Saturday 11 April 2020

Are we being punished by COVID-19?

“Beam me up Scotty - Stat! ET wants to come home."

I wrote "Beam Me Up" in Feb. 2018. The idea was that ET like characters were sent to earth to report back on a grand experiment by alien forces called - Earth. This might be offensive to those who believe in the religious doctrines about the creation of human kind,  normally referenced as "The creation of MAN" which in itself shows a gender bias, common in religion. 

Pay attention to the red text near the end regarding punishment. Is COVID-19 the punishment? I said it tongue in cheek - cheeks now covered by masks! I re-post it here:

Change your ways or we will be back!

I have often thought how absolutely nonsensical we earthlings would appear to an alien – any alien. If this were a scheduled follow up visit for them, they would surely be shaking their heads in dismay.

I could fill this space entirely with references to our southern neighbour's new administration and all that goes with it. However heads are already shaking around the globe over that. Enough said. To be fair, I could do that for a lot of countries and their governments.

Imagine some of the reports back to UFO H.Q. wherever that is. Consider the following a conversation … a report card from a team of ETs about Earth.


We are reporting this in one of their many languages. Our hope that they would develop and use a unilanguage failed. Sadly this is one of many disappointments we have to report.

They have really messed up that religion thing we counted on for their guidance. We left them some latitude but My God – oops, sorry. They got the “Different Gods for Different People - Just Choose One” concept but have used it to torture and butcher each other for centuries. Centuries that’s a miniscule unit of earth time. My bad. Oops again - "My bad" is modern Earthling for acknowledging an error or mistake. It was not part of the language we left them.

It appears that we might have to utilize the Devil in Hell option soon - very soon. Sadly we don’t think many have earned enough merit points to be returning with us in the near future. Even many of their self-appointed religious leaders need to spend some time down under with The Horned One for their own good. What’s that? Yes we’ll get right on it.

Imagine this! None of them think that YOU could be a female. As expected, the men pretty well dominate this place and yes, the men have totally screwed it up - another earthly expression. They have an obsession with sex and sexual expressions.

As you will recall, we chose this planet because of its abundant resources for everyone. Soon they will run out. Their water and air will be totally poisoned and undrinkable by their own doing. Their land will be unfit to live on and the wildlife is already heading towards extinction. Go figure! Damn these colloquialisms! Just testing you. I don’t know where they got that one.

Remember when we used to argue among our sexes before we agreed there were eleven? We gave them only two which they are trying to expand to six or seven. They even kill each other over it. It’s a really big topic here. What’s that? No Way you say? Repeat please. OK, I get it – now you’re pulling my leg. "Way." I forgot you know their languages better than I do.

Here is a very strange habit. Again under the guise of religion, the males and females and now some of the expanded sexes undergo this formal union called marriage. They swear before one of their “Gods” and colleagues that they will forever be true to one another sexually and then they perform any sex act they desire with every other person they can. They just have not yet grasped truth, trust, commitment, and loyalty. Even their leaders are guilty. We think perhaps sexual pleasure was a mistake. We should undo it.

You know how we compete one-on-one or many-on-many in physical activities that require a fit body, strength, endurance, and skill? We do it for fun. Here it is a career, and often you don’t even have to go to school. The players are called "athletes" and they receive incentives which are often worth hundreds of times more than those who do educate themselves for years. Really! They have also totally abused the rudimentary chemistry we bestowed upon them and have developed performance enhancing substances to gain an unfair advantage while competing. They actually think such victories are valid.

They have made good progress on basic use of electronics and now communicate around their planet with it. Unfortunately rather than use it for spreading truth and good, here it is used to entertain and too often to spread lies, evil thoughts, and for personal control over less fortunate people and all they have worked to accomplish.

Now to the equal sharing of power, leadership and wealth between the sexes. Indeed they went through many of the phases we did but it appears that we learned and they did not. Remember when we last did a study on this here?

We found that there had been several examples of very competent leaders of countries here who were female. They were tough when they had to be and defended their charges against others - usually male counterparts - but only when necessary. Some of the names I recall were Thatcher; Meir; Bhutto; Gandhi; Gillard; Merkel and several Queens. In contrast many of the most horrific eras in their history were attributable to males.

I fear that a rude awakening is needed for this civilization. Fear of annihilation by fire and rain has been ineffective. They are just not getting it the way we thought they would. We have to come up with a way to save the good - there are many of these, but destroy the selfish and wicked - there are too many of those.

There are people here with shelters large and luxurious enough to house a small city and they keep it all for their own small family. The water in their pools could keep a city from dying of thirst. They have become certifiably insane over the rudimentary form of transportation we outlined several visits ago - their cars. They hold competitions to race them. The wasted fuel consumed at these events alone could once again heat a city or plough enough fields to feed thousands. Instead it is totally wasted. These vehicles are getting even bigger.

Thankfully they are learning that use of these fuels is killing them. Progress is being made on electricity and power from their local star. It might be time to give them a small hint as to how we travelled here - for their own sake.

Upon our return we suggest a full conference of our most wise to discuss their fate. Should it be a nudge in the right direction or total destruction of the worst among them? If the latter, there will be much carnage. They even have a term for that. They call it collateral damage.

Nanu Nanu

Your daughter,


Sunday 29 March 2020

Beyond the Reach of the Human Mind

The World Within; Our World; The Great Beyond 

Let's take a moment since we now have lots of them, to put #COVID-19 into perspective. Those of you who tune out from anything that is purely academic can go back to your muffins and morning TV shows. I have no idea where this is going and no, there is no stimulant in my coffee! It is early; I just got up; and a virus is still out there ravaging humans. That is my starting point or launch pad. Amateur philosophy 101 perhaps.

There have always been attempts to categorize "things" or "existence" generally driven by our human limited powers of perception. In high school we heard the term "matter" in physics. Reaction? What is "matter"? Apparently this is anything that has "mass" and a volume that takes up space. Now ask "what is mass" and you will see a reference to "matter" at which point many tune out from physics. The definition references something that "accelerates" under the influence of "gravity". Gravity itself is something we experience here on Earth. On and on it goes. I enjoy it, especially when the moon landing verified theories of gravitational pull being less on the moon.

One can also divide things into animal, vegetable, or mineral; perhaps also animate and inanimate.

Here is another I am making up as I write! I am not a scientist:

1) The inner makeup of all that our eyes alone can not see in species and other items
2) Those things we can and do see every day including fellow humans
3) The cosmos or universe and everything in it. Some we can see and some not.

1) Some time ago at a book sale I purchased a publication called "The Human Body Close-up" by John Clancy, Firefly Books. The pictures alone are worth the purchase price. They are all taken with an electron microscope, thus being in category 1) above. What we can now see was not possible with human eyes or conventional microscopes. Here lies COVID-19.

2) In this category I mainly include ourselves and all animate and inanimate things we can sense using sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. We have made huge strides here with the help of technology, but we are still guessing when it comes to really understanding ourselves and our fellow beings. This is where psychology was born.

3) The universe is so vast we need telescopes and spacecraft to enhance our limited perception. There are lots of theories about what is out there including ET and his relatives and how it all came to be . We have not scratched the surface. None of us know for sure.

So let's return to 1). A single human cell and all its content uncover a whole new world. The components of a cell are amazing and the technical terms beyond my limited intelligence. You have to remember that for most the "cell" - trillions of them in our body - is defined as the smallest unit capable of performing the body's basic needs (from the above book, page 18).

Within it there are a lot more things than the "nucleus", and even more within that. The cell picture (page 19) looks more complex than a jet engine. Many items are defined and they each have a role to play in our bodies. Somehow they are programmed to fulfill it. How? They have no "brain" as we know it. They are just tiny molecules of protein and other substances but they can either sustain our life or, if they go rogue, can snuff it out. In this book as well are references to genes and chromosomes and the infamous DNA. It is  fascinating.

This virus and so many others are the types of "rogues" I mentioned. They are themselves "programmed" to destroy some of our intricate makeup, starting with our cells.

How do you develop a vaccine against such an enemy? We can't really "see" it, touch it, or get inside it. How can that microscopic little thing we picture as a sponge ball with red golf tee like structures attached, get into our cells - our own building blocks - and what drives it?

So there you go. A little inconvenience in your daily routines is not much to ask. The enemy is invisible. Scientists are facing an immense task. It took centuries to be able to identify and define a "virus". It might take as many to overpower them.

Cut some slack folks and try helping however you can. Ignoring stay at home advice falls into category 2) above - solving our own human problems. Stop being so selfish. Don't hoard and don't go out when you don't have to do so.

Just hope that when we get the huge surprise from category 3) - and we will - we can survive it as well. Will it be living; energy; collision with another heavenly body? The list goes on. Focus on 2) and leave 1) and 3) to the best brains on the planet.

Thanks if you got this far. Now ET want to go home!


Thursday 19 March 2020

Tissue the New Issue

Toilet Paper - Soon Worth More Than Oil, Gold, or Printer Ink

There used to be a joke about virginity - "A big issue over a small tissue!" That still applies today but the tissue in question is toilet paper. It is now more rare than the former!

A present for Biden:

Caesar ruled the land.
With a sword and a very strong hand.
In senate charade he was felled by the blade
Of a friend and his traitorous band

When normally sleeping in bed,
Abe Lincoln one evening instead,
Took in a play - John Booth spoiled his day.
Shot Abe in the back of the head.

John F.K. lost his life,
Leading a world full of strife.
A fatal cascade in a Dallas parade
Left him dying in the arms of his wife.

Killing your leader is wrong
In America so grand and strong.
Biden's new caper - hoard all toilet paper.
No POTUS will last very long.

Today I found a 12-pack - better than beer!


Wednesday 18 March 2020

Slumlord Millionaire Starring Jared Kushner

Watch This Before You Vote For Trump

I just watched the Netflix "Dirty Money" series season 2 episode 3 ("Slumlord Millionaire") all about Kushner's company and its practices towards its tenants. It was totally disgusting.

I guess rich people all over the world do these kinds of things especially when they are landlords but that doesn't justify it. Nor do the millions he made from it.

If you are in doubt at all about Donald Trump just watch this. Kushner is one of his chief advisors. If you or I did some of the things shown in this documentary to our fellow human beings, we would be behind bars where we belonged.

If he is guilty he should be also. Crime does pay. Maybe he learned such horrid things at Trump University. Apparently he thinks he did nothing wrong. That is really the point.


Tuesday 17 March 2020

Andrew Cuomo for POTUS

Cuomo, Trump, and CNN

Recently on CNN I have seen Chris Cuomo interview his brother Andrew, the Governor of New York a couple of times. I was impressed with both people and interviews. I always admired Chris - he is one American media person who can actually speak English (not American, but English) very well - grammar and vocabulary in particular and is admirably eloquent. But this is not about Chris.

His brother is apparently of the same ilk - perhaps not quite so eloquent but he would nail crowds if on the stump for President. He must have already been successful to be in his present position. This guy would make a great President. That would be about four years overdue. I hope he runs some day.

His talk last night, March 16, was even more impressive. He knows how to relate to the average person which the current President has never and will never learn. He even gave credit to Trump and his team for their recent activity against the virus (I am assuming by now everybody knows which one!). It was a very well organized talk ending in some effective personal family anecdotes. If Trump had made this speech earlier himself, the country would be feeling a lot better. So would Trump since I already said Andrew complimented him and we all know he is very keen on praising himself.

When you see Anthony you have to look twice to see if it is Chris or not. He is obviously the older but if an "older twin" were possible this would be as close as you could get.

Imagine team Cuomo - Andrew for President and Chris for V.P.  - a brotherly team just like the Kennedys.

Now to CNN. I like and watch the network. But just like they have for over three years with Trump, they are overdoing the Corona virus. Yes we need to be regularly informed but there is other news out there. All the harping about Trump was not very effective in dislodging him. They just went on, and on, and on. Now here we go again.

With the virus they are beginning to sound like the old Buffalo Evening News I used to hear in early TV days. It was all fires, shootings, and accidents because for some morbid reason bad news sells better than good.

Tell us a few times a day the facts and what is happening with the spread and the defence. That's it. Give us a break. The worst example was last night with Don Lemon. Unfortunately for him, by the time he airs most of the day's news is old. But he started by quoting a number. Then there was a big dramatic pause - a stunt he pulls all too often. Finally he quotes a second number and of course it is a new statistic and the point is to show how there has been such a huge increase in numbers from point A to point B. More pause.

Come on guys. Is there a separate Oscar for news reporting? Your job is not to SELL the news, it is to TELL the news and that is all.

We might be less up tight if you would just do that.

