Tuesday 4 February 2020

State of Disunion and Iowa Caucus

Is The Fix In?

Remember Trump in 2016? "The system is RIGGED!" Is the Iowa caucus rigged? Will DJT bring it up in the State of the Disunion Address? I am guessing yes!

Should be a roaring time. We can only hope he will go off prompt and therefore off the planet. Seldom does this help him.

No matter what it has not been a good few months for Democrats. If you are going to play poker in the big leagues listen to Kenny first. "Know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em." Just like poker if you have a great hand you can't show it early and you only get to play it once. Make it good. The Dems. didn't. They let too many people see it including the opposition. They got Trumped which is even more shocking since there is no such thing in Poker.

I hear there is a new game in November. Take some Poker lessons ladies and gents. Choose wisely who will be sitting at the table. After last night things don't look good. The pot is huge. Don't give it away again.

The Brewster

Monday 3 February 2020

Stocks to Pick When Trump is Acquitted

Trump and the Market

This will be short and sweet.

Many people attribute recent health in the stock market to Donald J. Trump. I don't agree but there is no denying that it has been on a good run.

If you want to make your fortune riding the market wake of DJT, consider something. There is one very special segment which is bound to soar. It is within the pharmaceuticals - specifically any company which manufactures sleeping pills or sleep aids.

Every Republican Senator who sold his or her soul at this trial or is about to do so will need sleeping pills. So will their spouses. It is the only way I can imagine them getting any sleep at night.

No there are not that many Senators but they will need a lot of them. Given the total lack of ethics we have witnessed, one of them is bound to see another opportunity and become a spokesperson for one of these companies, relating their recent personal experience. When they admit they are having trouble getting to sleep everyone will believe them. If they are contrite enough, they might even get re-elected.

A second choice might be Wimpy's  Diner where I'm sure they all eat.

Buy now, then sell out at the right moment - just like they did.

The Brewster

Saturday 1 February 2020

The Perfect Call

The OJ call to DJ

R-r-r-r-ing R-r-r-r-ing
"White House. How can you help us?"
"This is OJ. Let me speak to DJ."
"Sir. This is the office of The President of the United States."
"I know that babe. Just put me through to DJ."
"Sir, I don't know who you think you are. How DARE you speak to me like that!"
"No babe, you don't know who you're speaking to or you would not speak to me like that. Now put me through sister."
"Who are you? How did you get this number?"
"Just tell him it's OJ. We go way back. He's golfing isn't he? That's why I called his cell."

"One moment whoever you are."

Dingle Dingle ... Dingle Dingle 

"I'm golfing here! I just missed my putt! This better be good. YOU'RE FIRED!"
"Sir there is an 'OJ' on the line who says you go way back"
"On the secure line?"
"No Sir. This is your cell. You only have a secure line in the Oval Office"
"I'M IN THE OVAL OFFICE NITWIT. By the way, go and look at yourself in the mirror! Put him through."
"Hey DJ. How's it goin' man?"
"This is NOT a Quid Pro Quo. It is a perfect call"
"Say what? This is OJ man. What gives?"
"Sorry Buddy. Oops. I mean you got me Buddy. I never say 'Sorry.' What can you do for me OJ? "
"Just called to say conrats man. Ain't this just the greatest country Dude?"
"Not before ME OJ. I made America GREAT again. Nobody else could do that."
"Er-r-r-r if you say so DJ. But also I have something for you."
"NEVER say that OJ. NEVER. This is NOT a Quid Pro Quo. This is a PERFECT call. I.m running late here OJ so keep talking!"
"Remember the glove thing? I've still got them man - the real ones! They are worth a fortune on Amazon. They will finance your entire campaign."
"This is NOT a Quid Pro Quo. It is a PERFECT call. You were saying?"
"That's it DJ. But before I give them up there is just one little thing. I'd like ... wait now. My lawyer says 'we'd' like a little favor."
"NEVER say that OJ. NEVER. This is NOT a Quid Pro Quo. This is a PERFECT call. I'm listening."
"They tell me you can grant pardons ... to anyone."
"NEVER say that OJ. NEVER. This is NOT a Quid Pro Quo. This is a PERFECT call. I'm going to give you a number - my lawyer's. Call him. There might be a short hold - I mean pause  but be patient."
"OK man. We should throw a few sometime out in the yard"
"Your yard or mine?"
"Yours dude. I can throw a Kleenex out of bounds in mine these days."
"FYI OJ, I know more about football than Payton Manning and you combined. I have thrown the most touchdowns and have completed more running plays than anyone in the history of football. Call that number. I'll have somebody speak to him."
"Thanks DJ."
"NEVER say that OJ. NEVER. This is NOT a Quid Pro Quo. This is a PERFECT call. By the way whatever you are doing now? YOU'RE FIRED."
"I'm not employed."
"I can do anything. Didn't you hear? I am a King now." 

"You know what DJ? Never mind. You can have the gloves anyway. They're too big these days."


"OJ? … OJ? ...I had the biggest inauguration EVER. Way bigger than Obama's. You hear me OJ? ... OJ?"

Ping Ping ... Ping Ping

"Get that guy back on this phone STAT!"
"You fired me dipstick. Call him yourself! You just press those little square numbers in the middle ... AFTER you hang up ... like THIS."


The Brewster