Thursday 4 November 2021

Biden's Honeymoon is Over

November 2 U.S. Election, 2021    

Virginia and New Jersey are wake up calls. Biden and his party have to step up to the mark and run like hell. They missed the gun - it already fired. Every new administration is afforded part of its first year to blame the last one. Let's face it, with Trump and his cronies, COVID, environmental disasters and all of their effects on the economy, Biden and his team deserved the traditional honeymoon. It is over.

Have the Democrats learned anything since Hillary Clinton's defeat? To a large degree it was because she and her party ignored certain states and did not go there to talk to the people themselves. That happened again two days ago, especially in Virginia with McAuliffe. Younkin spoke directly to the citizens of the state and he cleaned up. He addressed every problem people were feeling at the dinner table; at work if they were so fortunate, at the bank; at the supermarket; and at the gas pumps. McAuliffe Trump bashed. That ship has sailed. He lost.

I have been very critical of CNN in this blog for its incessant Trump bashing, often the same thing 24/7. It's been going on for almost five years. They are starting to come around (not because of me). It is time that the Democratic Party did likewise. After four years of Trump those outside his base knew that he had to go - probably after four months. Intelligent people had already made up their minds on him. The red cappers loved him and his lies and still do - no matter what. We know all that - we get it.

What none of us need anymore is the same refrain. CNN is starting to come down on Biden and the party for what they are NOT doing and naming things they must do. We have known for a long time what Republicans want to do and if they are re-elected they will do it starting with the reversal of Biden's accomplishments, whatever they are. If he does not move quickly there won't be any to reverse making it even easier for a new administration.

It is useless bragging about which of your platform items you have approved if they don't get implemented. It looks like stalling and it will cost the Dems the next elections. It has already begun.

In the words of Jerry Maguire Mr. President: "Show Me the Money!" How about Harry Callahan: "Go ahead, make my day". From Mark Twain: "The secret of getting ahead is getting started."

Finally from our Roman ancestors: "ut plumbum e". Allow me to save you the trouble: "Get the lead out."


1 comment:

Lakeparties said...

Excellent summation and I agree totally, the Dems need to get the lead out, As they say action speaks louder than words.