Monday 3 February 2020

Stocks to Pick When Trump is Acquitted

Trump and the Market

This will be short and sweet.

Many people attribute recent health in the stock market to Donald J. Trump. I don't agree but there is no denying that it has been on a good run.

If you want to make your fortune riding the market wake of DJT, consider something. There is one very special segment which is bound to soar. It is within the pharmaceuticals - specifically any company which manufactures sleeping pills or sleep aids.

Every Republican Senator who sold his or her soul at this trial or is about to do so will need sleeping pills. So will their spouses. It is the only way I can imagine them getting any sleep at night.

No there are not that many Senators but they will need a lot of them. Given the total lack of ethics we have witnessed, one of them is bound to see another opportunity and become a spokesperson for one of these companies, relating their recent personal experience. When they admit they are having trouble getting to sleep everyone will believe them. If they are contrite enough, they might even get re-elected.

A second choice might be Wimpy's  Diner where I'm sure they all eat.

Buy now, then sell out at the right moment - just like they did.

The Brewster

Saturday 1 February 2020

The Perfect Call

The OJ call to DJ

R-r-r-r-ing R-r-r-r-ing
"White House. How can you help us?"
"This is OJ. Let me speak to DJ."
"Sir. This is the office of The President of the United States."
"I know that babe. Just put me through to DJ."
"Sir, I don't know who you think you are. How DARE you speak to me like that!"
"No babe, you don't know who you're speaking to or you would not speak to me like that. Now put me through sister."
"Who are you? How did you get this number?"
"Just tell him it's OJ. We go way back. He's golfing isn't he? That's why I called his cell."

"One moment whoever you are."

Dingle Dingle ... Dingle Dingle 

"I'm golfing here! I just missed my putt! This better be good. YOU'RE FIRED!"
"Sir there is an 'OJ' on the line who says you go way back"
"On the secure line?"
"No Sir. This is your cell. You only have a secure line in the Oval Office"
"I'M IN THE OVAL OFFICE NITWIT. By the way, go and look at yourself in the mirror! Put him through."
"Hey DJ. How's it goin' man?"
"This is NOT a Quid Pro Quo. It is a perfect call"
"Say what? This is OJ man. What gives?"
"Sorry Buddy. Oops. I mean you got me Buddy. I never say 'Sorry.' What can you do for me OJ? "
"Just called to say conrats man. Ain't this just the greatest country Dude?"
"Not before ME OJ. I made America GREAT again. Nobody else could do that."
"Er-r-r-r if you say so DJ. But also I have something for you."
"NEVER say that OJ. NEVER. This is NOT a Quid Pro Quo. This is a PERFECT call. I.m running late here OJ so keep talking!"
"Remember the glove thing? I've still got them man - the real ones! They are worth a fortune on Amazon. They will finance your entire campaign."
"This is NOT a Quid Pro Quo. It is a PERFECT call. You were saying?"
"That's it DJ. But before I give them up there is just one little thing. I'd like ... wait now. My lawyer says 'we'd' like a little favor."
"NEVER say that OJ. NEVER. This is NOT a Quid Pro Quo. This is a PERFECT call. I'm listening."
"They tell me you can grant pardons ... to anyone."
"NEVER say that OJ. NEVER. This is NOT a Quid Pro Quo. This is a PERFECT call. I'm going to give you a number - my lawyer's. Call him. There might be a short hold - I mean pause  but be patient."
"OK man. We should throw a few sometime out in the yard"
"Your yard or mine?"
"Yours dude. I can throw a Kleenex out of bounds in mine these days."
"FYI OJ, I know more about football than Payton Manning and you combined. I have thrown the most touchdowns and have completed more running plays than anyone in the history of football. Call that number. I'll have somebody speak to him."
"Thanks DJ."
"NEVER say that OJ. NEVER. This is NOT a Quid Pro Quo. This is a PERFECT call. By the way whatever you are doing now? YOU'RE FIRED."
"I'm not employed."
"I can do anything. Didn't you hear? I am a King now." 

"You know what DJ? Never mind. You can have the gloves anyway. They're too big these days."


"OJ? … OJ? ...I had the biggest inauguration EVER. Way bigger than Obama's. You hear me OJ? ... OJ?"

Ping Ping ... Ping Ping

"Get that guy back on this phone STAT!"
"You fired me dipstick. Call him yourself! You just press those little square numbers in the middle ... AFTER you hang up ... like THIS."


The Brewster

Friday 31 January 2020

Senate Trial Super Bowl!

Where is the Bigger Game - Washington or Miami?

This is a big week-end for Washington as well as Miami. The Senate's game has been going on for two weeks now and we still don't know the outcome - more like cricket.

There are more parallels than differences. However let's compare the biggest game in the Washington season and the biggest game in the football season:

  • Both rely heavily on corporate money.
  • Both make a big deal out of the kickoff but most times it amounts to nothing.
  • Inactive players sit on the sidelines. Senators watch their phones; footballers the game.
  • The Super Bowl umpires wear stripes. Perhaps the Senate ones should also - head to toe!
  • There is rough play and hard hitting in both but no penalties in the Senate.
  • You will do well in either if you can dodge, run fast, and pass the ball. 
  • In football you try to catch the ball. In the Senate you try to avoid it.
  • Both have offensive and defensive players. Most Senators however are always offensive.
  • Post game analysis lasts for hours in one but forever in the other.
  • The fans in both get into passionate fights.
  • In both, if you can keep winning you can keep playing.
  • Sometimes the oldest players do best in the Senate - not so much in football.
  • Women go crazy for footballers. You can probably guess the rest of this.
  • In the Super Bowl there is a clear winner. In the Senate there is no winner. Just losers.
  • Fans would miss almost anything for the Bowl; watch anything else but the Senate trial.

What a country! There is something for everyone.

The Brewster

Thursday 30 January 2020

Recycling Problem is Huge

Help Solve the Problem since You are the Problem

If you want to make a contribution to our world, just Google a few items on recycling of waste, types of recycling, sorting waste, classifications of waste.

Short on time? Start with plastics. The amount and types of plastic we use are eye openers. No wonder our oceans are full of them.

It seems to me there are two major problems: money and convenience.

The money part is obvious. Huge companies and their owners are making fortunes from producing and selling plastic. They are not so keen on taking it back. In addition, the packaging industry relies heavily on the stuff. Look at what you buy and what you throw out, including the fast food at restaurants and the containers discarded there that never make it home.

The convenience problem rests mainly on our shoulders. We buy the products. They are quick and easy and, as mentioned above, help to reduce the cost of the things we buy. Let's face it. This is one area where the average person is just too apathetic and lazy. Throw in cheap.

Focusing on plastics, manufacturers could use alternatives but they know if cost goes up and convenience goes down, we won't buy. As well if they ignore this, one of their competitors will likely break rank for the profits.

We are also guilty of doing a really lousy job of properly recycling. Be honest. Do you remove labels from containers? How many paper towels are discarded after a single use? Do you thoroughly wash out that peanut butter or margarine container? Do you still buy plastic shopping bags? Do you search for that tiny recycle emblem (plastic resin code) to see if it is acceptable for recycling where you live?

I could go on. My suggestion today is that since we are the major problem how about more suggestions on solutions or hacks to reuse items from us the consumers?

Here is a small one. What about mandating that those plastic codes must appear on the sides of containers? They should be big and bright enough that sorters of materials and you the consumer can see them right away. Color code them. Currently they can be difficult to find and read. If this will help with the separation, that would be a big step.

I welcome any other suggestions. All we need are ideas. There are enough entrepreneurs out there to run with them.

The Brewster

Tuesday 28 January 2020

The Golden Years of Retirement

My Golden Years Must Be Silver. They Are Tarnished

Many people fear retirement. I am there and would definitely say it is not to be feared but it absolutely requires preparation. The big one is finances. I have no problem keeping myself busy and that does not mean sitting on my butt in front of the TV. If you really want  to enjoy yourself you need 1 of 2 things: A big net worth to replace your salary with earnings or a very inexpensive passtime which you love.

I did really well in school always getting top marks but in that subject which is not taught per se, called life, and its advanced topic called retirement, I give myself a failing grade.

I was born in the late '40s. There are many things for which my generation should be grateful. In my case:

  1. I never had to go off to face the horrors of war possibly never to return.
  2. I did not face the discrimination many face daily.
  3. My family was not wealthy growing up but we had a decent life because of the hard work and sacrifice of my parents.
  4. I never had and so far still don't have any serious health problems. I do workout and watch what I eat to preserve this.
  5. I could have done anything and become anything I really wanted. So can you.
  6. I lived for several years in a university residence and had the time of my life. I had a lot of catching up to do with experiences most kids had in high school. My energy went more into socializing than to academics.
  7. I lived and worked for a few years in another country experiencing an entirely different culture - the U.K. I enjoyed it.
  8. I have no serious financial debts but also no excess to do many things that others are now enjoying.
I have many regrets and for these I am solely responsible:

  1. I never found a calling at which I had a natural talent and which I enjoyed. If you find that and give it all you have you will do well in life.
  2. Long before meeting my partner I let the one woman I should have asked to spend our lives together get away. That's the one regrettable thing about my time in the U.K. In the case of my partner on the other hand, long before we met she found the man she thought was her match but it did not work out.
  3. I should have pursued music, writing, or some other form of the creative arts.
  4. I did not have kids.
  5. I took my education for granted working very hard at it but for the wrong reasons and in the wrong fashion.
  6. For some time I did give professional financial advice and sold financial products to clients but in this area I was like the plumber with leaky taps at home.
  7. Essentially I drifted through life event by event. I should have charted a course.
So why people will ask, am I writing this? Perhaps some younger person or their parent will read it and realize the answer to that question: This is how NOT to lead your life. Invest for a rainy day and find something you love doing and someone to love. The rest will take care of itself.

The Brewster

Sunday 26 January 2020

Kobe Bryant and Gianna

A Tiny Bit of Positive, in a Horrible Tragedy

I don't follow sports but I knew the name and his celebrity as a basketball star. Now I even know the name of one of his daughter's.

Many are probably castigating me right now for the heading "Tiny Bit of Positive" for such a sad event. I understand but please read on.

The Bit of Positive to which I refer is simply that such an event involving a famous person makes us realize:

  1. Such a horrible thing can and does happen to ANYONE, even ourselves.
  2. Several families suffered here
  3. Such events can happen in the next 5 seconds, today, tomorrow - anytime.
  4. There is nothing we can do to prevent them.
  5. Celebrities and their loved ones grieve just like us.
  6. Live for today because tomorrow might never happen.
  7. Be damned appreciative that this has not yet happened to you or those you love (if that is the case) and make every minute with them count.
Having expressed that, my heart goes out to all of those who knew and loved all of these people because above all that is what we lost - people.

We will never know why this happened - not the technical causes - but why now, and why this, and why them. Religion and faith have no real answers.

It's called life and sometimes it really sucks.

The Brewster

The Dumbing Down of English

Misplaced Participle - Say What?

English is one of the most prevalent languages and citizens of many counties learn and speak it. I never forget however that it is indeed the ENGLISH language. It is not Canadian, American, Australian etc. So when it comes to one aspect of any spoken language - pronunciation - they are always right and we are not. WE have the accent and not those from over the pond.

It is natural that over time any dictionary grows and changes because of new terms and words. These are often slanged or technological terms that have simply become so commonplace that the great institutions like Oxford and Webster have accepted them. To me, sometimes this is good, sometimes not.

One I have heard frequently recently is nucular. Presidents and spokespeople for the industry have said it. The word is nuclear and I hope it is not accepted simply because many people are wrong in its use. More acceptable are viral as in a video "going viral" or Facebook "friends" even though you will never meet them.

There are lots of others but I am straying from my point.

What IS sad to me is the apparent total lack of focus on vocabulary and grammar the way they were taught years ago. Vocabulary was not taught per se but those who tended to read more possessed more extensive vocabularies.

Grammar is another matter. Perhaps this is because it used to be one of my better subjects and I remember a lot of it. Example: It is a topic most people won't relate to. Did you catch it? That should read "… is a topic to which most people won't relate." I speak this way and people look at me like I am from another planet - even those of my generation. Here is another: "As far as grammar most people don't care." It should be "As far as grammar is concerned …"; "As far as grammar goes …"; "When it comes to grammar … ."

At this point I have probably lost half of my readers. I am not trying to be snobby, it just means something to me. It's a bit like those who still send real snail mail cards and acknowledge emails or gifts - just a case of old habits not dying because we don't want them to die.

In the late 1980's I took a business writing course at work. I was dressed down a few times because they were teaching that one should write at a grade 11 high school level. You were supposed to avoid words of more than three syllables. Really? So why did I finish school?

Do they even teach grammar? I know spelling is gone and script. What about basic math or arithmetic?

Too bad. I will continue to offend the sensitivities of some I suppose. After all, I is smart!

The Brewster

Saturday 25 January 2020

Trump and the Ukraine

Hold That Thought … No PAUSE It!

There is one point I would like to make before I address today's post. 

At some point the White House et al decided that the controversial hold on aid to the Ukraine was not a hold at all but a pause! Did everyone catch that? It was back in the House. A determined effort was made but occasionally one of them slipped and said hold again. Read these words guys: If it smells like a hold, walks like a hold, looks like a hold, and has the same negative effects on the Ukraine as a hold, IT PROBABLY IS A HOLD! Having noticed that weeks ago, now that I am hearing the Republican Senate Managers' arguments, their words have more substance. (Even though I heard both "hold" and "pause" today.)
I am not a Trump fan and agree with the Dem's efforts to oust him. However as I said in a recent post I think they have blown it.

Thursday and Friday we got to see the best that the President and the GOP could put forward. I must say I was impressed. One of the things I mentioned in the past was that the strategy of having seven Democratic managers effectively give the same old story seven times was bad. One Republican presenter whom I watched made reference to that. 

He also made a point of saying that he was not going to repeat what a prior speaker had said or what someone yet to come would say. Now THAT is the kind of coordination the Democrats lacked.

The 3 men I saw made great cases! They made really effective use of the very same witnesses we saw in the house but included segments the Democrats left out AND they mentioned the omissions. Very effective and I gather the Dem's won't have a chance to fire back. The third one explained quite effectively why certain witnesses were not permitted to address the House. This was a very different and new perspective never explained by the Democrats. The reasons were supposedly sound and legitimate.

But none of this matters because the majority of voters will vote on emotions, not facts. Unfortunately the Republican lawyers so far have much more expensive looking suits, ties, and hairdos so they will win regardless.

Perhaps the Dumbos (elephants) are going to nudge out the Jackasses (donkeys) in the home stretch.

The Brewster

Wednesday 22 January 2020

Senate Trial

I'll Huff and I'll Puff and I'll Blow Your House In

Day 2 now and I think the Democratic Managers have already blown it.

If I were Schumer or whoever is in charge of these seven people now in the Senate to make their final case, I would make sure that the world did not get just the same old story over and over again seven times.

Not so. This is like some kind of public speaking contest where the rules say you have to recite the same script and can only get points by differing your facial expressions, dramatic gestures and gesticulations, voice inflection, and poignant pauses. Even the videos we've seen before. They all want their 15 minutes of Warhol fame.

A big problem here is also the fact that we have been hearing this for months now on CNN. They have been Trump bashing 24/7 since the election. Same stuff. Saying the same thing a hundred times does not change the facts or substance one little bit, even if the story is true. It just turns people off and it has. Too bad many of them voters who might have been persuaded to switch but now have been bludgeoned too much and will not.

I want to see DJT gone as much as anyone but I fear that after the two years of Mueller's efforts which failed to meet expectations, the last big opportunity is being blown. CNN has to share the blame. They flogged us to death with this stuff. There is no drama left. The man will get away with it

When the subjects of forbidden witnesses and documents come up the Republicans and all the White House team keep saying that the Dems should have taken them to court to get them. That is apparently standard practice. Maybe now is the time to finally respond that nobody should be put in a position that they have to do that. The Republicans have always moaned that the House process was unfair. Talk about unfair! If the witnesses and documents could bring an early finish to all of this, and they want fair then don't say "you should have taken us to court."

Will somebody on the Dem. team please make this point? Enough of phone calls, Giuliani, and Latin.

It might be your last hope.

The Brewster

Tuesday 21 January 2020

Senate Impeachment Olympics

Super Trial Tuesday

I have watched more American politics on TV in the last two years than I have any other programming. As a Canadian that is hard to admit. It is also silly.

So I might as well go all the way. I think there should be a new logo designed for this whole impeachment undertaking that is on prominent display both in the House and the Senate. Given the coverage and duration the Olympic rings would be good but they are taken and God knows we have enough lawsuits ongoing with you know who so better not go there. We need our own.

How about those three monkeys that depict "Hear No Evil", "See No Evil", and "Speak No Evil". Now that is more like it. Instead of monkeys however appropriate that might be we should use baboons. Better yet let's use the Democratic Donkey mascot (i.e. Jack Ass) and the Republican Elephant mascot (i.e. Dumbo).

In the House with a Democratic majority it could be two Jack Asses and one Dumbo. In the Senate the reverse. That is just one more thing for them to argue about but what the hell, it would at least be entertaining. Now a Jack Ass is stubborn which is very apropos. Unfortunately an elephant never forgets and the current GOP seem to selectively forget anything. Still with the name Dumbo, I can live with it.

I could take this to an even higher height of the ridiculous. Instead of dress code we could have dress up! You get extra time on the floor for the most extravagant outfit. Picture the bar in the first Star Wars with all those creatures. Members should have to wear head coverings. Not only would this make ethnic practices more acceptable but everyone including those speaking would have to concentrate on their message alone if they wanted to get the listener's attention.

Instead of a gavel sound, a recording of assault weapon fire would make everybody snap to it! Then they might also experience the horror of such a moment. Now for the top gun in the place. Headwear would be good. A crown is out of the question in America. What about a joker's, jester's, or dunce's hat?

One final morsel of food for thought. Sessions open and close to the Micky Mouse Club theme song!

Stay tuned for updates.

The Brewster