Monday 14 September 2020

Donkeys vs Elephants or Jackasses vs Dumbos?

Would You Rather Be Kicked By A Horse Or A Cow?

Most people would try to answer "Neither". Both are going to hurt, injure, or probably kill. This election poses a similar dilemma only with a donkey and an elephant.

I have written a lot about Trump. This is simply because I have never experienced - even as a non-American - a less suitable or more despicable person occupying the White House. So I would prefer Biden by a long shot.

On election day however I have always felt that most people vote on emotion and the charisma of their chosen person. What they and their party have promised for months matters little. The accomplishments, errors, and controversies to date are forgotten overall. Sad but I believe it is true.

So ignoring the big and important items like the economy; foreign policy; readiness and willingness to protect the nation; taxation; employment; immigration; climate; and international standing to name a few, here are the items in my view which will determine the next President:

Trump's base will vote for him because:

1. He comes on like a tough guy who is capable of anything
2. He speaks at about their education level - high school at best
3. He hurls insults and mocks other people
4. He has no idea what established diplomatic behaviour is and does not care
5. He goes out of his way to thumb his nose at the establishment at home or abroad
6. He is at heart a white supremacist whether he denies it or not
7. He has zero respect for women in high places
8. He will never ever admit that he is wrong or that he made a mistake
9. He thinks he can rule like a dictator
10. He appeals to the more base instincts of human beings

Biden's supporters (not sure who his base is) will vote for him because: 

1. He has openly and publicly suffered great personal losses which makes him real
2. He has proven his empathy for other people because of 1.
3. He speaks like an educated man despite a personal stutter he had to overcome
4. He understands the COVID crisis and he will try to overcome it
5. He has a warm and sincere smile
6. He does know how to use diplomacy in all of its forms
7. He has a great relationship with his partner who is as much a people person and as hard a worker as he is
8. He listens and will continue to listen to others and take their advice frequently
9. He cares deeply about others - far more than himself
10. He appears and sounds like a person you can trust

Others will have their own lists or perhaps just one point on which they will decide.

Regardless of who wins, the other side will feel like they have been kicked and there will still be lots of Jackasses and Dumbos in power. If that looks like a zoo and sounds like a zoo, it is probably a zoo. Why aren't more of its inhabitants behind bars?


Thursday 10 September 2020

Is This The Straw That Breaks The GOP Elephant's Back?

Lie Your Way Out of THIS Donald

We keep getting lulled into thinking "Finally! Surely people will see the truth about him this time and withdraw their support?" Then it does not happen.

This time it is recorded for the entire world to hear - the voice of DJT talking to Bob Woodward back in February 2020. This is NOT fake news. He said then he knows this is a very serious virus; that it is transmitted by air without contact; that this one is very tricky; probably a lot of other things we have not yet heard.

A couple of the best are:

1) He informs Bob that normal flu kills over 25,000 Americans annually. Then months later you see a video of him at a meeting saying that he did not know that so many American lives are lost to flu each year!
2) You see Kayleigh McEnany telling her audience The President has NEVER played down the virus. Then you hear him months earlier stating himself that he deliberately plays it down - his words, not mine. I acknowledge that Kayleigh might not have heard those tapes when she spoke. If she had, she violated her "I will never lie to you" vow.

Trump knew. He tried to ignore it and wish it away. He misled all Americans.

Added to that are Generals who say he is actually totally disrespected by the military brass and that they hate the things he says about front line members of the armed forces.

We all suspect and some of us hope that there will be a lot more on the remaining Woodward tapes - more of what I and many others always said Trump would do - hang himself, shoot himself in the foot, or lie himself into a corner.

Mr. President - this man brought down Nixon during Watergate. Let me supply the logic: Nixon was smarter than you are; Woodward was smarter than Nixon was; that makes Woodward smarter then you. Ask one of your staff to explain it (then fire him/her I suppose.)

Oh yes - the final piece: Trump is smarter than his base and all the sycophant Republicans who are too gutless to speak out against him.

I am becoming increasingly convinced that some day soon whether he wins or loses the election the military brass will have to remove him forcefully. If that happens The American dream really will be a nightmare.


Wednesday 26 August 2020

Melania Socks it to Donald

Class Act. So Why Donald?

Melania knocked it out of the park last night.

It was bad form using the White House. I had to shake my head when she praised her husband and addressed him as Donald. I had to pick myself up off the floor when she held his hand. Apparently she was also part of the Obama birth issue and yes, once in the past her speechwriter copied from Michelle Obama. She watches Donald late at night working so hard for the American people? Is that before the Tweets or after?

But she exuded more class from every part of her entire body as she walked to the microphone, than her husband has ever shown in his entire life. Contrived perhaps, but a great performance. She is a good speaker and it was appropriate that she discussed the loss of life in America from Covid-19  and a great touch thanking her parents for getting her here.

I could live my meagre lifestyle for weeks on what that suit must have cost. It was stunning and so was she.

The bottom line is that she had to live up to her First Lady role and support the President. However by saying little, saying it HER way, and speaking in such an intelligent fashion, she showed up Donald just by exuding class, subtly covering many topics, often in a heart-felt fashion.

I can understand any red blooded man falling for the woman we saw last night including DJT.

The only question left is, what on earth did she see in him? I have not checked but I wonder what bets are already in place with the British bookies and at what odds that she leaves him after he is out - now or four years from now?

If I were a betting man, I would say she will. Hillary stayed with Bill when she should have dumped him. Which result would show the stronger woman? 


Tuesday 25 August 2020

Republican Convention

Who Let Her In?

The convention's first night was about what I expected. I think they borrowed a few techniques from the Dem's but so would the Donkey Party if they had been second. It's like golf when you putt second and can "go to school" on someone else's effort.

There were certainly several elephants in the room that nobody wanted to talk about. Not once did I hear mention of the poor 170,000 plus Americans who have lost their lives to the virus - over which The Donald has such great control. Nobody mentioned the hot spots in the country. Nobody brought up the debt or unemployment. Donald's sister escaped so far.

Some people are great speakers. Obama and Michelle are two. Biden was good. I hated what he said but even Donald Jr. spoke well and Senator Scott and Nikki Haley. Trump spoke very little - good plan - and only acted as a prompter to others who praised him. Some of the ordinary citizens were good.

Then there was Kimberly Guilfoyle. At first I thought it was Melania. Isn't that a bit of like father, like son! To give credit it must be very difficult to stand in front of an invisible audience of millions of people all over the world. I have not done so. I read that she has been a prosecuting attorney so she must be used to speaking on her feet. I also heard that her piece was pre-recorded. Really? How many takes were there? I thought it was the embarrassment of the night. She sounded like a teenager who failed to make cheerleader every year until her last when she got to stand in for someone. She couldn't dance or do the acrobatics so she just yelled louder than everyone else. I looked like she forgot and was waiting for an applause. Don't quit your day job.

Some editor needs his or her ass kicked. Maybe it was DJT himself. He already needs his ass kicked. Let's keep hoping.


Monday 24 August 2020

There's a Funny Smell Coming From a U.S. Post Box Near You

Does This Pass the Smell Test?

I suspect there is waste in the US Post Office, just as there is in the same service in most countries, and in most government run agencies and departments. Many of my peers in retirement with friends who were civil servants are envious of their pensions and early retirement. I wish I had followed their lead.

Something smells however when the new Postmaster General decides to hurriedly implement some of these changes that entail removal of post boxes and sorters at this strategic time. It REALLY smells when POTUS himself said he would try to hold things up to disrupt mail-in votes and DeJoy supported Trump financially. Everybody seems to agree that many of those votes will favour the Democrats if they arrive in time.

If DeJoy wants to be credible he should not only hold off on changes until after the election, but restore any items he removed. What are a few more months in the grand scheme of things?

This is like politicians talking about deserving an increase in compensation for a long time and then pushing it through just before an election. It is hard to undo later. 

Tonight the Republican Convention begins - it will last four nights. That is very relevant since The Donald has slated himself in to speak all four nights and he only has two feet. He can put one foot in his mouth the first night; the other on the second; shoot himself in one foot the third night (hopefully after extracting both of them from his big mouth) and lastly shoot the other on the fourth.

It is a good thing there is no fifth night because he would be out of feet. Since his mouth would likely be sore from the feet or spewing too much BS, he would then have to talk out of another orifice.

Sorry for that image but you should be used to it by now.


Sunday 23 August 2020

The True Spirit of the Republican and Democratic Parties

What's in a Name?

If you look in the archives of both parties, you will find the etymology for the name of each - R-E-P-U-B-L-I-C-A-N and D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T-I-C. They are both short forms. Each long form says a lot about the party in question.

(FYI: This IS fake news but don't tell you-know-who)

R - Rambunctious (Red-neck had not been coined yet)
E - Extroverted
P - Providential
U - Unadulterated
B - Bigots
L - Lacking
I - Impartiality
C - Contrition
A - And
N - Neutrality

D - Dogmatic
E - Energetic
M - Mishmash
O - Of
C - Caring
R - Rambling
A - Angelic
T - Theoretic
I - Idealistic
C - Cheerleaders

If you think this really is fake news and not just tongue in cheek humour, you need to get a life.

How about some of yours?


Thursday 16 July 2020

Social Distancing from The President

No Masking the Truth Either Donald

DJT is finally starting to allow himself to be seen wearing a mask when he thinks it will benefit his image - not his health or yours. He is wrong - dead wrong - about masks NOT helping with this virus. For sure however, he can not mask what is happening to his reputation and the public's opinion of him.

People are social distancing from DJT-2020 as well as Covid-2019. Let's hope they also wash their hands of him. The same goes for other countries. We have all heard the promises he made in 2016 and has not kept including divulging his tax returns. The same goes for the lies he has told numbering in the five digit range.

So let's try to shed this should be American and world leader in another light so that maybe more will finally see that light.

If you are honest and answer YES to any one of these 10 questions, how could you vote for him?

  1. Would he insult another woman the way he did Carly Fiorina in the debates?
  2. Would he insult another disabled person by mocking them the way he did a reporter in 2015?
  3. Would he cheat on his wife if he thought he could keep it hidden?
  4. Will he try to portray Biden's mild stutter as incompetence?
  5. If he is ever in a disaster will he ignore the code "Women and Children first"?
  6. Do you think Putin has something on him?
  7. Is he the only President you can think of that other world leaders have openly laughed at and mocked - even abandoned?
  8. Will he still lie during another campaign and if he is re-elected?
  9. Be really honest here - do you think he is a racist?
  10. Do you think most of those around him are racists

None of these should get a YES for a U.S. President. Put somebody in his place who fails with a perfect zero %


Monday 18 May 2020

Modern American History

POTUS 2009 vs POTUS 2016

There once was a man named Barack
Distinguished and sharp as a tack
With a cool, calm modus he soon became POTUS
Respect and honour was back

Eight years he was the master
Saving his land from disaster
Under Obama they took out Osama
Barack was America's Pastor.

Elected a second four years
Elated electors shed tears
He gave them health care and a future to share
Admired by all of his peers.

A third term wasn't allowed
But he and Michelle can be proud
Some people say he was like JFK
Will always stand out in a crowd.

Next the right wing prevailed
And after Barack's ship had sailed
With a shady renown they elected a clown
A man many thought should be jailed.

This guy got his dollars from Dad
His record of cheating was bad
Make America great he yelled in debate
Turning to Twitter when mad.

A new President tries to blame
The previous one - it's a game
He should say "The Buck Stops Here Today"
Blaming Obama sounds lame.

The best of the bunch always seem
To gather a strong loyal team
You don't roll the dice but take sound advice
A one man show is extreme

This guy says he knows best
The doctors, the generals, the rest
An Einstein he's not - he knows diddly squat
World leaders mock him in jest.

Of leadership skills he has none
Riling up rednecks for fun
Governs by lies pulling wool o'er your eyes
But COVID has him on the run.

When COVID numbered fifteen
It would all go away he would preen
Spouting off every day - never knew what he'd say
He had to be heard not just seen.

Black, brown and white heed the call
Republicans, Dems one and all
Your man's not just wild he's a petulant child

Send him back where he came in the fall!


Saturday 9 May 2020

Sure Could Use A Little Good News Today

Hats Off to Anne Murray

I was trying to think of a heading today. I had in mind all the bad news we have had, in particular since 2016, and during the Corona crisis. "Sure Could Use A Little Good News Today" came to mind. I knew it came from a song and Googled it - up came Anne Murray. I listened to it. You would almost think she wrote it in the last few months.

Listen to it and you will hear an expression of what I had in mind expressed to music - a great job well done. But I will express my thoughts anyway and won't burden you with an attempt at singing them. She is also a lot more pleasant to the eye than I am.

It has been a long time since some really good news: people rescued from in a mine or cave facing almost certain death; natural disasters wherein after days someone is found alive; a sports victory; a city or country liberated (but usually destroyed); a big lottery winner; a child prodigy; life changing surgery. Perhaps it is time for another touching chart topping musical group or artist - not mechanized, repetitive noise with a 4-5 note range masquerading as music.

Usually we hear about Trump; war; more war; floods; tornadoes & cyclones; climate change; animals moving to extinction mainly by the hand of man; pollution of the air, water, and land once again by the hand of man.

What prompted this was the media coverage of yet another black man - Ahmaud Arbery -shot to death in the good old USA by multiple white guys with guns. The black man was jogging and perish the thought, had stopped to observe a construction site. How many of us have stopped to do that, jogging or otherwise? It is a sad state of affairs when this horrific news is all there is to provide a diversion from COVID-19.

As I said in my introduction, a little good news would go a long way. A breakthrough in COVID-19 would be like Armistice Day re-lived! If we could hug and scream without masks it would be wonderful.

For a day or two.Then the bad news would return - it always does. Is there a network that features only what is clearly good news? Maybe there should be.


Friday 17 April 2020

Social Media the Road Rage of the Internet

Chill Out People!

I was just following a chat session about something currently making the news - Biden
naming a VP. Some things never change.

In about the 3rd chat, a couple of nameless parties started going at it. Out came the accusations and the hate - name calling that the same individuals would probably lack the guts to utter in person. That has always been the case - from early emails, to early social media sites, to Facebook, Twitter etc.

It is like so-called road rage.  People are really brave and at their worst as long as they can stay in their cars and make a getaway! If they are so tough then they should have a real user ID and let people know where they are. After all the subjects that trigger these things - usually politicians - are out there in public and take it all in stride - well OK, maybe not POTUS.

That was the beauty of hard print like newspapers. You had to pass a smell test before an editor published you. Nameless comment brings out the worst in people.

Chill out people. Say what you have to say but leave the smell and bitterness behind.
