advisor's position then they are failing.

In one area Trump was right. Billions of dollars are spent so that American forces can protect other areas of the world. Others should definitely pay their share. The issue here is what is America doing with its savings?

Cyber Security is one area in which more should be spent. America should be the leader here. One can only hope that she has her own surreptitious code inside the governmental systems of her enemies and is indeed doing a better job than they are. Unfortunately we can never really hear about that. When we hear about terrorist plots being foiled before they occur, it gives us hope. Unfortunately when we also hear that others like Russia already have stolen mountains of confidential materials from inside supposedly secure federal and state systems, how can Americans feel safe and protected?

Over to you Joe. What are you and Kamela going to do about it? Talk doesn't cut it. If you can send someone to the moon, surely you can protect your own data. I bet China can. That was first and only then are they taking moon shots.
