Wednesday 7 March 2018

Will someone please invent ...

Here are some potential moneymakers.

I have always toyed with the idea of inventing something - oh yes - and getting rich. Like most other wannabe inventors there have been what I think are some very good ideas but procrastination prevailed and someone beat me to it. That the most lucrative and useful inventions always fill a need. Because of that several people are likely working on them concurrently.

But here are some ideas for someone else to pursue. An idea alone can't be patented but if anyone gets rich from these any donations will be gratefully accepted!

14. Removable Tattoos

Sure there are stick-on and wash off types of body art. Can't someone by now make a reversible tattoo ink? By that I mean one which - simply by applying a penetrating cream or oil - will just fade away with no pain?

13. Scalp Hair Remover

Many guys today go with the bald look - they shave off all of their scalp hair themselves for various reasons. I am not one - blessed with long life hair. I just looked up NAIR for men so it exists for body and facial hair. Does it work for scalps? There are a lot of males out there looking like they put their head through a window. This would prevent that. 

12. Profile Nail Clippers

I dislike filing nails - fingers or toes. Therefore I end up clipping each nail several times starting at one side a bit at a time and moving around to shape them. I am sure I am not alone here. What about a heavy duty clipper into which you clip or fasten one of several cutters that cut the entire nail at once. The manufacturer could then sell sets of profiles for men, women, wide, narrow etc. No filing needed. They will make a fortune like razors - the money is in the blades, not the clipper.

11. Radio Golf Balls

How annoying is a lost golf ball, especially when it is just in long grass or leaves? How about a ball which has internal circuitry that responds to a small hand held transmitter so you could quickly scan an area perhaps up to 10 yards away. The device would beep and guide you to the ball. It would also speed up traffic on the course. This assumes that the ball makers would actually want to help you find their ball! Probably not.

10. Second BBQ Tray

When we buy a new BBQ, give us a backup slide out grease tray. Then we can put in the second to carry on using while - some day - we clean the original. The grills are another problem. They could supply 2 sets also but that might get expensive. Like car makers they want to sell us those parts and a new BBQ after a few years so I won't hold my breath.

9. Tooth Paste Pump

Once again perhaps these exist. I am thinking of something like a soap dispenser for soft or liquid soap. This would be for tooth paste and could match its soap sibling in design. Then
it could be sold in bulk like liquid soap. No more need for a tooth paste roller (that my Dad also made once,) or for tooth paste tubes either.

8. Dog Dish Opener App.

My Dad thought of this one decades before cell phones or PCs. His was strictly electro mechanical. If you are going to be late then open the dog's dish with your phone so it can eat dinner. They tell me cats are not a problem this way. They don't eat until they know that you know they are in a snit for leaving them. It could still be electro mechanical with some kind of chip timer instead of a phone trigger.

7. Removable Cup Holders

Perhaps these exist but not in any of my cars so far. How dirty do cup holders in cars become with weeks of coffee and sweet drink spills and drips? Provide a liner that can be removed for washing and replacement.

6. Do It Yourself Shoe Resoles

You can place a liner in a shoe but what about the outside? Surely they can invent a sole that - when it is a little too worn - you can simply unfasten and then step onto a new one. The adhesive would take some work.  Where are those guys who invented removable post-it notes? 

5. Decent Looking Men's Hair  Dye

Naturally I would never use it but it would be nice to see. It is always horrible copper/brown; ridiculous jet black or ludicrous blonde. Can't they do men's highlighter? In my case it's difficult to highlight snow white but again this is for other men!

4. Windproof Umbrella

I hope this one is self-evident.

3a. Front Windshield Electric Defroster

I  don't know why cars don't have a front defroster like the electric ones in the back. I can't see it as a visibility issue. If so, use micro wires; invent clear wires; or micro channels in the glass through which you conduct electrically warmed air. C'mon engineers.


3b Front Windshield Electric Defroster

As an alternative to 3a, what about heated wiper blades? That would keep that buildup of ice on the blade from forming. 3a and b together would be best.

2. Instant Shoe Fastener

I hate doing up laces. There are shoes that use Velcro but they can also be a pain and the little hooks eventually get full of lint, threads, etc. which looks bad as well. They can also catch on socks and clothing. There must be a better way.

1. Device to jam cell phones while driving 

I wrote a  poem in this blog about cell phone use and driving. I'd like to see car manufacturers include a device that jams cell phones in the car for texting or calling, incoming or outgoing as long as the car is in gear. That way you HAVE to pull over to use it but for safety and warmth the engine can run in neutral or park. 

Go for it.


Driving and Cell Phones

Wake up and smell the blood 

Image result for driving and cell phones signs
Of all the selfish actions
I witness every day,
We have to find a way to make
These guilty parties pay.

It’s not the politicians
Their lies and glad handshake.
Nor the fat cat lawyers
And all the fees they take.

It’s not the oil executives
Monopolizing fuels.
Nor the striking teachers   
Closing down our schools.

It’s not my fellow bipeds
Spitting out their gum.
Nor the cheeky youngsters
Swearing at their Mom.

It’s not the transit riders
Blasting out a tune.
Nor citizens of countries   
Electing a buffoon.

It’s not the big brave hunters
Slaying innocent prey.
Nor multi-million athletes
Whining for more pay.

I could write more pages
About bad deeds and crooks.
With subjects who are human
I could fill ten books.

I’m sure you are impatient.
Good - that’s how I feel,
And totally frustrated
Making this appeal.

The subjects of these verses
Care not for you and me.
So if you know you’re guilty
I hope that you’ll agree.

I speak of lame brained drivers
Who won’t stay off their cell.
Such idiotic morons
Deserve to be in Hell.

Alone or with their children
It matters not the sex.
Disaster in an instant.
It’s really not complex.

What call or text can matter
More than another’s soul?
I hope you see there is none.
That is my hope and goal.

The Brewster

Monday 5 March 2018

UFOs Yes or No?

Are there ETs out there and have they visited?

This topic is guaranteed to get a discussion going almost anywhere so why not here?

For my part I fully believe in aliens and visits to earth would not surprise me at all. How's that for an opening?

Regarding their existence, to me this is the same debate as its cousin about the creation of humans and Earth itself. Most people either believe in a theory based on physics or one based on religion. Unfortunately some of those in the religious camp are probably angry already because for the most fervent of them you can't even question this. I disagree as I do with most things about religion. Neither of the theories has actually been proven, so I go with my gut and what makes common sense to me.

When I hear estimates of the numbers of stars and other objects that exist in the universe, my eyes gloss over. I can't even appreciate numbers that large. They are like the number of grains of sand in the Sahara Desert, Myrtle Beach, or the floor of the ocean. It is difficult for most people to get a feeling for such quantities.

Permit me to assume that people on both sides of this divide would agree that there are vast numbers of "heavenly" bodies out there. The exact number doesn't really matter. What does matter is the analogy that Earth probably represents only one of those single grains of sand in any of those places mentioned above.

So if a Supreme Being or deity - male, female, or something else we can't even comprehend, created Earth and us then why stop at one? Anyone or any thing with such capabilities surely would conduct more than one such experiment.

On the other hand if a natural and more physical formation took place then I can't possibly accept that whatever happened to form earth and all of its inhabitants did not happen elsewhere or at least something very, very close to it.

Religious Theory? There must be many more supreme creations out there. Maybe there are even millions of deities as well all doing similar things. That would make us mere laboratory rats in a heavenly contest. The belief that there is only one all powerful God in the universe only exists because some men wrote some books. They just happened to be the only ones at the time who knew how. They could have written anything they desired and for any number of reasons - selfish or not.

Physics and Natural Selection Theories? Same argument. If a Big Bang created our galaxy and everything in it there are likely huge numbers of other galaxies out there.

Here is an often overlooked point. Both of these theories are based upon the published personal thoughts of a relatively few male scholars - women were not taken seriously at one time or even permitted higher education. The masses really didn't have the means of launching counter-arguments. Even in the time of Darwin in the 1800's higher education was probably the preserve of men. Copernicus in the 1400's envisaged our first notions of earth travelling around the sun. Not many could challenge him. Imagine many centuries before that how someone teaching from their own writings could convince the less educated..

People believed what they had been told and that most often came from written theories or at least powerful orators. Look what happened in more modern times at Jonestown. A single man lead many people to their own death.

Now for visitation. Based once again on sheer numbers surely there are creatures out there more advanced than we are. That is difficult for many earthlings to accept. You can find on the internet alleged witnesses to the little man at Roswell. I believe something did indeed happen.

Perhaps there are logical reasons why there have been so few visits. We face the same challenges in space travel. Firstly the ability to travel such great distances is a huge problem. How are the craft powered? Secondly, those on board have to stay alive with basic food and water. The odds of aliens visiting our little grain of sand out of all of the others are small.

I leave you with this. Do you believe in time machines like the ones you have seen in movies? Why not? Walk outside tonight and look at the stars. Your earthly perception called vision is taking in events that happened many millions of years ago. That last part involves our sense of time and people like Einstein thought we have a very limited understanding of it. But there they are - those stars are captured in your brain now but what you are seeing happened a very long time ago. If you could possibly see an image of people on that star which was formed 200 million years ago, they will never be able to see your image by the time your images reach them 200 million years from now. In our terms that would be 400 million years into their future!

Are your eyes glossed over yet? Join the crowd. We are only Earthlings. 

A belated welcome to our visitors,

The Brewster