Wednesday 14 March 2018

In Praise of Stephen Hawking

Thank You Stephen Hawking

Every now and again - perhaps every few decades - a person like Stephen Hawking is born. He is a member of that elite group I can only refer to as profound thinkers.

You could probably cite others numbering in the dozens throughout recorded history - Einstein; Socrates; Plato; Darwin; Copernicus to name a few. Others exist in the creative arts - Michael Angelo; Beethoven; Renoir; Leonardo da Vinci.

Above all what I respect most about such people and their brains is that I doubt now or in the future will any form of machine or artificial intelligence match the creative genius of any one of them in their respective fields.

It took a chess master to create a computer chess master. Chess however is really just extreme combinations of known choices. Can you imagine a machine creating The Mona Lisa? It takes a human brain to both create and appreciate such a thing. The same applies to the mind of Stephen.

Surely it is all about human imagination. I just can't see any A.I. software possessing it the same way that we do.

Thank you Stephen et al for levelling the playing field. Wherever you are and whoever is your audience human or not, keep them spellbound just for the home team.

The Brewster

Monday 12 March 2018

Blogging: Some basic facts

Blogging Reality Check

When I created a blog in 2012, It was easy - still is. You can do a little reading on the mechanics and free offerings, then choose one and BINGO - an hour or less later you can read your first online creation. It’s almost as easy as making your first Tweet; posting a video or placing a picture on Facebook. Most beginners use free Blogger / Blogspot (me) or WordPress. There are others.

So then where are the 100,000 plus followers I read about completely clogging the search engines to find my blog and share my genius to take me viral? Where is the money?

Unfortunately back then, before then, and even now, there are just too many people claiming to make thousands of $$$ (insert your own currency symbol) per month blogging. It is possible but if you try now as I am, you are probably a dozen years or so too late.

Think about this: There are literally millions of people who think or thought that they could become rich with their:

New cook book
New song
New invention
New best selling novel
New “How to get rich in Real Estate” course
New video
New comic strip

Despite every true friend and experienced person telling them it takes years of hard work, endless determination, and countless failures, they know that theirs will be different.

I know because I have often had similar thoughts. I also know there is no easy ride to success.

Here is the real rub having experienced it over and over again. From what I have seen, many of those who are making money are the ones who attract your interest by telling you how to create a blog or make a fortune at blogging. That's it. This is not new. Before PCs ever existed, magazines and newspapers had tons of people who were willing to tell you their “secret” on how to get rich. Just send $19.95 and a SASE (for you young readers - if there are any - that is Self Addressed Stamped Envelope). They told you to do what they were doing - with your own SASE.

I am very serious about this. People get rich and their only contribution is telling you - often with material copied from someone else - how to make money at blogging. Nothing more. Many of them are VERY clever at filling their missives with links that force you to click and go somewhere else thus making them more money.

Imagine how successful a new newspaper (to pick an industry devastated by instant publishing technology) if the only content in the paper were columns on how to create and publish a newspaper - not one valid newsworthy article in it!

It seems to me that there are several kinds of blogs:

1. Those created by an individual who wants to share their personal experiences. Will you pay money to read about Suszie Q’s pet Border Collie or to look at John Smith’s photographs?

2. Those that focus on one particular topic like a hobby. It could be knitting; cooking; travel; one or more charities etc. These are of interest to a relatively small group of people and making money is probably not the objective. Sharing knowledge experiences, and making new acquaintances are the objectives.

3. Those tied to a much more prominent web page of a well known company or name almost because most of the competition has one also and because a blog is a convenient way to broadcast news and general information. It is easy to update. Any earnings are likely going to be from the website, not the blog.

4. Those created by celebrities or politicians or their assistants because any publicity for them is important.

5. Those intended to express opinions about a particular cause or trend or to feature articles just like a newspaper. If they are good, these can probably make money.

6. Those intended simply to entertain featuring short stories, funny videos, comic strips, recordings etc. These could probably make money if enough people go to them and click on their ads. They give people something to pass to their friends.

7. Those intended to teach you something other than how to write a blog. Typical examples are music lessons; sports lessons; do it yourself and how to items. These can make money either by selling further material like cd's or books, newsletters or by sponsored ads of related products and services.

This blog is probably a combination of numbers 5 and 6 above. If it makes money someday great. Otherwise I just enjoy it.

So the bottom line here comes down to one thing and to be fair, some of those “How to …Blogging” sites about blogs do indeed make this point. Like all of those other things mentioned above, a blog has to have quality, fresh, original CONTENT. The best inventions, books and music all fill a need. So must a great blog.

One honourable mention which is also covered in the Blogging articles are the techniques and in some cases tricks that can be employed to up the numbers of people who know you exist. Getting them to come back is up to you. The same old stuff will not accomplish that nor will simply high numbers of articles. You have to create something unique or be better than your competitors at whatever they do. Who passes judgement on uniqueness or whether something is better? Only the reader.

And that fellow bloggers, is what you have to accomplish to become renowned at anything in life. The most successful bloggers have been at it for many years. I have a long way to go.

The Brewster

Saturday 10 March 2018

Steve Jobs and Apple

Steve Jobs: The Apple Coffin.

Most people would say that Steve Jobs was a creative genius. I would have to agree. He foresaw things that no-one else did and created innovative products to fill the needs none of the rest of us knew we had. Sadly he is no longer with us. What would be the latest Apple products in high demand if he were?

Having read the book about Steve Jobs of the same name, I have to admit that I am not a big fan. Pompous and spoiled come to mind.

The only Apple product I own is a mini Ipod Nano. I rarely use it for several reasons.
  1. It is too small
  2. It is in my opinion definitely not “intuitively obvious” to use.
  3. Steve had a thing about buttons. If you still have any influence Steve, give me back buttons and I will buy more of your products.
  4. Steve had a thing about user manuals. If you still have any influence Steve, give me back user manuals and I will buy more of your products.

I was left shaking my head when I finally found out - from a manual - that one of the features in the product was accessed by - shaking the product. Occasionally I still shake my head over that. An infant who has not yet learned to walk might have discovered this - they shake everything but an adult? Be honest and say no.

Its interface is really the prime reason I don’t use it. Here is a little anecdote which I hope depicts my feeling of frustration:

I have just attended the gravesite of a relative. I then wander around the cemetery and come upon a fresh grave. In fact the casket has not yet been lowered but there are no mourners - everyone has departed - poor choice of words.

Imagine my surprise when I realize that I can hear a soft muffled sound coming from within that very same coffin! I look around but I have wandered, it has started to rain, and there is no-one around. I approach the coffin and see a small logo - the Apple Logo. This is an Apple coffin!

I am in panic mode and trying to think very hard. Look for a latch! Then it hits me. This is a Steve Jobs creation - there is no latch. OK think. I know - TAP it. I tap the top - nothing. I tap the bottom - nothing. The muffled sound continues. I tap one side - then the other. I have tapped all four sides - nothing! The truth is, there really are no sides. Steve also had a thing about corners - no corners, hence really no sides. So I direct my contacts where I think a normal person would have placed sides.

I know! This is one of those TAP TWICE features. I repeat my actions once again tapping everywhere two times. Nothing. I try three times as the magic number - nothing! So now I run around the thing slapping it like I’m trying to knock it out once, twice, thrice - nothing! I repeat all of this KICKING the frickin thing - nothing.

Now what - I know! I try to "flick" it. Now I have never flicked a coffin but there I was - broke every nail I had in the process. Nothing! Correction - still muffled sounds. I walk around stroking the thing. Nothing. Now what Steve? Speak to me Steve! Just couldn’t have a nice little “Press here to open” anywhere could you bud?

Then I remember - SHAKE IT! You have to be kidding Steve. Oh well, worth a try. So I straddle the gravesite and almost break my back placing a bear hug around this coffin and hoist it up. I’m swinging the thing back and forth like a Rock ‘n Roll dance hoping now is not the time for someone to pass by. Nothing.

In total disregard for the situation I hoist the thing up as high as I can and slam it onto the ground! Nothing! Correction. The muffled sounds have now stopped. I struggle to replace it on its bed. I give you credit for a strong coffin Steve if nothing else. The poor individual inside might not agree however.

Should I report this? Is anyone going to believe me? Just one lousy button Steve - that’s all it would have taken. If this were a Microsoft / Bill Gates coffin, it would at least have had a START button. God knows why but it probably would have opened it. And if you were really that smart why isn’t there an inside release like the trunk of every car made today - just in case. Even children can open those!

I had to walk away. Blame this on another esthetically beautiful Steve Jobs creation - don't blame me. I wondered how many people Steve screamed at during its design? Sorry bud. No more Apple products for me.

The Brewster