Wednesday 30 September 2020

Trump / Biden Debate

Sass vs. Class

It was billed as a debate but that's not what we saw. A little Latin is appropriate:

"Veni. Vidi. Clamavi." OK my Latin is a little rusty but loosely I think it says: "I came. I saw. I cried." A lot of America did also.

Trump likes names like Sleepy Joe. How about one for The Donald? I suggest "D3" or "D cubed" - Daffy, Dopey, Donald. He really blew it last night showing his true colours (that spelling is correct, just not American.) for those who did not already know.

If there are more debates there must be one more element in the setup. If anyone continues to interrupt the way Trump did, their microphone gets turned off until they conform. I don't think Wallace would have been up to it even if he could have done so.

In the past when Joe went past his time he stopped immediately mid-sentence and even apologized. He could handle this. However, imagine Trump if his microphone went silent! He would either go nuts or walk out. It would be great either way and completely deserved.

How about it networks? Are you up for that? The people deserve a chance to hear at least one of the candidates who has something to say to them. Biden tried. Trump did not.

Dump Trump - Daffy, Dopey, Donald. Make The Presidency great again.


Monday 28 September 2020

How Did Snoopy or Peanuts Know Trump Would Be President?

No Deep State or Conspiracy Here!

I can't say it better than Charles M. Schultz and Peanuts.

I hope Joe Biden and a lot of other Americans - even Republicans - have seen this. If not read it several times. Take it in before you watch the President / former Vice President debate September 29, 2020.


Sunday 27 September 2020

The Only Way Trump Can Lose This Election ...

Right Idea Mr. President - Wrong Verb

The Donald says "The only way we can lose this election is if it is rigged." Well he got about 94% of that statement correct and let's face it - that is exceptional for him. Usually 100% of all his statements are fake news - blatant lies.

The problem is the verb - "lose". It should read "The only way we can WIN this election is if it is rigged." He has been in the process of rigging it for some time now as have his spineless cronies. He should have been out on his butt after impeachment.

America please, THROW HIM OUT! Your future as a democracy depends on it. NBC had the nerve to do this for things he said - now it is your turn.

You can create the headline of the year: "You're FIRED Mr. President!" Imagine! The American voter on the cover of Time magazine.

Do it - while you still can.
