Sunday 23 February 2020

Food for Thought

Thought for Food Maybe Not So ...

Here I go again, right off the top. I am seated in front of a PC on this free website where I can pretty much write or express myself in any manner I please. What will it be today? This is also without - I hope - concern for lawsuits, fines, or reprisals. I did get some hate mail once. What a fantastic freedom.

There are places of course where this is not the case. I happen to be in Canada. I wonder whether my neighbours to the south are as lucky anymore. If their current leader and the networks that support him have their way, maybe not.

The sad part however is that I only started to enjoy writing later in my life. I have no credentials or degrees in journalism etc. but at least have the right and freedom to try. My biggest problem is that today not many people want to read it. Naturally that could be because I am not a household name, have no following, and maybe I'm just not very good. I accept that but I think there is more to it.

Some solace can be gained by my awareness that long established newspapers and magazines are also having a tough time staying in business despite their sometimes famous writers. I suspect it is for the same reason. Loyal fans of those outlets still enjoy reading a newspaper but they are a dying breed. 

Younger audiences want news snippets and off the wall videos which they can experience in seconds and forward to their "friends" whom they might never have met. Tweets fit the bill and funny, outlandish stunts. 

I'm afraid that I am too late to talk about anything meaningful for more than a few sentences and nurture a following. I have to dumb it down or jazz it up. So no, expressing thoughts for food or any form of compensation is just not going to cut it. If you write it they will come is the stuff of movies but not blogs.

I should turn to lying through my teeth, grow outlandish hair, or wear a tie a foot longer than it should be. Look what it has done for others.


Saturday 22 February 2020

DEMS Demolishing Their Chances

Democratic Party Donkeys or Jackasses?

I am repeating myself but I am not as bad as the Democrats and CNN. You would think that this #2020 election would be a slam dunk for the Democrats. We thought that in 2016 and look what happened.

They want to defeat Trump. We all get that. We all want that. Sadly, they are not going to accomplish it. Here is my reasoning, which I have outlined before.

In short, people are sick and tired of the non-stop Trump bashing. It is not that we sympathize with POTUS - far from it. He needs to be sent packing. But the long term harping by the Democratic contenders and in particular CNN will almost ensure a Trump victory. The sad thing is - he knows it as well.

Both CNN and the Dems. are guilty of assuming that the general population is stupid. They are not. They might be apathetic, but most can see a good thing from a bad one. I believe that the best way to beat him is to redirect all of the dollars you waste trying to convince the electorate how bad and evil he is to proving just how good you and your policies are compared to his. Let the people see the difference

NOBODY wants to be lectured to - Bernie! Sure you need to point out the worst of the things he does but give us a break. I watch CNN a lot and by the time I see Don Lemon before retiring I have already heard it all before during the day. Same message, different dramatics. 

Both the Democrats and the network have criticized Trump repeatedly for tweeting and dwelling on the negative instead of reminding his people about the good things he thinks he has accomplished. So true!

But they have both spent almost 3 years doing the same thing. You need to change tactics guys.

You are shooting yourself in the hoof!


Friday 21 February 2020

Time for the Democrats' Moment of Truth

Rally 'Round the Nominee? Very Soon We Shall See!

For many months now we have heard leading Democrats say how important it is to beat Donald Trump at any cost. This is the number one goal. It has become a daily hue and cry.

Very soon they will all have their chance to put their support where their mouths are. As is always the case in both parties, the remaining nominees have the axes out against each other. The latest victim is of course Bloomberg.

The same Democrats and for sure yours truly were all over Republican Senators for selling out during the impeachment trial. You heard it all - no backbone; no conscience; letting down their voters; placing themselves first etc. I still agree with all of that.

Now however, the remaining Democratic Nominees will have to be reduced to one. Then we will see who has the courage of their convictions in the donkey party. They all want to win. Last night Erin Burnett on CNN tried to pin down Warren on whether she would support Bloomberg if he wins. I did not hear any resounding "Yes". (Burnett also tried to pin her down on accepting a large campaign contribution from a "Super PAC" which she has said she was against but Warren failed to say she would renounce the group.) Lack of backbone or just a little backtracking?

So will they all throw their support behind the winner - even if it is Bernie or Michael? Or will they continue the infighting and walk right into the Trump bear trap?

If they fail to support each other at the critical moment they will look like real Jackasses and not true Donkeys.
