Thursday 11 November 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse Case

There is More at Stake with Rittenhouse than his own Future

There is a lot riding on the monumental trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. I have no doubt in my mind that his breakdown was real. If he was acting then every Oscar ever awarded should be returned and given to him. He can display them in his cell.

I have not seen the entire trial so I don't know to what degree the following vital facts were covered in it. However from what I read he was in violation of both Wisconsin and Illinois laws since he was only 17 at the time meaning that he could not have owned a legal permit.

This is under investigation but surely this is also a case where common sense should come into play. We have to ask ourselves why a 17 year old boy would cross state lines to acquire an assault type of weapon if all he wanted to do was give first aid and put out fires. He knew he was not supposed to be carrying that weapon and he even stated that he took it to protect himself.

If he is acquitted here, then any kid in America is going to be able to carry a firearm and kill someone if he thinks his life is in peril. That would undoubtedly cause an increase in such violent events.

In my opinion he convicted himself by his own testimony. Would he even have been threatened if those he shot did not see his rifle? Since when does a kid have the responsibility to assist legitimate police to protect property and quell violence? Could this have come from being a "gamer" most of his life? Did that mentality exist at home?

His lawyer had to know that he would break down as he did. It probably happened quite innocently in the lawyer's office and then he realized that if it happened again in front of a jury, they would feel sympathy.

Kyle must pay a severe price even if under age as a strong disincentive to others. It might not be possible in this gun thirsty country but he should also receive a lifetime ban on ever owning or possessing another weapon anywhere in the USA.

It is sick enough that so many adult Americans still think they are Wyatt Earp of Marshall Dillon but if this illness is ever going to be cured it has to start with the next generations. In too many cases the kids get it from their parents.

I have said this before and this is a good example. If America can not change or eradicate the infamous 2nd amendment itself there appears to be nothing to prevent her from defining VERY sever penalties for using those arms. There is a big difference between carrying and using.


Sunday 7 November 2021

All I Want for Christmas

Trump is My new Christmas Image

It has been a while since I believed in and hoped for a visit from that jolly old guy in the red snowsuit, Mr. Claus himself. A new image has replaced him.

The best gift we could all receive this year is the image of Donald Trump in an orange suit, possibly with stripes. If he had a sack it would probably be full of phony votes (written by him), lies, or the contacts for his followers from which he could start another insurrection. Forget the Mrs. by his side. She definitely does not fit the bill for Mrs. C.

C'mon you guys in Justice or wherever. Get your act(s) together. Many of us want to see it and how well he would get along with his fellow residents. Let him tell all of them his case was rigged.

With him out of the picture, it might even allow the GOP to revert back to being grand again.

'Tis the Season to be Jolly ...


Thursday 4 November 2021

Biden's Honeymoon is Over

November 2 U.S. Election, 2021    

Virginia and New Jersey are wake up calls. Biden and his party have to step up to the mark and run like hell. They missed the gun - it already fired. Every new administration is afforded part of its first year to blame the last one. Let's face it, with Trump and his cronies, COVID, environmental disasters and all of their effects on the economy, Biden and his team deserved the traditional honeymoon. It is over.

Have the Democrats learned anything since Hillary Clinton's defeat? To a large degree it was because she and her party ignored certain states and did not go there to talk to the people themselves. That happened again two days ago, especially in Virginia with McAuliffe. Younkin spoke directly to the citizens of the state and he cleaned up. He addressed every problem people were feeling at the dinner table; at work if they were so fortunate, at the bank; at the supermarket; and at the gas pumps. McAuliffe Trump bashed. That ship has sailed. He lost.

I have been very critical of CNN in this blog for its incessant Trump bashing, often the same thing 24/7. It's been going on for almost five years. They are starting to come around (not because of me). It is time that the Democratic Party did likewise. After four years of Trump those outside his base knew that he had to go - probably after four months. Intelligent people had already made up their minds on him. The red cappers loved him and his lies and still do - no matter what. We know all that - we get it.

What none of us need anymore is the same refrain. CNN is starting to come down on Biden and the party for what they are NOT doing and naming things they must do. We have known for a long time what Republicans want to do and if they are re-elected they will do it starting with the reversal of Biden's accomplishments, whatever they are. If he does not move quickly there won't be any to reverse making it even easier for a new administration.

It is useless bragging about which of your platform items you have approved if they don't get implemented. It looks like stalling and it will cost the Dems the next elections. It has already begun.

In the words of Jerry Maguire Mr. President: "Show Me the Money!" How about Harry Callahan: "Go ahead, make my day". From Mark Twain: "The secret of getting ahead is getting started."

Finally from our Roman ancestors: "ut plumbum e". Allow me to save you the trouble: "Get the lead out."


Tuesday 2 November 2021

American Election 2022, 2024

America: Sink or Swim Time

Sometimes you have to remove yourself from the fracas to see things more clearly. Alternatively you can hear from a third party who is not directly involved. That is one of the reasons I write a lot about America in this blog. I am not American.

As an outsider, here are the real issues I see and hear, cutting through all the politics, rhetoric, naivety, and outright lies.

The Republicans have shot themselves in the foot. Those who follow Trump  want a future based upon lies. It is obvious to the rest of the world including me. Behind it all is race and white supremacy. This is going to lead to more violence or total civil war. I see only two possible solutions. Throw Trump in the dumpster where he belongs - ALL of you. Create a third party for all of those conservatives who want to follow their beliefs as traditional conservatives without the racial divide - if you still exist. Be sure to include tough action on the environment AND the social divide - like the Democrats. Just make yours work.

The Democrats have to get real. Too many so called Progressives are indeed playing into the hands of the right who accuse all Democrats of being Socialists. You are handing 2022 and 2024 to the worst possible victors. Recognize the difference between short term assistance and a long term free ride. Biden does not lie like Trump but he did rely too much on his decades of "experience" to calm the Democratic waters. So far he has failed. For the most part most nice guys still finish last.

Here is the difference. Trump speaks lies and falsehoods about his insincere goals. Trump has nothing to lose - he already did. Biden falsely believes that his Uncle Joe attitude will accomplish his sincere goals. He has everything to lose and probably will if the party does not get its act together.

Foreign countries like China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran and evil groups throughout the world are taking full advantage of American internal squabbling. She is self destructing without a shot being fired. Trump ruined America's reputation. If he wins again - because it will be RIGGED (where have we heard THAT before) America will be laughing stock.

The way this is going there is almost a 
likelihood that there will be TWO new parties. One will be the anti-Trump Republicans and the other the almost socialist former Democrat Progressives. The latter will never win. The former has a chance.


Friday 29 October 2021

Long Live Adam Kinzinger

 Hurray! Another Republican with some Balls!

Sadly Adam Kinzinger has had enough of his gutless colleagues most of whom have proven over the last several years that they have zero integrity. The former GOP is now the Trump puppet show. They are all willing to let The Donald pull their strings even knowing that he would cut them loose at any time while watching them crash to the ground.

Adam, Liz Cheney, and Mitt Romney still have some principles. Most of the others who now make up the party do not know the meaning of the word. They now live under the same rock as Tucker Carlson. The best thing America can do is find a bigger rock.

People get upset when there is any similarity implied between what is happening in America with the GOP headed by Trump, and the former Nazi Party headed by you know who. Way back then it all began the same way.

How long will it be before GOP members start wearing brown or black outfits, arm bands (perhaps the red cap is a substitute), and greet each other with their own unique salute.

Open your eyes America! It is all going down (way down) right in front of you.

Some day the Statue of Liberty will be a relic of a past democracy like the Greek Parthenon or the Italian Colosseum. The only difference? Current generations can still prevent it.
