Saturday 9 November 2019

Imagine! Thanks to John Lennon

Time to Imagine

This is the time of year when the famous song by John - "Imagine" - comes to mind for me.
If you listen carefully to the lyrics, it is all about a utopia that we will probably never reach. Would that we could. However with Remembrance Day looming, I always end up imagining other things - things that DID happen and were a long way from utopia. Things I hope I will never experience and by sheer luck so far have not. As a senior well north of 55, I don't imagine I ever will.

Imagine living your life as a young man or woman and looking forward to your future for which you might have worked so hard and of which you dreamt so often. Suddenly you are on a ship or plane bound for destinations unknown but duty bound to kill other people who threaten that future any way you can, or to sacrifice your own life and that future trying.

Imagine being terrified beyond description but having to maintain a brave face with your peers while knowing that you might very well not return. You might end up buried under a simple cross as an unknown soldier because when you died you were no longer recognizable.

Imagine having to shoot someone with the same aspirations as you or slice their throat or gut them or blow them up with a grenade because you are duty bound to do so. There is also this - if you don't they will.

Imagine making friends with another frightened soul and charging into battle facing bullets and explosions only to see them blown to bits and wondering why them and not you? Or wondering if your time is only seconds away. Will it be sudden and merciful or slow and agonizing?

Imagine thinking that you might never see your loved ones again and that, if defeated, the sacrifice would be for nought.

Imagine living in the ground in filthy freezing conditions knowing that if you raise your head too high you might lose it. You stink. You are covered in lice. The "food" if you have any, is terrible. Nature calling? There is only that pit at the end of the trench. To find it just follow your nose.

Imagine spending months learning how to fly so you can deliver weapons that will devastate hundreds of people who are totally innocent and structures that are historic.  Or training as a sailor so you can sink another ship and know that hundreds of people will drown in horror as a result.

Imagine such training going to waste because your plane is fishtailing at full speed towards the ground and these are your last seconds alive. Or you are the sailor whose ship is headed for the bottom with you in it.

Imagine the joy of just returning alive. Let us remember those who did.

Let us imagine it never happening again.

Thank you, John Lennon

The Brewster

Saturday 11 May 2019

What's Wrong With North America?

North American Democracy is Flawed

Do a search on your favourite online engine for the top democracies in the world. Those I found did not include America, Canada, or the U.K. Consistently high were Scandinavian countries, Belgium, New Zealand, and Austria. Generally I would observe that those countries that were once part of the British Empire and its colonialist policies are not on these lists.

Why is this? I can only guess, so here are some of my thoughts.

Firstly I notice that most of these countries are known to be peaceful and non-aggressive. If they were once it was long ago. Perhaps they learned their lessons. Generally they are not strong militarily - certainly not "super powers" - willing to annihilate thousands of innocent people for their own selfish needs.

If you do a similar search for standards of living you will find many of the same countries. Canada does do well here but I suspect that will be short-lived and I am a Canadian.

In these countries people just seem to be much happier. There is a true middle class where everyone gets a piece of the pie. The less fortunate are well cared for. These countries also have long histories that make us in the west look like infants, troubled teens, or just self-centred brats.

Scandinavian countries have had more stringent immigration policies than North America. It seems that limiting who gets to live there is a factor. It is hard to swallow but maybe we need to be more selective ourselves.

The traditional American Dream has become the American Nightmare. The model is broken. The great country that many elsewhere see only exists in Disneyland and Hollywood. Coming here to live such a dream is quite another matter. America has become a great place to live if you are filthy rich but only a very few hold this status. One of the largest problems is that these people whose families have always found a way to create and keep wealth used to rely on the middle class to work for them. Now technology does most of that. They make more and we make less if we have a job at all. One thing is the same. They and their businesses still require the physical infrastructures that we have all paid for and are still paying for. The rich have simply learned how to take personal advantage of them.

The best way to sum it up for me is that our culture breeds greed - purely and simply. Look out for number one. Grab what you can before somebody else does.

There are indeed wealthy families in other places. Sweden boasts the founders of Ikea and Abba who I am sure are both very rich. They truly earned their wealth. I wonder if the Swedish population places people - sometimes unworthy or despicable people - on a pedestal like us? Do they spend their evenings watching the Hollywood or Kardashian types that we do? I would guess not. They seem to have a national pride and mutual self respect that is more than just words.

I think the golden years are over. The '50s, '60s, and '70s with lots of well paying jobs requiring little education are gone. China and India will produce the cheap goods if America can not.

If we want to solve problems for our kids and their futures we should start to emulate other countries without the crime, the guns and weapons of mass destruction, the obscene wealth, and the crooked politicians. A free democracy should foster a mentality in which those who find the knack of becoming wealthy use it not just to accumulate more for themselves, but to assist those who at least want to work hard for a decent life. The North American model of capitalism does the opposite. The dream has become survival of the fittest; might makes right; and bugger thy neighbour.

We should start now.

The Brewster

Wednesday 1 May 2019

Judge chooses rights over right

Don't even think about reporting that body in my trunk - not in Canada!

Recently a  Canadian judge dismissed a weapons charge because he was annoyed over an officer's testimony as to why he stopped a vehicle. During the stop a loaded weapon was spotted on the floor and 2 occupants were arrested. As a result a man with a record got away with yet another gun crime and no doubt will again. Such judgements raise several questions. Why can R.I.D.E. (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) programs target any vehicle randomly when there is usually no prior reason to believe each driver had been drinking? Does this mean that if an officer pulls over a car because it is being driven erratically but in the process discovers a body or person gagged and bound in the back seat or trunk, that charges against the driver will be dropped? Such decisions are usually intended to prevent targeting visible minorities but when illegal weapons or drugs are found this should trump "rights". If nothing is found, then reprimand or punish the officer but don't let a gun holder go free! This officer should be cheered, not chastised.
The Brewster

Monday 15 April 2019

Doug Ford's Carbon Tax Sign of the Times

If you haven’t looked at Ford lately, look again.

Yes that is borrowed from the motor company. I couldn't resist.

Recently Ontario Premier Doug Ford et al announced something new in their renowned efforts to work for the little guy and make the province open for business. Apparently between dollar beers, he had a Eureka moment and announced that what we really need is a new Ontario Licence plate - painted Tory blue naturally. On it there will also be a new slogan, creating at our expense a visible legacy to himself. Nothing like spending more money - OUR money - to trim the fat.

That is bad enough but what followed lowers his disregard for the public and common sense below the level of the current U.S. President.

Now to protest the Canadian federal government's carbon tax policies ("Federal Carbon Tax Transparency Act") Ontario gas stations have to display on all pumps a sticker that protests this new tax. Corporations could face fines of up to $10,000 per day for not displaying the stickers.

This is incredible.

What will be next? Will homeowners face daily fines for not displaying a Conservative sign on their lawn during the next election? Doug give your head a shake - that is after you extract it from … wherever it is now!

The Brewster

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Environment Doomsday and Smart Phones

Don't Text and Step Outside Your Door

How many times has it been said not to text and drive or not to use your phone and walk? The danger should be obvious but apparently to some it is not. They drive right into oncoming traffic or walk into a pole (or oncoming traffic).

What is the connection with the environment? Just one of attitude.

Ignore the advice that we have to do something now to save our planet and some day you will step out your front door - while texting - and right into the rising water. It will be too late to fix, but what the hell, you can take a picture or record it. You might even go viral like the water swirling around your feet.

The Brewster

Saturday 6 April 2019

Climate Change and Rising Ocean Levels

Is This 40 days and 40 Nights The Sequel?

I am not a religious man. I do consider myself to be a practical one and I see the writing on the wall when it comes to climate change.

As I have written before those who try to "compare" climate changes of the past - millions of years ago based on pure geological studies - are fooling themselves and us. Back then there was no industrial revolution and the world population - as far as we can deduce anyway - was not counted in billions. These studies compare apples to oranges.

What is a fact however despite arguing over the causes, is that the world's ice is melting. Like it or not, that WILL raise the level of seas and oceans and millions of houses, both humble and elaborate, will be under water. Then what?

Havoc, that's what. Survival of the fittest all over again. Religious teachings tell of a great flood - as some kind of punishment.

Did it happen or is it yet to come?

If you want to make a fortune in your time, start a boat-building company called Noah's Arcs are something similar. Almost guaranteed.

The Brewster

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Trump Spin CNN Style

Not So Fast CNN

I like CNN. They can be very annoying sometimes the way they interrupt guests, especially Republicans, when they start to give an answer the host does not like, but overall I prefer the network over others.

However for almost 2 years now every show on CNN has devoted inordinate amounts of time to blasting Trump's wall position and policies. There is no crisis. There is no invasion. A wall won't work. Drugs and bad guys come through the gates. Yada, yada. I agree with it all.

All of a sudden Kuomo is in Texas and the network is blasting both sides for doing nothing about this horrible crisis! Granted the immediate problem of overcrowding is real, but it sure is a 180 degree about face. Remember The White House was lying about hoards of people coming! Looks like they were not.

Then it could be CNN is learning from DJT. Is it a heartfelt distraction from the fact that 2 years of going on about Mueller's report and how bad it could be, has so far been a bust? This is like the polling people in a certain recent election. Like it or not there are a lot of CNN journalists and program hosts who have egg on their faces.

Maybe a rage about poor immigrants blaming both sides will wipe some of it off.

Fess up guys. He got away with the invasion hue and cry AND the Russian "thing". You always want HIM to say he was wrong and now it is your turn. It will look far better on you.

The Brewster

Monday 1 April 2019

The Real Judgement Day

I Was Just Thinking … Because I Still Can

This past weekend I attended and briefly spoke as did several others at the memorial service or life celebration of a very long time friend. I have had the following thoughts before.

When something like this transpires - there is usually some kind of notification sent to others. It contains details of any ceremony, viewing, or celebration of a life on this planet and it is an implied invitation. To make it less awkward there is seldom an RSVP requested.

That having been said we all then have a simple binary decision to make - will I attend or not? For many it is very easy to rationalize a note and flowers - something else on; illness; just too far to go; work; don't really know them; etc.

So it is very impressive when someone draws a huge number of attendees at such a ceremony, whatever its nature. What a wonderful statement when the room is overflowing. I say again - anyone can decide not to come. Social Media friends are not reality but this is.

To me the resulting headcount is the true test of your success in this world - how many other people you touched in a positive way. I don't happen to believe in the divine version - it has never been verified. But THIS I can see with my own eyes. Here everyone gets to be a judge for just one moment.

Will my life or yours fill a room when the time comes?

My friend touched a lot of people - and they came. I will miss him and so will all of those other attendees.

The Brewster

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Huffman and Loughlin Scandal Tip of the Iceberg

Doctor of Philanthropy

For anyone who missed it there is a current scandal in America about rich people buying entrance to high profile schools for their kids.

I have coined a new phrase : Doctor of Philanthropy! Is this the other PhD we never hear about? It is said that if you have money you can pretty well buy anything. Surely this is just another example. Several questions are raised here.

Would you do the same for your kid if you could - if you thought that you would never be caught? I suspect there will be many silent affirmatives being mumbled upon reading this. To me the biggest sin of all is that you would really not be doing your child any favour. You WOULD be teaching them your own underhanded methods but that is hardly a virtue. Let us not forget that those who accepted the money for their own greedy purposes share the level of depravity of the "donors". No, they are worse - they could have reported it.

Are those who make huge donations and scholarships to elite schools any more noble? Even if the funds were put to a good use it still depends on whether unqualified children - academically or athletically - gained entrance when it was not deserved.

Is this just one of the more base characteristics of our often lauded North American life style? The fact is this type of thing goes on everywhere and always has. It happens in democracies; dictatorships (often to save your life); corporations; and yes, religious hierarchies. I wonder how many heads were saved back in the days of Henry VIII via financial donations?

Is this sour grapes on my part and many others? Probably but if I had the millions I still think I would make sure they earned whatever they got through hard work and study.

Does hard earned money verses that gained in a slightly easier fashion affect your core values? People like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates built empires, wealth, jobs, and something of true value. Warren built opportunities and Bill built products. Would they do this for their kids? On the other hand those who receive millions for their "celebrity" status or athletic ability in many cases have only attained wealth for themselves. When they are gone, they might leave memories and adoration but do they give back to the society that made them rich? Some do - the late Arnold Palmer comes to mind. I doubt he would be facing charges like those currently in the media.

I don't have an answer to any of this. Welcome to Democracy where you can buy your kid a future and I can rant like this! Only in America? I doubt it.

The Brewster

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Hats off to New Zealand and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern

We need more like her.

Hats off to the Prime Minister of New Zealand for the mature and sober manner in which she has handled this horrible incident.

A small country living in relative peace and obscurity and she has given her peer world leaders a lesson in what Premiers, Presidents, and Prime Ministers are expected to do - what we elected them to do - LEAD!

I hope she can follow through on the gun legislation because I can think of another leader and country that badly needs more examples to follow.

This tragic event demonstrates once again that more women on the world stage would be an asset - not a liability! Male egos have messed up this planet long enough.

The Brewster