Showing posts with label Something to Think About. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Something to Think About. Show all posts

Friday 13 March 2020

Wise Advice for Corona or Any Other Crisis

Did You Listen to Your Financial Advisor?

I know it might be a bit late for this current crisis in your life but when the #COVID-19 subsides I strongly advise everyone to look at this as just another unforeseen happening. Then think about and do something about the advice that banks and advisors have been giving for decades. Create an emergency fund for the possibility of six months or better with no income.

This was usually a guard against potential job loss but it applies equally here. With all the shutdowns yet to occur, you might be laid off. If not then for sure you must have seen people stocking up on - in some cases hoarding - certain things from the supermarket. Stocking up means buying extra - with what? If you immediately thought about your credit card you are in trouble.

Many years ago I was a financial advisor and for sure gave the same advice. Most people ignored it. Thank goodness I followed it myself. As just mentioned, this does not mean increasing your credit or credit card debt. That way lays disaster. You are adding to the first crisis or problem with a second one - throwing fat onto the fire.

The usual excuse was that nobody could afford it. I once wrote an article pointing out places most people could find extra cash if they had the willpower, not the means.

There are lots of lists out there of what things to stock up on for an emergency - essentially the basics of life so I won't repeat them here. Cash or available funds however are also one of them.

So here are some of those items I once wrote about. Just remember your #CORONA experience when you ask yourself if any of the following are VITAL and CRITICAL to your life. 

Can you at least cut down on (and put into your emergency fund):

1. Beer, wine, or other beverage?
2. Your monthly TV or entertainment package?
3. The need to have the newest, biggest TV to watch nightly?
4. Meat - one of the most costly forms of food. Buy cheaper cuts and learn how to cook them.
5. Going to movies?
6. The latest and greatest phones for both you and your kids?
7. New clothes or fashions?
8. A new car? Buy smaller and pre-owned for a couple of years. I always do this.
9. Vacations? Do a staycation once or twice and add a bundle to your fund.
10. Reno's and furnishings. This is very rarely vital. The same applies to the size of your home.

While you are at it, involve your kids in the discussions. It will be a great life lesson and a good test for your parenting ability.


Saturday 7 March 2020

God Bless America (New Found Verses)

Please Forgive Me Irving Berlin

God help America
Land that we loved
Whisper to her
To show her
You still care
With a light from above.

From the right wing
To the left wing
Those who tarnish her good name
God help America
Remove their shame.

God help America
Seeking a way
To caring
And sharing
To the soul you gave her every day.

From the east coast
To the west coast
North and south please, help us all
God help America
Once more stand tall


Tuesday 18 February 2020

Pardon Me Mr. President?

Pardons: Strength or Weakness?

Today we heard that President Trump has used once again his power to pardon individuals of his choice. This can be regarded as either a highly admired refinement to a system of government, or a leak in the hull of a great ship that needs repair. Wisdom or folly?

You can Google about all major pardons made by U.S. Presidents. I am restricting this to the Presidential power which can only apply to federal crimes against the United States. Take note: the one exception is impeachment, thank goodness. Similar powers belong to State Governors.

Many people are all over Trump for this and expecting him to do it again with Roger Stone. In fairness, many Presidents have used this power and often in controversial ways. Here is a list of past Presidents and their numbers of pardons, most to least:

This varies from Franklin D. Roosevelt with 2819 to George H. W. Bush with 74. Obama granted 212 of them.

I see it as a very visible black eye in the system. In my opinion the process should be changed. One person can be just too biased and often for the wrong reasons. Any pardon is usually preceded by a lot of study and assessment resulting in advice to the President. This is only reasonable. Apparently however, he or she can ignore all of this and you know who is famous for this.

My suggestion would be to have a vote in the Senate - one which is deliberately brief. It should also require a substantial majority - more like 80% in favour. From what I can see the last majority in the Upper House over 80% was back in the 1800s. This should ensure some representation on both sides. This way it would indeed be a combination of many opinions. Surely genuinely deserved cases could find a bipartisan audience.

Here is another approach and possibly a backup to the case where a party has a more than 80% majority. This would entail the Chief Justice simply drawing randomly an odd number (no ties) of Senators' names. Each person must vote either yes or no on each case. The details of each pardon would already have been defined. A committee would bear witness to the ballads being legitimate before any draw.

Changing the constitution is not easy as most anti gun people know. Surely there would be more of an even split on this change?

The Brewster

Sunday 16 February 2020

Me Elton John

From His Own Eyes

My better half bought me the book "Me Elton John" (Henry Holt and Company, 2019) for Christmas. We both enjoy a lot of his music, especially the classic ones from his earlier years. This is my first very informal book review.

I hated doing them in school because I didn't read anything other than text books. I used to choose a book which had a "Classic Comic Book" version and do my review based upon that! I always got a passing grade. Today I enjoy reading but this is probably my first biography, auto or otherwise.

I was introduced to Elton's music when I worked in England from 1972 to 1974 and he had become very popular. There everyone watched "Top of the Pops" somewhat like American Bandstand but a lot more flamboyant. Elton fit right in.

Before any notion or indication (to me anyway) that he might be gay, he was just an over the top showman, perhaps a more modern Liberace. (Yes, there is also another parallel.) The wild outfits, boots, hats and glasses were just for show or so it seemed.

It is for certain very insightful and candid. He gets into all of the topics that might me considered taboo by many. He does not really address his gender or sex life until well into the book. I had no idea what he was going through when I lived there or for many years after. Now I do. He covers his many addictions from drugs to drink to shopping and hoarding, clothes, dominating those around him and football to name a few. It would appear that the costumes were just another.

He dwells a lot on his family and upbringing and you can understand how this drove him to fame. His mother was a huge factor in his adult life but not his father. They remained estranged with rare exception, until his father's death. There are also lots of tidbits about other stars he came to know with just enough detail to astonish. Although outspoken about many of these, where he made a commitment to secrecy as was the case with his short term female wife, he honours such trusts. One of the world's favourite celebrities - Lady Di - is featured later in the book. There are some great stories.

To be honest I have not yet finished it. I certainly will. My only real criticism - and again I have read no other biographies with which to compare his - is the somewhat rambling nature of the flow. It goes back and forth chronologically a lot. I would have preferred a more organized journey through his life. Then again his entire career and temperament were all over the map so perhaps that is just his true character coming out.

I would recommend it although the $38 Canadian is a little steep. I have no doubt there will be a movie so if you prefer you can wait for that. He will profit either way.

Don't worry Mr. Dwight. The sun will not soon go down on you.

The Brewster

Saturday 8 February 2020

Go Ahead – Make My Day

A Compliment can be the Perfect Complement

Friday last I was just starting my workout at a local gym which I attend four times per week. Fridays I happen to begin with more stretching than usual. I should do it every time.

A brief history: in my educational background because I began kindergarten when I was four and skipped grade four, I was always the youngest and usually the smallest in my class. In grade nine high school the physical education teacher announced that the school was offering new sets of Weider weights - 110 pound set - for those who might be interested. They cost $25.

I immediately spent some of my meagre savings on a set and three to four nights per week devoted myself to body building. I had no intention of becoming the local tough guy or creating some Arnie like body but I was definitely at a disadvantage when it came to girls!

By the time I graduated which in our case was grade 13, I had already received some compliments. They meant a lot to me.

I took the set with me to my university residence and used them occasionally but not as often,

Fast forward to today. Throughout my career they sat at home and rusted (no vinyl in those days, just clangy metal with crude collars that tightened with a wrench.) For many years now however, especially since retirement I work out Monday/ Tuesday and Thursday/Friday resting Wednesday and the weekend.

So as I am about to start on a floor mat, a guy whom I have seen there for some time and who is in pretty good shape addressed me - “Excuse me?”. I anticipated that maybe I had taken his spot on the mat but that was not the case. He said he just wanted to compliment me on my condition and workouts and said he noticed it for some time. He continued saying that my muscles, shape, and flexibility were really great and he just wanted to let me know.

He left out the “… for your age …” piece that I was expecting! I am somewhere north of 70 so it felt good. It has actually happened several times before when they usually did ask my age.
It makes my day hence the heading – it was the perfect complement to my day and my workout. 

So go ahead – make somebody’s day by paying them a compliment. It will cost you nothing and so far it is not taxable to the recipient!

Another thing that is free is a blood donation which can actually save a life. I will address this in another posting.

The Brewster

Thursday 30 January 2020

Recycling Problem is Huge

Help Solve the Problem since You are the Problem

If you want to make a contribution to our world, just Google a few items on recycling of waste, types of recycling, sorting waste, classifications of waste.

Short on time? Start with plastics. The amount and types of plastic we use are eye openers. No wonder our oceans are full of them.

It seems to me there are two major problems: money and convenience.

The money part is obvious. Huge companies and their owners are making fortunes from producing and selling plastic. They are not so keen on taking it back. In addition, the packaging industry relies heavily on the stuff. Look at what you buy and what you throw out, including the fast food at restaurants and the containers discarded there that never make it home.

The convenience problem rests mainly on our shoulders. We buy the products. They are quick and easy and, as mentioned above, help to reduce the cost of the things we buy. Let's face it. This is one area where the average person is just too apathetic and lazy. Throw in cheap.

Focusing on plastics, manufacturers could use alternatives but they know if cost goes up and convenience goes down, we won't buy. As well if they ignore this, one of their competitors will likely break rank for the profits.

We are also guilty of doing a really lousy job of properly recycling. Be honest. Do you remove labels from containers? How many paper towels are discarded after a single use? Do you thoroughly wash out that peanut butter or margarine container? Do you still buy plastic shopping bags? Do you search for that tiny recycle emblem (plastic resin code) to see if it is acceptable for recycling where you live?

I could go on. My suggestion today is that since we are the major problem how about more suggestions on solutions or hacks to reuse items from us the consumers?

Here is a small one. What about mandating that those plastic codes must appear on the sides of containers? They should be big and bright enough that sorters of materials and you the consumer can see them right away. Color code them. Currently they can be difficult to find and read. If this will help with the separation, that would be a big step.

I welcome any other suggestions. All we need are ideas. There are enough entrepreneurs out there to run with them.

The Brewster

Tuesday 28 January 2020

The Golden Years of Retirement

My Golden Years Must Be Silver. They Are Tarnished

Many people fear retirement. I am there and would definitely say it is not to be feared but it absolutely requires preparation. The big one is finances. I have no problem keeping myself busy and that does not mean sitting on my butt in front of the TV. If you really want  to enjoy yourself you need 1 of 2 things: A big net worth to replace your salary with earnings or a very inexpensive passtime which you love.

I did really well in school always getting top marks but in that subject which is not taught per se, called life, and its advanced topic called retirement, I give myself a failing grade.

I was born in the late '40s. There are many things for which my generation should be grateful. In my case:

  1. I never had to go off to face the horrors of war possibly never to return.
  2. I did not face the discrimination many face daily.
  3. My family was not wealthy growing up but we had a decent life because of the hard work and sacrifice of my parents.
  4. I never had and so far still don't have any serious health problems. I do workout and watch what I eat to preserve this.
  5. I could have done anything and become anything I really wanted. So can you.
  6. I lived for several years in a university residence and had the time of my life. I had a lot of catching up to do with experiences most kids had in high school. My energy went more into socializing than to academics.
  7. I lived and worked for a few years in another country experiencing an entirely different culture - the U.K. I enjoyed it.
  8. I have no serious financial debts but also no excess to do many things that others are now enjoying.
I have many regrets and for these I am solely responsible:

  1. I never found a calling at which I had a natural talent and which I enjoyed. If you find that and give it all you have you will do well in life.
  2. Long before meeting my partner I let the one woman I should have asked to spend our lives together get away. That's the one regrettable thing about my time in the U.K. In the case of my partner on the other hand, long before we met she found the man she thought was her match but it did not work out.
  3. I should have pursued music, writing, or some other form of the creative arts.
  4. I did not have kids.
  5. I took my education for granted working very hard at it but for the wrong reasons and in the wrong fashion.
  6. For some time I did give professional financial advice and sold financial products to clients but in this area I was like the plumber with leaky taps at home.
  7. Essentially I drifted through life event by event. I should have charted a course.
So why people will ask, am I writing this? Perhaps some younger person or their parent will read it and realize the answer to that question: This is how NOT to lead your life. Invest for a rainy day and find something you love doing and someone to love. The rest will take care of itself.

The Brewster

Saturday 18 January 2020

In Praise of Good Authors

Ditch the Phone, PC, and Television

There are two forms of entertainment that are dying slow deaths. It is too bad. They used to be so strong - in fact they were the only games in town for in-house entertainment.

Once upon a time not so long ago, if you wanted to entertain yourselves in the evening or on the week-end, your choices were limited. I am talking pre-television. You listened to the radio, read a book or magazine, or played a board game, card game, did a jigsaw puzzle or whatever. There were movies, but you had to go to them.

Imagine - no motion or colour, no graphics or animation - in fact no visual at all. With radio there is sound. With a book there is sight. With both you use only one of the 5 human senses. However in each case you have to use that magnificent forerunner of all machines or electronics, the human brain and it's ability to imagine, think, and deduce.

I am no psychologist but I can certainly dream and with this suggestion I know I am dreaming! But I believe it would be great therapy for people to just sit as I often do all alone and read a good book. I never used to read much - the odd time. I credit my partner for getting me back into it - she loves to read. I used to think like many people that it is hard and it takes time. That is an excuse. In my opinion the author that wrote the book is even more clever than any movie producer precisely becuse he or she has only the written word with which to work. It is great mental exercise because that forces your brain to work. When you watch all the latest visual effects on TV or at a movie it is all done for you. They have two senses with which to excite you sight and sound.

Think of the other benefits. You can treat yourself to total silence while entertaining yourself. That drives some people nuts - they need background noise. Try it outside one a beautiful morning with the sounds of birds and the smells of nature. It is truly amazing. Think of it - no electricity or game controllers. No texting with others. You can also read anywhere in the house or yard - not so with TV or video.

Now think about radio. Here we are sadly lacking in options. When I was young everyone listened to a radio and once again the producers of the shows we heard only had sound with which to work. There were great comedy programs and fantastic scary, intriguing mysteries. Today in fact - especially for people with hearing disabilities - you can combine both by listening to books in audio form.

I can't imagine kids doing either of these unless their parents encourage or even enforce it. Today most kids really can't read or find it too much of a chore! Like it or not, there will come times when they have to read. It is good practice and it could be such a blessing in their elder years. I wish radio networks would make an effort to provide more verbal entertainment. In my opinion radio advertising is more effective because the message or brand is not lost in all of the other senses.

It will never happen en masse but that is a shame and it is probably why I blog. The writing is as therapeutic and satisfying to me as the reading. Try a compromise. If you have to watch your favourite sport OK and one or two shows but do yourself a favour and try reading. Libraries make it totally free.

Your brain will thank you and so will bidding authors and print journalists

The Brewster

Monday 13 January 2020

Death and Something to Think About

Maybe It Has Another Purpose

The world is still mourning the recent loss of some 176 people after Iran used missiles to shoot down a plane. In August we said good bye to my mother. This week-end I will attend my long time neighbour's funeral.

Death is not fun. Some believe it has a purpose, other than keeping population growth in check. I am one of them.

In a reversal of tragedy, these are some of the things that run through my mind and perhaps yours. 
  1. You are still here even though they are not. However you can't help but ponder your own destiny. Will I be here tomorrow; next year; in 10 years?
  2. If the death was peaceful and pain-free, you think at least there is that. If not you try not to imagine how they suffered.
  3. Certainly in my case and when the death is horrific or involves innocent little children, I question the existence and nature of any higher being or deity. 
  4. For most it makes you glad that you and those you love are still here.
  5. If you are religious or believe in spirits, you wonder if they can now see you or know what you are thinking.
  6. It makes you think about the person if you knew them and THAT for me is the "spirit" part - the legacy.
  7. Along with #6, you wonder about things you should or shouldn't have done with the departed or said to them.
  8. If you believe in such things you wonder where they are now - in a better or worse place.
  9. It makes you realize that you damned well better enjoy all the things and people you can, starting RIGHT NOW before it is too late.
  10. Finally it SHOULD make you wonder how you can accomplish #9 while making life a little better for others so that one day others will be experiencing #6.

If you don't experience at least some of the above, you should start to question if you really are alive or ever have been.

The Brewster

Sunday 12 January 2020

Urban Centres of the Future

Will Personal Vehicles be Banned from Cities?

In my lifetime this is what I have experienced as trends for of living and working. I am referring here to a working class or middle income family. The very wealthy can always do whatever they want.

Families had a basic choice - buy in the city if you enjoyed that kind of living and could afford it, or buy further away in the "burbs" where property was cheaper and lots were bigger.

My parents chose the "burbs" - Scarborough, Ontario, Canada and bought car(s) to commute to Toronto where dad worked, which at that time was easy to do. 

I did both. With my first job and first car I lived and worked in the city as a young bachelor. I rented an apartment and travelled on public transportation. When I finally bought and settled down I switched to the burbs which had spread even further away from the core of the city. Depending on job location, I drove or took public transportation.

I expect that most large North American cities and residents went through the same phases, as did European cites but often centuries ago. Now things are changing rapidly.
  1. Populations are exploding, primarily through immigration 
  2. City property is becoming way out of most peoples' range financially 
  3. Land and housing in the burbs is undergoing the same inflation of prices
  4. Commuter expressways are becoming impossible to travel - most are at standstills
  5. Petroleum fuelled vehicles are being phased out. But even if we all drove electric ones, that wouldn't solve the traffic congestion problem
  6. The vehicles themselves are getting beyond the financial reach of many people
  7. Many investors often foreign are buying up what properties are still available
  8. Most of the jobs available to my parents' and even my generation are gone
  9. Now there are many high rise condos being built close to trains. Most are for young people who still work in Toronto but can't afford housing anywhere. Traffic is even worse. Older generations (mine!) want to hold on to what they have
What can we do? Here are some thoughts but I welcome your input. Please comment below. 
  1. Make it financially unviable for most people to drive their cars to work. Put the onus on companies to say a car is needed for an employee if that is the case. Punish companies who falsify this
  2. For self-employed people, they would also have to declare in a suitable fashion that driving is necessary and prove why. Special officers could do random checks on people to see who is cheating
  3. For 1. and 2. to work massive spending on public transportation is needed. It has to be close, frequent, reliable, and inexpensive
  4. Considerable incentives should be available to large companies to locate their major offices outside the cities taking the jobs to the people
  5. If they have not done so already, political leaders should visit other cities who have solved many of these problems and Paris is a good starting place
  6. Wealthy people have to follow the same rules
  7. Nail today's non-paying cheaters on public transit with massive fines
Personal flying craft are the stuff of dreams. There are enough horrible drivers. Don't even think about it. Also I'd rather walk than trust an auto-pilot.

The Brewster

Thursday 9 January 2020

Linda Ronstadt

The Sound of Her Voice Indeed!

I recently watched a well-advertised special on CNN about the rise of Linda Ronstadt. What a pleasant break from all the Trump dumping. This is one hell of a talented lady. The film shows her immense diversity and the album she did with Nelson Riddle drives home the point.

I always felt this but seeing her career in one continuum knocked me over. It was very well done containing a lot of personal dialogue with Linda herself. She always spoke her mind and did her own thing. This is an artist who knew exactly what she wanted song by song and had the guts to try literally anything in the music world. Good on her.

It was a sad thing to learn of her illness and how it stole her voice but she has an upbeat attitude or at least she is good at covering up any depression.

Too bad I wasn't playing tourist walking along the beach one day as she took a stroll. I am not an autograph seeker but sure would have asked for hers.

Good on you Linda. I have since dragged out the CDs and even cassettes I have of you.

The Brewster

Tuesday 7 January 2020

The USA is Now Safer?

Swat a Hornet's Nest and See If You Feel Safer

The White House is saying after the attack and killing of Iranian and Iraqi military men on territory belonging to Iraq, that the USA is now safer. Do you - anywhere in the world - feel safer?

I don't:
  • Anytime we are possibly about to see a major conflict grow into all out war with nuclear weapons a possibility. But hey, I am not DJT or his cronies
  • Anytime a people who already hate all Americans and everthing they stand for swear they will strike back
  • Anytime the USA says some hostile force is defeated and yet they really aren't
  • Anytime a US President is desperate to be re-elected
  • Anytime passionate religious fanatics are involved
  • Anytime America loses a conflict and has to start another so as not to lose face
Those are probably enough reasons but there are lots more.

The Brewster

Sunday 29 December 2019

Is The Perfect Society a Dream?

The Seven Deadly Sins

History and religion has often referred to seven deadly sins which are:
  1. Lust
  2. Gluttony
  3. Greed
  4. Sloth
  5. Wrath
  6. Envy
  7. Pride

To me the worst of these is greed. I say that because I believe it is the cause of most of the major conflicts, wars, and slaughters in history and the ultimate demise of most societies. It still reigns supreme. Ours is likely to follow suit.

All people require basic food, water, protection from the elements, and a safe place to live. The poorest peoples lack one or more of these. The comfortable - our "middle" class, gradually and often through hard work accumulate all four. The powerful obtain them in abundance through any possible means and then want more, even at the expense of the first 2 groups. THAT friends is GREED.

Might has always made right. Often it meant the strongest with the best weapons simply eliminated the weakest and then took what they wanted. That is still happening in parts of the world.

But for decades now, the weapons have been replaced by money and the brawn has been replaced by cleverness and deviousness in accumulating that money by any means.

Here is a list  of many of the things which I find impossible to justify. Those who already have them or indulge in them have no problem rationalizing their possessions or actions. Many just say "why not?"
  1. Monster houses including the land often surrounding them; multiple swimming pools and the drinking water in them; pool heaters; the energy required to warm and operate such houses.
  2. People who own several of these, often inhabited for only part of the year.
  3. The entire racing industry including monster trucks and speed boats that use enough energy in one session to plough fields and grow food for many, many people.
  4. Personal vehicles with enough power to pull a semi often for the personal travel of one individual.
  5. Buffet style restaurants where individuals eat enough for three or four and waste the same amount
  6. People who have hundreds of millions of dollars and want even more, often paying no taxes on what they have. Many of these were born into their wealth.
  7. People who have made all of their money on the stock market often by illegal means and have never worked at a "real" job in their lives. Investing in new businesses that become successful and provide goods and services to society are a good thing. People who make tons of money by simply buying and selling stocks are not. They don't add any more to the benefit of others than loan sharks.
  8. People who use personal vehicles to commute when public transit is available. Equally to blame are the leaders who fail to provide such public transit, often because of the greedy desire to be re-elected.
The list could be longer. I would add that the other six sins could also be a result of greed.

Socialist, Communist, Fascist, Capitalist, left, right, or centre - all have greedy people wielding the power who end up with the most of the peoples' wealth.

Does anyone have any better ideas?

The Brewster

Sunday 8 December 2019

The Statue of Liberty (LIBERTAS)

One of Few Female Figureheads More Famous Than Queen Elizabeth II

I just read a great history of The Statue of Liberty on Wikipedia ( The lady ("Liberty Enlightening the World") has quite a past. The entire story is very inspiring. It is a wonder that it all came together the way it finally did.

It is ironic that this world famous icon of might, power, and freedom is depicted as a woman when the country it represents still has a hang up about electing a female President. Go figure! I digress.

The story and the artefact are so awesome it inspired me to write the following:

The Brewster


They tell me that I have made these words by Emma Lazarus famous:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:

I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” 

Thank you, Emma. I have indeed seen them come from afar through wind, storm, floods, hurricanes and wars. They reached my lofty perch and stared. I can not offer encouraging smiles and words but I hear and see. Millions of them. They are inspired. My creators Bartholdi and Eiffel would have been proud. 

There was a dedication for me in 1886. That keeps me smiling internally - a private joke. I am the only woman in history who had an erection so famous it was celebrated the world over. It has been a long and arduous 133 years. 

I have been fixed and cleaned; rebuilt and enhanced; had my head and crown adjusted; my arm strengthened and my skin re-vitalized - the wish of so many other women. Yet here I still remain.

I have seen this country build itself from scratch after casting out its imperialist rulers. Here we have built a symbol of what a united people of all creeds and colours can do together. The world was in awe.

133 years I have held this torch, cradled this tablet, born this crown and posed for countless millions of people in awe of me and all I represent.

But I am tired. I am fearful that after all that I have witnessed and endured the worst is yet to come. 

I fear that instead of standing for victory and opportunities in the future, I will become a remnant of the past. I am told that there is a famous movie in which the world has self destructed, and it's lone human survivor happens upon my arm and torch still protruding above nothing but sand and rubble and all that was. I fear this is underway - NOW.

I fear that there are those who wish to undo all that I have stood for right here for 133 years. Must I develop a tear flowing from these famous eyes like so many of my lifeless fellow creations to make you take notice? If I could I definitely would.

Take heed. I can no longer stand tall to represent a former nation which allowed dark forces from within to tear itself apart. Take a long look at me. I broke through my chains and I am always moving forward - not back. 

I have outlived any other woman. I want to stand here just as proud and dominating for many more hundreds of years.

Please. I have never asked for anything else.


Sunday 1 December 2019

A Few of my Favourite Things

This should be easy ...

In one of my posts I featured pet peeves. It was easy to come up with a long list.

Significantly more difficult was developing a list of my favourite things. It should have been the easier of the two. This must say something about life today - at least mine anyway. I should mention that I don't have kids and recognize that they will probably make this list easier for those who live for their family. 

Here are a few things that give me satisfaction, a feeling of warmth, and a desire to replicate the sensation:
  • Spelling and pronouncing words the English / Canadian way and hearing my American colleagues express dismay - like favourite over favorite! Just kidding
  • Shoes that are comfortable from the first fitting and stay that way made better only by comfortable socks
  • The aroma of freshly baked goods including roast beef and turkey
  • A really good carrot cake, apple pie, or butter tart
  • Really good and probably expensive perfume, but only a dab - not the cheap stuff that some women splash on like holy water. I say it again - less is better
  • A really attractive female whether individual the parts or the total being
  • Making others laugh, even at my own expense
  • The laughter of children, especially infants in a group. They have not yet learned anything evil
  • A well composed, uplifting, and eloquently delivered speech
  • Solving a problem others were unable to solve
  • Sitting outside early in the morning on a pleasant day with nothing but the sound of nature to distract me - minus the crows
  • Satisfying a hunger with great food or a thirst with cold water or beer
  • Completing a difficult physical task I hated doing
  • Hearing someone at the gym say I am in great shape, even though they diplomatically omitted the "for your age" part
  • Preparing a meal and having my partner say it is really good. Makes me regret all the years I neglected to say the same to her day after day. I did sometimes but should have complimented her more often
  • As with the speaker, a very talented and accomplished singer who hits every note bang on with limitless pitch and volume and total control over both. Examples: Celine Dion; Karen Carpenter; Barbra Streisand; Josh Groban; Roy Orbison; Colm Wilkinson in Les Mis.
  • Shooting a really good golf score. This one is still on the bucket list.
  • Appreciating a really clever new invention
  • People who can genuinely listen without interruption and when appropriate, offer help or suggestions
  • The opposite. People who value me enough to share something but know when enough is enough and give me a chance to comment if I should wish to
  • Knowing that I can and will keep a secret, and people who will do the same for me. These are as rare as the Loch Ness Monster
  • Finally catching a very bad criminal(s) and seeing justice done

Monday 1 April 2019

The Real Judgement Day

I Was Just Thinking … Because I Still Can

This past weekend I attended and briefly spoke as did several others at the memorial service or life celebration of a very long time friend. I have had the following thoughts before.

When something like this transpires - there is usually some kind of notification sent to others. It contains details of any ceremony, viewing, or celebration of a life on this planet and it is an implied invitation. To make it less awkward there is seldom an RSVP requested.

That having been said we all then have a simple binary decision to make - will I attend or not? For many it is very easy to rationalize a note and flowers - something else on; illness; just too far to go; work; don't really know them; etc.

So it is very impressive when someone draws a huge number of attendees at such a ceremony, whatever its nature. What a wonderful statement when the room is overflowing. I say again - anyone can decide not to come. Social Media friends are not reality but this is.

To me the resulting headcount is the true test of your success in this world - how many other people you touched in a positive way. I don't happen to believe in the divine version - it has never been verified. But THIS I can see with my own eyes. Here everyone gets to be a judge for just one moment.

Will my life or yours fill a room when the time comes?

My friend touched a lot of people - and they came. I will miss him and so will all of those other attendees.

The Brewster

Monday 12 March 2018

Blogging: Some basic facts

Blogging Reality Check

When I created a blog in 2012, It was easy - still is. You can do a little reading on the mechanics and free offerings, then choose one and BINGO - an hour or less later you can read your first online creation. It’s almost as easy as making your first Tweet; posting a video or placing a picture on Facebook. Most beginners use free Blogger / Blogspot (me) or WordPress. There are others.

So then where are the 100,000 plus followers I read about completely clogging the search engines to find my blog and share my genius to take me viral? Where is the money?

Unfortunately back then, before then, and even now, there are just too many people claiming to make thousands of $$$ (insert your own currency symbol) per month blogging. It is possible but if you try now as I am, you are probably a dozen years or so too late.

Think about this: There are literally millions of people who think or thought that they could become rich with their:

New cook book
New song
New invention
New best selling novel
New “How to get rich in Real Estate” course
New video
New comic strip

Despite every true friend and experienced person telling them it takes years of hard work, endless determination, and countless failures, they know that theirs will be different.

I know because I have often had similar thoughts. I also know there is no easy ride to success.

Here is the real rub having experienced it over and over again. From what I have seen, many of those who are making money are the ones who attract your interest by telling you how to create a blog or make a fortune at blogging. That's it. This is not new. Before PCs ever existed, magazines and newspapers had tons of people who were willing to tell you their “secret” on how to get rich. Just send $19.95 and a SASE (for you young readers - if there are any - that is Self Addressed Stamped Envelope). They told you to do what they were doing - with your own SASE.

I am very serious about this. People get rich and their only contribution is telling you - often with material copied from someone else - how to make money at blogging. Nothing more. Many of them are VERY clever at filling their missives with links that force you to click and go somewhere else thus making them more money.

Imagine how successful a new newspaper (to pick an industry devastated by instant publishing technology) if the only content in the paper were columns on how to create and publish a newspaper - not one valid newsworthy article in it!

It seems to me that there are several kinds of blogs:

1. Those created by an individual who wants to share their personal experiences. Will you pay money to read about Suszie Q’s pet Border Collie or to look at John Smith’s photographs?

2. Those that focus on one particular topic like a hobby. It could be knitting; cooking; travel; one or more charities etc. These are of interest to a relatively small group of people and making money is probably not the objective. Sharing knowledge experiences, and making new acquaintances are the objectives.

3. Those tied to a much more prominent web page of a well known company or name almost because most of the competition has one also and because a blog is a convenient way to broadcast news and general information. It is easy to update. Any earnings are likely going to be from the website, not the blog.

4. Those created by celebrities or politicians or their assistants because any publicity for them is important.

5. Those intended to express opinions about a particular cause or trend or to feature articles just like a newspaper. If they are good, these can probably make money.

6. Those intended simply to entertain featuring short stories, funny videos, comic strips, recordings etc. These could probably make money if enough people go to them and click on their ads. They give people something to pass to their friends.

7. Those intended to teach you something other than how to write a blog. Typical examples are music lessons; sports lessons; do it yourself and how to items. These can make money either by selling further material like cd's or books, newsletters or by sponsored ads of related products and services.

This blog is probably a combination of numbers 5 and 6 above. If it makes money someday great. Otherwise I just enjoy it.

So the bottom line here comes down to one thing and to be fair, some of those “How to …Blogging” sites about blogs do indeed make this point. Like all of those other things mentioned above, a blog has to have quality, fresh, original CONTENT. The best inventions, books and music all fill a need. So must a great blog.

One honourable mention which is also covered in the Blogging articles are the techniques and in some cases tricks that can be employed to up the numbers of people who know you exist. Getting them to come back is up to you. The same old stuff will not accomplish that nor will simply high numbers of articles. You have to create something unique or be better than your competitors at whatever they do. Who passes judgement on uniqueness or whether something is better? Only the reader.

And that fellow bloggers, is what you have to accomplish to become renowned at anything in life. The most successful bloggers have been at it for many years. I have a long way to go.

The Brewster

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Will someone please invent ...

Here are some potential moneymakers.

I have always toyed with the idea of inventing something - oh yes - and getting rich. Like most other wannabe inventors there have been what I think are some very good ideas but procrastination prevailed and someone beat me to it. That the most lucrative and useful inventions always fill a need. Because of that several people are likely working on them concurrently.

But here are some ideas for someone else to pursue. An idea alone can't be patented but if anyone gets rich from these any donations will be gratefully accepted!

14. Removable Tattoos

Sure there are stick-on and wash off types of body art. Can't someone by now make a reversible tattoo ink? By that I mean one which - simply by applying a penetrating cream or oil - will just fade away with no pain?

13. Scalp Hair Remover

Many guys today go with the bald look - they shave off all of their scalp hair themselves for various reasons. I am not one - blessed with long life hair. I just looked up NAIR for men so it exists for body and facial hair. Does it work for scalps? There are a lot of males out there looking like they put their head through a window. This would prevent that. 

12. Profile Nail Clippers

I dislike filing nails - fingers or toes. Therefore I end up clipping each nail several times starting at one side a bit at a time and moving around to shape them. I am sure I am not alone here. What about a heavy duty clipper into which you clip or fasten one of several cutters that cut the entire nail at once. The manufacturer could then sell sets of profiles for men, women, wide, narrow etc. No filing needed. They will make a fortune like razors - the money is in the blades, not the clipper.

11. Radio Golf Balls

How annoying is a lost golf ball, especially when it is just in long grass or leaves? How about a ball which has internal circuitry that responds to a small hand held transmitter so you could quickly scan an area perhaps up to 10 yards away. The device would beep and guide you to the ball. It would also speed up traffic on the course. This assumes that the ball makers would actually want to help you find their ball! Probably not.

10. Second BBQ Tray

When we buy a new BBQ, give us a backup slide out grease tray. Then we can put in the second to carry on using while - some day - we clean the original. The grills are another problem. They could supply 2 sets also but that might get expensive. Like car makers they want to sell us those parts and a new BBQ after a few years so I won't hold my breath.

9. Tooth Paste Pump

Once again perhaps these exist. I am thinking of something like a soap dispenser for soft or liquid soap. This would be for tooth paste and could match its soap sibling in design. Then
it could be sold in bulk like liquid soap. No more need for a tooth paste roller (that my Dad also made once,) or for tooth paste tubes either.

8. Dog Dish Opener App.

My Dad thought of this one decades before cell phones or PCs. His was strictly electro mechanical. If you are going to be late then open the dog's dish with your phone so it can eat dinner. They tell me cats are not a problem this way. They don't eat until they know that you know they are in a snit for leaving them. It could still be electro mechanical with some kind of chip timer instead of a phone trigger.

7. Removable Cup Holders

Perhaps these exist but not in any of my cars so far. How dirty do cup holders in cars become with weeks of coffee and sweet drink spills and drips? Provide a liner that can be removed for washing and replacement.

6. Do It Yourself Shoe Resoles

You can place a liner in a shoe but what about the outside? Surely they can invent a sole that - when it is a little too worn - you can simply unfasten and then step onto a new one. The adhesive would take some work.  Where are those guys who invented removable post-it notes? 

5. Decent Looking Men's Hair  Dye

Naturally I would never use it but it would be nice to see. It is always horrible copper/brown; ridiculous jet black or ludicrous blonde. Can't they do men's highlighter? In my case it's difficult to highlight snow white but again this is for other men!

4. Windproof Umbrella

I hope this one is self-evident.

3a. Front Windshield Electric Defroster

I  don't know why cars don't have a front defroster like the electric ones in the back. I can't see it as a visibility issue. If so, use micro wires; invent clear wires; or micro channels in the glass through which you conduct electrically warmed air. C'mon engineers.


3b Front Windshield Electric Defroster

As an alternative to 3a, what about heated wiper blades? That would keep that buildup of ice on the blade from forming. 3a and b together would be best.

2. Instant Shoe Fastener

I hate doing up laces. There are shoes that use Velcro but they can also be a pain and the little hooks eventually get full of lint, threads, etc. which looks bad as well. They can also catch on socks and clothing. There must be a better way.

1. Device to jam cell phones while driving 

I wrote a  poem in this blog about cell phone use and driving. I'd like to see car manufacturers include a device that jams cell phones in the car for texting or calling, incoming or outgoing as long as the car is in gear. That way you HAVE to pull over to use it but for safety and warmth the engine can run in neutral or park. 

Go for it.


Sunday 14 December 2014

Alzheimers - While Shepherds Watched Our Flocks.

Christmas – a time which stimulates a very personal memory. It is time to share it. Think about this. Please.

In 1996 I sat with my mother and father and another couple at a simple table, in a simple dining area, eating a simple Christmas meal in advance of the big date itself. There were some old decorations - artificial, and - simple. Dad was tucking into his turkey. Mom was smiling. So was the other lady. Neither husband seemed to share the richness of the moment.
As I looked around, similar scenes unfolded with many faces - some smiling; some sad; some blank. I remembered former family feasts with toddlers in highchairs being spoon-fed by a parent. Parents struggled to direct one utensil to the child’s mouth and another to their own before the meal became cold. Sometimes kids enjoyed every morsel as seen by their smiling faces, giggles, and flailing arms. Other times they resisted every spoonful. Food was dropping everywhere. That was long ago.

This time the difference was stark. Here, there was little resistance and no giggling. There were some highchairs. Food was dropping. Some spouses were struggling to enjoy their own food and feed their dependent. However these dependents were not toddlers but seniors with Alzheimer’s. The lady at our table was feeding her husband. At others men fed their wives, or volunteers fed a stranger without any relatives who bothered to visit. Soon thereafter, we would have to feed Dad.

There are other memories. I remember the first time we had to leave Dad in the “lock-up” facility - him following us to the door; the guilt on our faces; the look on his. “The Doctor said you have to stay for a while” was our explanation. Dad was either so ill that he had no ability to argue, or he was just being himself and was accepting the inevitable peacefully for our sake. We will never know.

I remember entering the combination the nurse gave us to open the door while hiding it from the more clever residents. For them this was entertainment. Some managed to exit but were always returned. The combination would be changed. The game would start over.

I remember when Dad stopped addressing me by name and the first time we saw him walking up and down the hall hand-in-hand with a little lady who resembled his wife.  Mom smiled and thought it was cute - or so she said. One stark image was that of Dad standing in the corridor chatting to another older man who responded in kind. It was total gibberish - baby talk. But they seemed to be communicating!
I remember Dad’s future roommate - the same man. He was alone - first in a corner chair; later in his bed. His brother never came. The man wasted away. Then he died.

After dinner we gathered in a room to sing carols. A volunteer played the piano. Most people sang including the patients. Mom sat and joined in - her voice an unmistakable soprano. The pianist remarked after the first tune that she could hear one clear voice hitting the high notes - Mom’s. Dad also sat and sang - something. I held the song sheet for a man standing on the sidelines with me. He held it with me but was obviously singing from a failing memory.

Mostly I remember thinking as the food was served, that on December 25th the same caregiving staff would be here once again, not at home with their families. I shuddered to think of the consequences if too many of them took a “sick” day on Christmas, or any other time. It would be Bedlam - literally.

I hereby gratefully thank every Caregiver to the chronically ill in every facility everywhere. So should you. Some day you might need them. Know someone with this disease? Visit them - often. The staff will know you care even if the patient doesn’t. That alone will sometimes make a difference in the care which they receive. It shouldn’t but we have all heard of a very few places where patients were not only ignored but abused when there were no outside eyes keeping a vigil.

I remember Dad’s final moments.

God - whoever and wherever you are, and anyone else so inclined  - bless Caregivers. Please keep up the good fight.
There are many great blogs devoted to this disease. Here is an earl for a partial list:

List of Alzheimer Blogs

The Brewster